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Help Please!!! This is about my 2 year old son?

My son is refusing to eat unless if it is juice, milk or water. He also likes to eat pizza only. He use to like Spaghetti but now he is not eating that. Oh I forgot to mention that he likes to eat chips ( sour cream& onions). I do not know what to do anymore the good thing is that I do give him a multi vitamin everyday but I am still worried. He has a doctors appointment on the 16th of this month and I will explain that to his pediatrics however, I just need to know if any of you mothers is experiencing this? What have you done to get your child to eat at a young age? He is so difficult, he is not willling to try anything that I cook. I hope that he starts to eat more because he needs more then just chips, pizza and drinks.

Thank you for responding..

13 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    One of the most frustrating things for moms is watching your child not eatting the right things. All kids go through this. He will, one day, be a grown up and will have to make his own choices. At age 2, they are the most pickiest eatter of all.

    Of course you can try new things and see if he'll like them. Or you can hide healthy foods into foods he will actually eat. I know you said he loves pizza. You can try this recipe that hides sweet potatoes and carrots in it as well. It uses baby food but she also makes some from scratch. I highly suggest The Sneaky Chef - see link

    Sneaky Pizza & Pasta Sauce (Just add to a premade pizza dough)

    1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil

    1 onion, finely minced

    1 clove garlic, finely minced

    1 28-oz. can whole peeled tomatoes with liquid

    1 6-oz. can tomato paste

    1 4-oz. jar Beech-Nut® Tender Golden Sweet Potatoes

    1 4-oz. jar Beech-Nut® Tender Sweet Carrots

    1/2 teaspoon salt

    Place oil in deep saucepan over medium heat. Cook onions and garlic until translucent but not brown, stirring occasionally. Mix in tomatoes, tomato paste, carrots, sweet potatoes and salt, and bring to a boil. Lower heat and simmer for 15-20 minutes until sauce thickens. Let cool a bit, then transfer sauce to blender and puree in batches, or use handheld blender inserted directly in the pot to puree sauce.

    Stir in salt and a few grinds of pepper to taste. Useimmediately or store covered in fridge for up to one week. Freeze for up to six months.

  • 1 decade ago

    There could be something wrong that you don't see, but let's leave that up to the doctor to decide. In the meantime, try taking him to a fun kid restaurant with good enticing foods, ask him what food he enjoys, ask him if he would like to help cook with you, I'm sure you've already told him that a growing boy can't eat just chips pizza and drinks but he is 2 and doesn't understand. Make food time fun, make food fun, put a face on pancakes or waffles in the morning made out of blueberries or strawberries and whipped cream, make the food plate colorful with lots of different food groups. Show him food is a source of life and can be enjoyed. He will pick up on what you are doing because of how young he is so EVERY time you are eating in front of him show him how good it is by saying mmmm this tastes soooo good, you're missing out! I just hope I helped because that's a real stressor when your child has any kind of problem, I hope he gets better!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You can make him shakes. Add some fruit to the milk and blend. You can put yogurt in there too. You can make pizza at home. Just make sure you use the salty meats less often. Try chicken breast, or even thigh (they're good for iron) and veggies.

    As for the chips, make him chip and dip. Mash some avacado with some plain yogurt or mayo. Cut up and toast some whole wheat pita. Get him to help you too, he'll probably be more likely to eat it if he's helping you.

    Try cutting up things with cookie cutters. We do elephant and star toast and cheese. My son even likes man cheese, which is cheese cut out from a gingerbread man cutter. I also buy massive sweet potatoes and cut the slices out in those shapes.

    I also change the names of things. He likes the show Arthur, so ground beef is Buster Beef. If I'm makings something he's not familiar with I tell him "Look, I've made you Bert and Ernie's favourite dinner."

    Also, stop buying the chips, or hide them and eat them when he's in bed. If you keep the junkier foods out of the house and eat healthy stuff in front of him he'll start to model your behaviour.

    Mom of a 2 1/2 year old formerly picky eater!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    First of all, don't freak out. Every single toddler I've ever cared for has gone through the "I'm not eating anything" phase. It is a phase and is mostly about control. You should eliminate the chips because there really is no reason for a toddler to be eating chips. Also, I'd eliminate most of the juice because it will fill him up. Try giving him a choice between two foods so he feels like he is in control. Don't give in and give him crap when he won't eat his dinner. Your son is not going to starve himself. When he is hungry enough, he will eat what you give him.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Not to be mean, but stop feeding him the junk. When that is gone and not an option, he will get hungry. When he does, he will eat. If he likes juice, try different fruits instead. You have a great idea with giving him a vitamin, that will help to keep what he needs in him, now just try to be more stubborn than your child, don't give in to the junk... :)

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    I even have been attempting to help my son discover one someplace too. it is not uncomplicated to discover something til they turn sixteen. Is he athletic? My son umpires some little league video games, and makes $20.00 a game. We additionally provide him $50.00 a month for doing issues around our domicile, like mowing backyard and searching after the trash, and so on. He gets a splash better while he watches his youthful brothers. We do it this way by using fact we live interior the rustic, and it takes approximately 20 min. to get everywhere, and with him not being able to tension yet, it saves me working in each and every single place. i think of they might artwork at rapid nutrients eating places at 15, yet they might't prepare dinner til they're sixteen. reliable success!

  • 1 decade ago

    Simple. Stop giving him the crap food and offer him two glasses of milk per day and as much water as he wants. He eats what you put on the table period amen. If he doesn't want it, when the meal's over, take his plate and let him down from the table. He may go two or three meals without eating, but I can guarantee he will start eating what you put in front of him--he won't starve himself.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Don't offer him anything you don't really want him to eat. Offer plenty of fruits and veggies during the day, along with three meals. Eventually, he'll eat. If you keep giving him the chips, he'll just wait for them. Good luck!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    HE is OBVIOUSLY eating what you have in the house to eat. Remove all the junk food and replace with apples oranges, crackers etc. You are the problem not the boy. If you are eating an apple or a veggie and sees you enjoying it he will too. He needs to detox from the crap youve been feeding him. Put it out for him, make nutrition the first thing he sees in the fridge or cupboard when its opened. When he gets hungry enough HE WILL eat it. He will not let himself starve to death, i promise. Get the junk out and the nutrition in

  • 1 decade ago

    I feel your pain!! My 2 yr old eats french fries, pizza, cereal, pancakes, and oatmeal. And all of these depend on which day of the week it is. I give him whatever he will eat. Sometimes he has PB&J and a side of apple sauce for dinner. I have him drink Pedia-Sure or Nutri Pals before bed instead of milk the days he barely touches dinner. He takes a multivitamin in the mornings as well. You can give him an appetite stimulant but I would speak to the pediatrician first. My sister is a doctor and she said just give him pancakes or whatever he likes for dinner.

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