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soft contact len broke?

Today while i was putting my lens in i found out that my left lens tore a tiny piece on the edge while it was in my eye.

Will the tiny piece of contact eventually find its own way out. I cant afford to go back to the eye doctor for him to remove another piece of a broken lens. Yes this is the second time this has happend in under a month


I know that the piece is there, i dont feel any irratation at all.

Update 2:

Im not wearing the broken lens, i took them out and threw them out.

5 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Try flushing your eye with saline. They make "eye cups," it's like a little cup the shape of your eye and you can fill it with saline and rinse your eye with it. I think it will eventually work its way out though.

  • 1 decade ago

    You know what you should do? If the contact lens is torn, even if it's just a little tear, stop wearing it already and use glasses until you buy a new pair. It's not safe to wear torn contact lenses, it hurts your eyes, it infects your eyes and stuff like that.

  • 1 decade ago

    I've had this happen a few times. If you feel irritation in your eye then you might want to shell out a few bucks and see a doctor if it irritates you for more than a few days. Most likely it'll be fine though as you may notice in a day or so =)

  • 1 decade ago

    Try putting some extra saline solution in your eye, the should help to flush it out. Or if you can open your eye while in the shower, that might get it out too but it's kinda uncomfy.

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  • 1 decade ago

    So whats the question? you are going to scratch your cornea if you don't get the contact out.

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