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  • Christians, do you think this is terrible?

    If I think God sent Jesus, not so much to give us a second chance, but as a way of apologizing for putting us in this mess? Is that terrible?

  • Christians, how come the Bible is about 6,000 years old?

    And human kind is somewhere between 40,000 and a million years old?

    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • What is the name of the piano piece in Amadeus?

    at the very end of the movie? The last thing that's played?

    1 AnswerClassical8 years ago
  • I need honest opinions from real Christians?

    Mockers please stay away.

    Intellectually I see a lot of evidence for who Jesus is. I read the Bible and I see it. And I believe in God. And I believe that Hell exists and I don't want to go there. But emotionally I just can't get into Jesus. I just can't make myself worship a human being. I know he was also divine, but he was a man too. I believe what they say about him is probably true. When I read the Bible I'm blown away by Jesus, but soon after I put it down, it fades. I can't make the leap. Is there any help for me? Or am I just not one of the elect and I should just deal with it?

    17 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • I am applying for unemployment?

    I got fired but left on good terms and my employer agrees to say I was not suited for the job rather than that I purposely screwed up. However in the previous year I quit a number of jobs because I was trying to find something better. Now they want explanations for quits that took place between a year and 18 months ago. Even though I have about 4 months of recent solid work from which I did not quit, is this still going to keep me from being approved?

    4 AnswersLaw & Legal8 years ago
  • When should I file my unemployment claim?

    I just got fired today but on the unemployment site it says you have to be unemployed for a week to be eligible. Should I wait a week or file today?

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics8 years ago
  • Christians how do you reconcile this?

    Jesus, especially in the gospel of Matthew talks at length about how you have to live a holy life to be forgiven and saved. While Paul says you just have to believe in Jesus. How do you reconcile this?

    And do you see any inconsistency with the Evangelicals who say 'saved by faith not works,' when Jesus himself said a lot of things like, forgive or you won't be forgiven, visit the sick, etc..... or else you won't be saved. Jesus believed works mattered. How do you resolve this?

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • If I want to give my life to God how do I do it?

    How do I know what he wants me to do? What's the best way to study the Bible?

    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • What would you do if you were this mother?

    You're in the process of divorcing the father of your 2 children, a boy 10 and a girl 5. The divorce is taking a long time because you can't agree on anything. The custody arrangement is that he has them every other weekend. The little girl has done things that indicate sexual abuse, like barricading herself in her bed with all of her toys when she sleeps at the father's house and according to her therapist having 'sexualized' behaviors and the girl and her brother both say the father took a bath with her and the girl told you that what happened in the bathtub is a 'secret.' And you strongly think she's being abused everytime she goes there but the judge won't change the arrangement because there's no proof. You live in a state where the only evidence allowed would be if the girl disclosed herself what is going on - the mother or therapist can't say what they know. It has to come from the child and the child won't directly tell anyone. What would you do if you were the mother?

    The girl either by acting it out in play therapy or by directly telling her, actually has told the therapist what is going on and the therapist even videotaped the girl's disclosures but CPS would not even look at it and for some reason I don't understand the judge who is deciding custody can't use it either.

    4 AnswersGrade-Schooler8 years ago
  • Christians, can any of you answer me in your own words?

    And not just parroting what you've heard, but for yourself with your own thoughts,

    they say God knew before He created the world who would be saved and who wouldn't. So why in the time of Noah does the Bible say, 'God saw all the wickedness and was sorry he had created man upon the earth' If he already knew what was going to happen, why was he sorry, as if he didn't know what the outcome would be? And since we're the ones who are condemned, why is He considered to be the victim? God is holy, he CAN'T choose anything but good. He doesn't really know what it is to be in our place. So shouldn't he be the one to feel bad about what he did to US?

    And don't give me that Jesus was human and he was tempted stuff. Jesus may have been tempted but it wasn't hard for him to resist. His divine nature made it easy.

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • I'm a new Christian and I have a question for 'old' Christians?

    I knew this religion was about God and Jesus, but what I didn't realize until I accepted Christ a few weeks ago within a church congregation is that it's such a communal thing. Like they expect you to talk about and share your experiences with God and the Bible and Jesus. I'm kind of a private person. I don't know if I like this. Does that make me a bad Christian? Does anyone else feel like this?

    35 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Christians what do you think of this?

    I started going to this church a while ago. It's very strict and they're kind of Bible fundementalists and they have a website where they say if any member of the church is committing an ongoing sin and refuses to repent they will be subject to 'church discipline,' whatever that is. And their daughter who is in the process of getting divorced but not divorced yet - and is a member of the church - is living with her boyfriend and her 2 children. And I don't know if they're 'doing it' or not, but they are living together. What do you thnk of this?

    (And don't tell me to mind my own business. Obviously I'm asking this question so the MYOB point is moot, so don 't bother trying to harass me with it.)

    2 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • What should I do about this restaurant job?

    I got hired as a prep cook for a job that goes 6 days a week Mon - Sun and goes from 7 a.m. till noon or later everyday. I would have to get up at 5 everyday. The thought of getting up so early 6 days a week is not making me happy. Added to that I have some housecleaning customers I do privately and with no week days off I would have to discontinue them and lose over $200 a week.

    Would it be really unthinkable and wrong to call the guy at the restaurant tomorrow and ask if possibly I could work like 3 days instead of 6? Would that seem really trashy and low? Would it be a huge turn off? Would he withdraw the offer? What do you think?

    3 AnswersFood Service9 years ago
  • Atheists who rely on 'reason' and 'rationality' to defend your position?

    Does it bother you at all that Albert Einstein, one of the greatest, if not THE greatest scientist who ever lived, said that the more he learned about the universe the more convinced he was it could not have come about randomly?

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Is it possible for a dairy cow to live a comfortable life?

    Even if it's raised on a small farm, doesn't milking it repeatedly cause mastitis and also collecting the milk makes it necessary to separate the calf and the mother? So is it ever possible to have a dairy operation that doesn't abuse the cows?

    7 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan9 years ago
  • Christians answer this.?

    If someone is visiting their father's grave and they look up and see him standing beside them and they have a 3 minute conversation with him until he just as suddenly disappears (a person I worked with told me this), or if someone else is in their living room thinking of their grandfather and there's a framed picture of him and it falls off the wall and then they see a silver mist near the ground that looks like him and they get an intense mystical feeling of love at the same time - are these events tricks of the devil?

    16 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Why do so many people seem to prefer the guitar to the piano?

    When the piano is such a superior instrument?

    6 AnswersPerforming Arts9 years ago