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I've always wanted to know?

since there is a knitting machine, is there such a thing as a crochet machine?


if so where can i buy one.

2 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Not for home use.

  • Miz T
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Not to my knowledge. The two fiber crafts are quite different in the way they create fabric.

    A knitting machine differs from knitting by hand only in that multiple hooks are used to hold the live stitches instead of one needle. The stitches are still made sequentially, creating a row of new live stitches.

    In crochet, there is only one live stitch. Subsequent stitches are made in a previously finished edge of fabric or in a center point, but only one stitch is "live" at a time. Creating a machine that could be programmed to do the huge variety of crochet patterns would be daunting.

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