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Creationists, how do you get from "the universe must have a creator" to the Christian God?

I understand all of the arguments that the universe is too complex to have come from nothing and all of that. Though I disagree with those arguments, we'll just assume for the sake of this question that they are correct.

But how do you get from the conclusion that the universe must have a creator to the conclusion that the creator must be the Christian God? There seems to be missing a critical piece of information in that leap in logic. I understand that the Bible says that the Christian God is the only real god, but all religions say that. So why couldn't the creator be Allah, or Ouranos, or Odin, or Shiva, or some other being that humans haven't even encountered or considered yet? What makes Christianity more legitimate than any other religion that other people believe in?

I realize that not all Creationists are necessarily Christian, but the Christian Creationists certainly seem to be most vocal about it, particularly in America. However, this would also apply to any other religious belief - if the universe is too complex not to have a creator, how can you be sure that it was the particular creator you believe in?


Joe B: No, my question assumes that there is a god. It's asking you to describe how you came to the conclusion that the god that created the universe is the same god that's described in those Bible verses you cut and pasted.

16 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Your right. there are some points missing in that argument.

    For myself I don't make that claim but for those who do they can't support it with logic.

    What they could do and probably often do is say, these arguments support the idea of a creator and I believe that creator is the Christian god.

    Added: Joe. your hearts in the right place but please don't argue the legitimacy of the Bible by using the Bible as your proof. it's called a circular argument and it will only convince those who already believe as you do. That type of argument actually convinces those who doubt to doubt more strongly.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    The Christian God is the same God as in the other religions. There's only one God, and God is just a word for the whatever that supernatural entity that created everything is. It's not so much that because the universe had a beginning and I guess an origin that there must be a God, it's how could and why would mindless and purposeless matter evolve into living forms of individual “beings” with self-centered egos with survival drives and the need to procreate? There is no cause for matter to do that, not unless there is a designer and a purpose for it. Life forms that evolved into humans, couldn't have happened by random chance, even over an infinite amount of time,

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Because that is the faith i picked.

    It was like Does the universe have a creator? I think so. Who? The Christian God.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Excellent question.

    At most this argument is for the deist conception of god; to get from there to a specific deity puts all their work ahead of them, as Hitchens says.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I am a Christian, and I have studied several major religions. Aside from the fact that God healed a long-time problem with my back in about ten minutes, here's why I believe in Christ as opposed to Allah or Shiva: the religious texts for Islam, Hinduism, Mormonism, etc. were each written by one person, and contain a lot of self-reference and self-guidance. The Holy Bible, however, was written over several centuries by dozens of authors, and is still internally consistent, and the later authors write of how the prophecies of the earlier authors were fulfilled. It isn't just one guy writing a story.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    First: Allah IS Yahweh, but I understand that most creationists will dispute that, so I can understand why you put it.

    Second: I'm pretty sure it's how they were raised. If they were raised in a Muslim household, statistics show they would be Muslim, no matter what they say.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    They determined the christian god to be the irreducibly complex one.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Thank you for the question.

    How about it so called christain-evolutionist cowards? are you going to keep sitting on that fence instead of taking your shots ( the ones that you are content to let 'agnostics' take?) or cower away in one of your dark holes?

    It is time to smoke you out I think...

  • 1 decade ago

    Christians who know the word of God know that he loves us and has constructed the world. As your question asks, how do we know the Christian God made the world?

    We know this because in order to have constructed it, God would have to meet the attributes that the God of the Bible has, and not one of the lesser ones. God is the God of the whole world, and this becomes clear to a person who reads the Bible.

  • 1 decade ago

    There is a creator, and I'm SURE he is the Christian God,because I have seen many miracles to prove he is alive and no other god is.And also The Bible says this to the Atheists Romans1:22:Professing themselves wise they became fools." And plus do you think the Universe just happened by accident?Do you think we just wander around this Earth until we die and that's the end?Death is the beginning of Judgment?And also do you believe that you just die and then you just disappear?Oh what a sad picture it is for those Atheists who believe there is no God.THAT DOESN'T EVEN MAKE SENSE THAT ATOMS (you know extremely tiny that you can't even see them with a microscope)EXPLODED FORMING A UNIVERSE TRILLIONS BIGGER THAN THEY ARE .One last question,who put the atoms there in the first place?Huh?We Christians live by faith not by sight.God is like the wind you can't see it but you know it's there.

    Source(s): The Truth
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