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WIll Obama and the Dems cut Veterans healthcare?,15240,182097,00...

A new report from the Congressional Budget Office shows why some military retirees and veterans could face higher out-of-pocket costs if the Obama administration and Congress take bold moves to reform the U.S. health system and to make federal health programs more efficient.

, would raise health costs for Medicare-eligible military retirees and for active duty families. One option suggests having the VA health system disenroll millions of current users who have no service-related injuries or ailments.


OK, I have used TRICARE since it began, I have never had an increase in out of pocket expenses, Now that I am on medicare and Tricare the Democrats knowing we are on fixed income want to raise our out of pocket expenses, Do you people read?

14 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Well history shows that democrats, while not cutting VA health care, they do not increase the VA budget as much as republican presidents do.

    Why the left continues the myth that Bush cut the VA budget, i don't know.

    The VA budget went up 30% in 8 years under clinton, from 36 to 47 billion.

    The VA budget went from 47 billion to 92 billion dollars, thats a 95% increase in just 8 years.

    Bush has done more for the military than any previous president.

    1. Retirees widows pensions increased from 35% to 55%

    2. For the first time, retired veterans can collet both thier retirement pay and VA disability pay.

    3. CRSC - combat related special compensation started.

  • 1 decade ago

    As sure as we are still living , you can bet that Obama could care less about our troops now or ever . He does not even look at the military as voters , rather the last I heard he had plannned to turn over the USA military forces , all of them to Nato , thus costing us a ton of money and leaving our borders wide open for his Muslim nation friends to waltz right in . Man we are in for tougher times yet , but people only see him as a saviour just as the Germans saw Hitler .

  • 1 decade ago

    What a stab in the back that would be! What do you bet his health care will still be covered 100 %. Not to mention Congress, House, Senate all the way down to Mayors. Our troops and even police officers are gonna get screwed, how backwards can you get. They are FOOLS!

    Source(s): Proud Army Mom
  • gdsb
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Now that is a laugh. For the last eight years VA benefits, care and eligibility have been under attack by GWB and Company. Soldiers returning home from Iraq with a wide range of injuries have received less than adequate care. A number VA medical facilities have switched from Veteran Care to accounting houses and a tax base for the communities they reside in. With the new administration we should see a return to the care and respect our Service People deserve.

    Source(s): Veterans Advocate
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  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    That replaced into Obama's plan, permit the army pay for his or her own well-being care. He figured that because of the fact that they volunteered to connect the provider they might desire to no longer suggestions finding out to purchase their own well-being care. it is relating to the stupidest remark I particularly have ever heard in my life. real you volunteer to connect the provider besides the incontrovertible fact that it is provider on your united states, it is in contrast to you desperate to combat with the enemy. because it is, the VA hospitals are critically below funded and the veterans that circulate there in lots of cases gain this because of the fact they are in a position to no longer have adequate funds to circulate someplace else. the variety of crap makes me ill, as a Vietnam Vet i understand first hand the despicable scientific care our adult men gained from the final public for the period of that finished era. lots of our infantrymen died, some lost limbs (which in my opinion is worse than dying) whilst others suffered psychological problems and melancholy, we've this S.O.B. that would desire to like no longer something greater beneficial than to have our infantrymen pay their own way.

  • 1 decade ago

    Would remind you that it was the Democrats that recently pushed through and passed an expanded veterans health care bill. Even if a national health care plan became effective, the veterans health care benefits would remain a completely separate entity.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Bill Clinton never gave two cent for the military. You know that NObama thinks even less of it than he did.

  • older
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    things are already crumbling around obama....i hope he doesn' cut the military in any way, in fact i hope he sterengthens it.

  • 1 decade ago

    They will cut care to vets by way of making the system bogged down with government administered care for a broader group of people overall, so resourses will be spread thinner.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Scroll down>>> Select "watch full" center of the page."

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