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Should I take my Christmas tree down today?

Ok so I am having a bunch of friends over tonight that i have not seen in a long time and my Christmas tree is still up.. should i take it down? or keep it up for one more day and do it tomorrow? Thanks!

10 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I thought it was bad luck to take the christmas decorations down before the 6th? If you have got loads to do I wouldn't bother taking it down unless you need the space?!? I'm sure everyone will think its beautiful!!! xxx Hope you have a lovely evening xxx

  • 1 decade ago

    Is it a late Christmas gathering? then no

    If you are too busy getting ready to have them over, no.

    And if you really like your tree, (and it is fake), 1 year, my husband, and kids (sons ages 18, twins 16 and my daughter 12) left our tree up for the whole year. Every month we decorated it differently.

    Jan - New years

    Feb - Valentine

    March - St. Patrick's day

    April - Easter

    May - flowers

    June - Graduation

    July - summer stuff

    Aug - beach

    Sept - back to school

    Oct - Halloween

    Nov - Thanksgiving

    Dec - back to Christmas

    After that one, we took it down...but I tell you, that year was great. Everyone that came over loved it.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If it was me visiting someone, I could seriously care less, it's cool that you bothered to put up a tree in the first place. For most people, you should take it down.

  • Hope
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    is it artificial or real, a real tree might be a fire hazard by now. if its artificial it really doesnt matter leave it up or take it down whatever you like. by the end of january it should be down regardless, it takes away the special sentiment of the season if it just stays up year round. its like a sunny day, far less meaningful without a few cloudy days.....

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  • 1 decade ago

    Does having your tree up make you happy? Would your friends enjoy it?

    If so I would leave it up.

    Do you think it's an eyesore? Do you have a lot of free time today?

    Then take it down.

  • 1 decade ago

    Why not have a Christmas tree defrocking with your friends. It may just as fun to dismantle it as putting it up. Tell them you heard it from your friends on the internet.

  • 1 decade ago

    Its up to you keep it up all year long. Who is going to care. It represents the birth of Christ

  • 1 decade ago

    mine is still up, too, hahah!

    i wouldn't be too hesitant about it,

    take it down if you wish too.

    it may make for funny conversation, anywho

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    probably be a good idea to take it down.

  • 1 decade ago

    I would take it down......we did ours yesterday.Sooo sad

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