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knitting community help?

is there a way that i can make this myself without buying it

im also interested in see if i can make this myself as well

these would make a great christmas item for a friend of mine that crochets and knits.


im really good with tools

2 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I haven't seen these before, what great ideas! Sure, you can make something like that for yourself -- how handy are you with tools?

    The second one, the knitting chart keeper, is much easier. I've used those portfolio covers that hold a few pages and can open all the way up like the one in the pic. The trick is that little strap which keeps it closed, and also holds it in that open position as well. That is easy enough to add to the cover. You can make one out of stiff cardboard -- make the tent, and add that little strap on the inside to hold it in that upright position. But put this on your "wish list" and maybe someone will get it for you!

  • 1 decade ago

    I have something similar, although it isn't intended to be perched on the knee, but on the arm of a chair. It uses a 12x16" piece of plywood nailed to the edge of a 3x12" piece of half inch board, with a piece of 1/2" board 12" long ripped to 1/2" square for a lip. A piece of heavy upholstery fabric about 10x20" is sewn so that the corners are mitered up to form a basket shape and then is stapled to the wooden base, and filled with aquarium gravel to weight it and make it able to flex around odd shapes so it sits in place. A second piece of the fabric is sewn to fit over the plywood stand, with a set of pockets in the front of it to hold needles or crochet hooks and a pair of scissors. Some heavy trim has been glued around the staples for decoration.

    Source(s): I have been knitting for 54 years.
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