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Favorite Answers28%
  • Im just wondering about this?

    I have come across several people who put the same answer on dozens of questions that have absolutly nothing to with the quesiton.

    the post something about a website on brand name shoes, they even asked the same question 3 to 4 times and its not even a question.

    My question is what does yahoo do to those people who are massively abusing yahoo answers and is there a way to get all answers and question screened so that this stops happening?

    12 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • soft contact len broke?

    Today while i was putting my lens in i found out that my left lens tore a tiny piece on the edge while it was in my eye.

    Will the tiny piece of contact eventually find its own way out. I cant afford to go back to the eye doctor for him to remove another piece of a broken lens. Yes this is the second time this has happend in under a month

    5 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style1 decade ago
  • Is it possible to do this?

    Can i turn 100% wool yarn into a superwash wool with stuff that i have around the house or buy something that will prevent it from felting.

    1 AnswerHobbies & Crafts1 decade ago
  • I've always wanted to know?

    since there is a knitting machine, is there such a thing as a crochet machine?

    2 AnswersHobbies & Crafts1 decade ago
  • problem about parents?

    for 23 years or as long as i can remember my parents has always treated my like dirt and treats my brother and my older sister and little sister like they are royality.

    This in return has caused me a number of troubles like depression, axiety and the fact that my parents never approved of anyting boarderline personality disorder. the fact that i have adhd doesnt help. This all leads to me in seeing a shrink for all the above problems.

    they are always telling me that im fat, stupid, and ugly and a lier, when i never lie about anything. I would move out but i dont have the money to do that right now. They have distroyed my childhood and there is no way that ill ever forgive them for what they have done to me.

    I know for a well fact that my parents hate me with a passion. Would having family theapy help resolve these problems?

    if not then what can i do to help improve this situation when they ignore my all the time and i know that they dont have a hearing problem.

    4 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • knitting community help?

    is there a way that i can make this myself without buying it

    im also interested in see if i can make this myself as well

    these would make a great christmas item for a friend of mine that crochets and knits.

    2 AnswersHobbies & Crafts1 decade ago
  • 100% superwash alpaca yarn?

    What kind of yarn can i buy that isnt itchy but really soft to the skin?

    I heard that this yarn is very warm and thinking of knitting some small project like a hat or something.

    4 AnswersHobbies & Crafts1 decade ago
  • dyeing yarn with kool-aid?

    i just bought a 75% superwash merino, 25% nylon yarn and i was wondering how can i get the color purple without it being too dark. like a lavender color?

    4 AnswersHobbies & Crafts1 decade ago
  • Does anyone know if this yarn?

    is a superwash merino wool yarn itchy or uncomfortable to the skin?

    Ive never worked with this fiber before and i want to know weather its itchy or not before i buy it to make socks.

    3 AnswersHobbies & Crafts1 decade ago
  • help with crochet pattern problem?

    i am stuck where it says about making a petal on the chart.

    4 AnswersHobbies & Crafts1 decade ago