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Since Israel had left Gaza some 5 years back, why Palestinian still fired Rockets at innocent in Israel?

Why not focus on building on existing land they have to make the life a better one? Farm belong to previous Israelite farmer were forcefully pluck out from their hand to be given to Palestinian. But why no progress so far?


By the way, I am a Chinese, and not Israel supporter. I do not believe any killing is justify. I am merely stating, why continue to shoot rockets when you were given land and farm?

May be it is my Chinese character, that is to improved our own livelihood, and ensure our children are better than ourselves, and as Chinese, we hate taking things free from others. It is matter of pride.

Thus I could not understand why people in Gaza allowing their children to end up this way, and continue to collect free food from others.

Update 2:

Hi my greek pal. I am amazed to learn that your understanding is so shallow. You may want to know that not all Chinese is communist. And there are many chinese in the world beside China.

You want me to name you some? Indonesia(millions), Malaysia (30%), Philippines, Taiwan, Thailand (about 40%), Singapore, UK, USA, Brazil, Russia, Japan. . . .etc. . . of cause, in your country too.

14 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Did you know, years ago when all the Jewish people who lived in Gaza were forced to leave, they left behind the infrastructure and agriculture. There was also massive fundraising by the JEWS to supply the farmers of Gaza (the Arabs remaining there) with glasshouses and greenhouses. The Israeli farmers had very successfully been raising crops and fruit in greenhouses in Gaza and produced ample food for the citizens plus making a heap of money out of exports. The Jews also offered to train the Gazan Arabs in farming practices.

    Not only did they destroy the greenhouses and the farming infrastructure, but Israel and Gaza share a watertable, which the Gazan Arabs deliberately polluted to make it unusable.

    So what happened to the greenhouses and glasshouses that were already there? They were all destroyed by the Gazan Arabs and the offer of agricultural help was turned down. Since then, Gaza has been dependant on food support from the UN.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The arab and muslim press is largely highly critical of Hamas as being wholly owned, armed, financed and directed by president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and the Iranian Revolutionary Guards!!

    You cannot have missed the fact that Syria is staying quiet in this and that is because they are talking peace!!

    The simple fact is that every move Hamas makes kills and maims their own people. far from seeking peace they are pursuing an unwinnable war and ensuring all their people live in fear and many in poverty!!!

    Muslims are starting to realize just what their terrorists are actually doing to them!!!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The reason, my friend, is because Hamas will never be anything but an unsettled mass of murdering warmongering heathens. For the Palestinians to have chosen these barbarians to head up this supposed "homeland" ..was, within itself, a guarantee for major, continuing warfare....

    Hamas is determined to create war with Israel on an ongoing a continuing attempt to suck all other Arab states into all out war with them...

    If a third of the efforts that Hamas has put into its war machine...had been spent on the economic welfare and development of this land... the Palestinian people would have had major improvements with their lifestyle and living circumstance.... Yet, despite all of the monies that have been funneled into this region...the people are without jobs...without industry... and generally without hope... all because the ruling faction there, Hamas, has chosen to keep these funds for itself and its designs of .... continued warfare with the Israeli state....

    ☼ ////

  • John E
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Because my dear Chinese friend, the palestinians are doing exactly what the Europeans have done after the NAZI defeat 60 years ago.

    They demolished everything that reminded of their awful crimes.

    The greenhouse that our Jewish friends have mentioned more than 200 times here was nothing more than an ugly (and quiet cheap actually) reminder of the jewish hatred against them and their beautiful children.

    Do you know that the Jew illegal settlers paint Swastika like stars on the walls of these poor palestinians?

    Do you know that many of them are carrying baseball bats and go after old Arab farmers smashing their heads almost everyday?

    Do you know that each after noon the Palestinian students are stalked by rock throwing Israelis on their way home?

    Do you know that most Arab homes are covered in steel cage walls because hundreds of rabid jews are throwing rocks and stones at them every day?

    How would YOU react in barbarism like this?

    I think that we must never leave our eyes off the Jews while they live in Palestine.

    They are inadequate and incopetend to run a country. They are simply, "followers" my friend. The "Leader" gene is missing from their DNA. There have been numerous studies on this you know.


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  • Did you know that U.S. Jews donated $14 million to buy the greenhouses for the Gazan PAs in 2005. The Israeli settlers had used them to produce food worth $100,000 - $150,000 annually.

    The Gazan PAs trashed them.

    They've never wanted to have their own country in Gaza. This has always been about destroying Israel by any means necessary.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    No the Asian mind can't grasp it. It has nothing to do with logic. I was just asking my Philippino niece what she thought about it and she said .


    I said do you know where Israel is . She said Jesus was born there.

    The Asian concept of family would never condone letting their children die in a war that could be fought elsewhere or for a cause.

    Chinese men fight well. I exchanged fire with them in Nam on the TRI Border. They may even starve before accepting charity as in the 70's but put their kids in the line of fire.

    No sane person does that. Nor do they teach in school that the students future is to die killing Jews and Christians.

    I'm staying in Asia for the end of the world.

  • Well, my "Chinese" friend I am Greek.

    I believe we greeks are close enough to the ME to know a couple of things the Chinese are not aware of.

    Also we are not Communists like you people.

    So, being myself one of the people that have defined the meaning of the word "Democracy" I can surely tell you, that the Palestinians are right 100% and the Jews have nothing to do on their land.

    Jewish people originated from Anatolia, deep in the Asian Continent.

    You can see how much alike with the Kurds or the Armenian people look.

    Palestine was a Greek port of ours thousands of years ago.

    Apart from all of these things that I want you know, everyone in Europe knows of the Israeli atrocities and war crimes and the UN resolutions against the Jewish people of Palestine.

    We support the right of the Palestinians to exist and we shall help them rebuild everything the Jewish hate had demolished.

    As Greeks and Christians too.

  • Canute
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Because Hamas is a terrorist organization and does not care about the people of Gaza.

    If they left Israel alone, the people would would have a chance, but the terrorists would be out of business.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Because sadly they are trained from birth and at school to hate Israel - with a blind rage


  • Mr. Me
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    They wish to wipe out Israel. Period.

    Source(s): It is actually stated in their charter
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