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Your best and worse memory of kindergarten?

My best memory of kindergarten was when our class drew a huge Pumpkin that covered a wall for Halloween. The teacher picked me and a boy to point at it for our town newspaper reporter. So I got to see myself in the paper!

The worse memory was we had to cut out hearts for Valentines Day. I could not cut the shape to save my life. My teacher made me stay in through recess and I still could not meet her approval When she turned her back, I picked up a throw away on the floor from one of my classmates, showed it to her, and I finally was released from art prison to go outside!~~

28 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    My best memory is when I finally got picked to take home our class' stuffed bear. :D I still have a picture of it today.

    And my worst is when another girl kept picking my dress up. I don't know what her motivation was, but it was pretty embarrassing.

  • 007
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    i have a bad memory from pre kindergarten. it was show and tell and this girl brought a barbie doll with a pink dress with hearts all over it. if you touched the hearts they would disappear and then reappear in a few seconds. i remember touching the doll and saying something and as i turned around this boy punched me in my stomach. i hunched over, and tears filled my eyes. i saw the little boy run and sit down. my friend elizabeth saw what happen and i asked her to tell the teacher. when she came back i asked her what the teacher said and she didn't say a thing. at the end of the day my mom and the boys mom spoke with the teacher. i never was apologized to.

    best memory? i dont have one

    Source(s): me. true story. i never forget anything.
  • My best memory: My drawing got voted as best picture and I got to be teacher for a day. lol we had apples and bugles with cream cheese... don't really know why I picked to do that though. lol the picture was of a giraffe eating leaves off a multi colored tree.. haahaa

    My worst memory: we were sitting in a group circle, the whole class, and I was afraid to go to the bathroom at school (I don't know why lol I was five years old give me a break haha) and so I wet myself on the rug and blamed it on the girl next to me and started crying haha. and i didn't even get all my pee out so when I was in the car on the way home, crying of course... I peed all the way home........ lmao EMBARRASSINGG

    Source(s): lol it took me a while to remember what my favorite memory was. It's strange how we only remember bad things.. well me anyway haha :]P
  • Hannah
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    Best - getting to hang out with my best friend every day. We lived in the same neighborhood but on different streets, so we would always go to each other's house to hang out and eat a snack before getting on the bus to go to school. We were in the same class too.

    Worst - I got into a bit of trouble when I wasn't trying to be disrespectful to the teacher. I think I wasn't finished with whatever activity we had been doing, when it was time for our "milk break" (we didn't eat lunch since we had half-day kindergarten, but we always got milk from the cafeteria). The teacher told me to come get my milk and I said, "But I'm not finished..." and she really took it the wrong way for some reason. I wasn't trying to be rude, I was just trying to figure out what to do since I didn't finish, but she got pretty angry and said "don't you tell me "but"! I was so upset since I didn't normally get in trouble and because this happened in front of all the other kids.

  • 1 decade ago

    My best memory was that I was so excited to be allowed to go to school, finally I could learn everything there was to learn.

    It was ruined when I found out all they taught was coloring and how to play games. I already knew how to read and write and do easy math, so I was very disappointed. Asked way too many questions and talked too much, so I was constantly getting in trouble.

    From that day on, I found out that school was the worst place to try to learn anything.

  • 1 decade ago

    My worst memory was my first day of kindergarten. My mom dressed me up in a boys blue jogging suit with boys sports logos on the top. I was so jealous of my best friend at the time who wore a cute pink jogging suit. It didn't help that my parents cut my hair short like a boy. They obviously wanted me to be a boy.

  • Artoro
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Sorry, during my childhood time there was no such thing for the child as no market for it. Therefore no experience. Now from the development on Kindergarten in S'pore under our NTUC (Union management), they are the leader in catering for 80% of the children with 20% for the private sector....all closely monitored by the Govt Education Policy with high subsidy (during this period) as Education is compulsory for children in S'pore. In S'pore, there is usually no best & worst but only normal, standardised type.

  • 1 decade ago

    My worst memory was realizing I had no more human rights. While I was in that room I was a complete slave. Talk, move, eat and breathe at someone else's command for the entire day. It made me nauseas to be so degraded.

    My best memory was that if you didn't finish all your milk at snack time, she didn't care. This unexpected bit of freedom was the only trace of humanity I remember.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Worst: Sitting in the corner all alone

    Best: Having a friend

    Best/Worst: I thought you could only have 1 friend and when I saw my first friend with another girl I was mad, but know the girl that "stole" my bff is a great friend of mine, I hated her until grdae 1 or 2 haha.

  • 1 decade ago

    Worst: I sucked sand from the sandpit up through a straw just to see what would happen. It wasn't nice.

    Best: When we did art, there was a deep red crayon that I loved colouring with. It was even better when it was a brand new crayon just out of the box and not one of the dirty ones with the bits of other colours all over it.

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