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Lv 5
LL asked in Social ScienceDream Interpretation · 1 decade ago

Being Chased, Rehabilitation Center, friends(very long but please read, its like a story haha)?

I had a lot of dreams last night and some may have been connected, but this one i remember, or this part at least, id like to know what it means.

i dont remember the whole thing but i remember that i was in a car, some boy who i didnt know was in the passenger seat and his father was driving. i was in the back right seat and 2 of my friends were sitting next to me, even though i only remember wo one of them was. we were going to some rehabilitation center for people who had problems in their lives or for counseling, etc. so the father stops the car at a little gas station sort of place, like not a gas station but a little place to stop that has some foods and drinks and cigarettes and stuff you can buy. anyways i go to ask him if the people going to the place can change our schedules to what we want or if our parents have to do it or if we can change it but have to get parental consent. (as in decide what you want help with, when you want to go to a certain class or person to help you, im not exactly sure, but i guess there was a schedule every day)

well as soon as i start to ask he turns around fast and looks at me in a really mean way and snaps at me telling me to leave his son alone and not go near him (as in, when we get there). it was really weird and random, but i think the guy just didnt like me.

if it helps to tell how he looked, the simplest explanation was he looked almost like commisioner gordon in the dark knight movie, same age and about the same look lol. his son looked nothing like him though, maybe 14 and had blonde hair and didnt really say anything.

but when he did this everyone was just as surprised as me that he did that, i was being really nice the whole time too. then i wait a few seconds and go to ask again in an EXTREMELY calm, respective, and polite way, i even said please and sir! (which i would never do in real life, call anyone sir haha) but then he just starts yelling at me again so im like "f**k you!" and i get out of the car to go to the place myself but then his son gets out of the car, with the seatbelt still on, but then it slides off, to go with me. my 2 friends dont make it fast enough.

so we run to the parking lot where its supposed to be but we dont see the place. we are near the road almost because theres stairs to go down to the parking lot, so we run down and find that his father is chasing us with the car! we get to the bottom and there are a ton of rails, like the ones to park bikes in, all together, probably because it snowed so they didnt want them all over the place for when the snowplows came. then when we get into them the car catches up with us and we both are so tired from running we are about to give up and let the father get us, but then i think that i need to make it to the place and get a burst of evergy and run all the way to the other side of the parking lot. now on this side theres a big building, the side of one, so basically a big wall, right in the middle, with a space on the left and right of it, so we go to the left, im running in front, and stop right at the edge of the asphalt. it was a cliff basically, so i told the boy with me there was nothing there and we ran to the other side, and that was it.

it almost looked like a resort, we could see the place and people below. to get down there, there was an extremely deep stairway that had no rails and that twisted a little and that went down really far. we knew it was the place because there was something in the brochure (that i never actually saw in the dream but remembered) about it. the boy remembered too and he said what it said in the brochure about how you have to go down the deep stairs to get there, i dont remember what he said exactly but it sounded really meaningful.

i just jumped my way down, skipping a lot of steps at a time because it was so deep. then i got my way down and went into the doorway, i heard voices of people who worked there, but couldnt see them because they were around the corner. i held the door open and waited for the person i was with to get down because i really wanted to get inside.

and thats the end.

i think that maybe one thing in the dream was telling me to try to get help for myself and dont let people stop me and maybe to help others on the way? but i want to know if there is anything else.


oh and if it helps to know, i do have some mental problems, nothing juge but things like OCD, which is the most common one i have i guess. ive also had a lot of terrible things happen in my life lately.

Update 2:

i know what the brain does and i understand what dreams are.

i also believe that they can help me understand things and help me in real life. i had another dream last night that helped me realize something very important in my life right now, and it actually helped me to understand something.

i dont want someone to make up something but i do believe that our dreams arent 100% random all the time and do sometimes mean things.

Update 3:

i looked up things in my dream and some i didnt mention, like how when i walked in at the end the place was light green. everything i looked up connects to eachother, weird. but its helping me understand my dream even more.

2 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    this was really long but i think its telling you you have allot of mental stress (the rehabilitation symbolizes that) but check out this dictionary and look up all of the nouns, i recommend writing them all down on paper.

  • 1 decade ago

    Anyone with a reasonable imagination could make up an interesting explanation for your dreams - but it wouldn't be true. Here's why:

    The purpose of dreams, as far as we understand them, is to process the vast amount of information that comes in through your senses each day whilst you're awake.

    On this basis the "meaning" of your dreams is simply that you are making sense of information which previously didn't have a "meaning", for you, because it hadn't been processed so as to fit into your mental maps of the world (all your existing beliefs, ideas, values, etc.).

    Given what seems to be going on, it's not really surprising that lots of things appear in your dreams that have nothing to do with what has been happening in your life just before the dream occurs. Things can appear in your dreams that have been part of your memories as far back as you started forming memories - or anytime in between then and now.

    Nor do the things in your dreams have to be obviously related to each other. Like I said, dreaming is a process of finding/making meaning, and the brain can draw from anywhere in its huge store of memories in order to carry out that process.

    By the way, there is nothing random about this process, but your subconscious mind can come up with connections that your conscious mind would never dream of (!), which is why dreams often seem pretty weird.

    So when, if ever, you happen to notice yourself having what seems like a weird dream in future you can literally rest assured that everything is OK. Your brain is actually doing, with great skill, one of the jobs it was designed to do

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