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I need a joke about CIRCLES?

I actually need it for Geometry homework. Anything will do, thanks!

6 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    YOU'll laugh your circular head off! LOL xD


    A Perfect Circle:

    Q: What did the farmer use to make crop circles?

    A: A Protractor


    Blonde in a Circle:

    A blonde has just gotten a new sports car. She cuts out in front of a semi, and almost causes it to drive over a cliff. The driver furiously motions for her to pull over, and she does. The driver gets out and draws a circle and tells her to stand in it. Then he gets out his knife and cuts up her leather seats. He turns around and sees she's smiling. So he goes to his truck, takes out a baseball bat, and starts busting her windows and beating her car. He looks back to see that she's laughing. He's really mad now, so he takes his knife and slices her tires. He turns around and she's laughing so hard, she's about to fall down. He demands, "What's so funny?" She says, "Every time you weren't looking, I stepped out of the circle!"


    Big circle little circle:

    Two drug dealers get brought before a judge. The judge says that if they could get others to stop selling drugs over the weekend that they would be found innocent.

    That monday the judge said to the first one how many people did you get to stop doing drugs? He replied 15. The judge said very good how did you do it? The reply was I drew a small circle and a big circle and said that the small circle was your brain after doing drugs.

    The Judge said ok, how about you he said while pointing to the second guy. The reply was I got 1500 people to stop. The Judge said How in God's name did you get so many to stop. The guy said I also drew a big and little circle and said that the little circle was your asshole before jail.


    Circle Flies:

    After pulling a farmer over for speeding, a state trooper started to lecture him about his speed, pompously implying that the farmer didn't know any better and trying to make him feel as uncomfortable as possible. He finally started writing out the ticket, but had to keep swatting at some flies buzzing around his head.

    The farmer said, "Having some problems with circle flies there are ya?"

    The trooper paused to take another swat and said, "Well, yes, if that's what they are. I've never heard of circle flies."

    The farmer was pleased to enlighten the cop. "Circle flies are common on farms. They're called circle flies because you almost always find them circling the back end of a horse."

    The trooper continues writing for a moment, then says," Hey, are you trying to call me a horse's behind?"

    "Oh no, officer." The farmer replies. "I have too much respect for law enforcement and police officers for that."

    "That's a good thing," the officer says rudely, then goes back to writing the ticket.

    After a long pause, the farmer added, "Hard to fool them flies, though."


    Hehehe x

    LOL xD

    Hope those were good for ya and made you laugh ^^


  • 1 decade ago

    In which corner of the circle do you have a chord?

  • 1 decade ago

    Q: How many sides does a circle have?

    A: 2! The INside and the OUTside.

    aw cummon. that was lame.

  • GargVK
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    What did the dad say when his son said, ''Dad I'm tired of walking in circles?

    ''Shut up kid or I'll nail your other foot to the ground."


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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Q. Why do aliens make crop circles?

    A. Because they are corny.

  • YokeM
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    what do you get if you cross a circle and an italian........



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