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Christians, can any of you answer me in your own words?

And not just parroting what you've heard, but for yourself with your own thoughts,

they say God knew before He created the world who would be saved and who wouldn't. So why in the time of Noah does the Bible say, 'God saw all the wickedness and was sorry he had created man upon the earth' If he already knew what was going to happen, why was he sorry, as if he didn't know what the outcome would be? And since we're the ones who are condemned, why is He considered to be the victim? God is holy, he CAN'T choose anything but good. He doesn't really know what it is to be in our place. So shouldn't he be the one to feel bad about what he did to US?

And don't give me that Jesus was human and he was tempted stuff. Jesus may have been tempted but it wasn't hard for him to resist. His divine nature made it easy.

11 Answers

  • .
    Lv 7
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    In this context we are confronted with the limitations of our written language to describe an indescribable feeling of God. When the Bible says God "repented" or "was sorry" this is as close as we can come, but we know that God does not change his mind and is the same today,yesterday and forever.

    So, yes God knows everything, which is why God is not actually sorry He created us (because we spend eternity with him after this Earthly period of trials and corruption and curse). He does empathize with us and share the pain we go through and cause one another. New Testament references to this feeling may be expressed in the Bible as "grieving the Spirit of God" through our sins.

    He sees the end from the beginning, not that the ends "justify" the means, but that they are a satisfactory conclusion for God. I don't pretend to understand the depth of that. Some things are better left to trust than worry. I am confident we will understand when we meet again beyond this life.

  • 9 years ago

    "They say God knew before He created the world who would be saved and who wouldn't"

    Are you speaking about destiny? Which I don't believe in since we have free will, but if you're not then you might be referring to the bible verses that say God knows everything. Meaning he should know the outcome, but just because you can know the outcome does that mean you have to? Like when you record with your DVR you have the "power" to just see the end but you don't. "since we're the ones who are condemned, why is He considered to be the victim?" That's because in the beginning he created us perfect and sinless and we decided to rebel against him. So he didn't do this to us, we inherited sin from our original parents. Jesus wasn't an angel when he came he was a perfect man just like Adam and Eve were only difference is he didn't give in to temptation. And he did suffer, "Father, why have you forsaken me".

    Source(s): Not a Bible expert, but some of the things ive learned
  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Jesus left His Deity in Heaven. I most certainly do not feel bad about Jesus dieing for my Sins. Even though Father God knows that these things are going to take place? What do you think you would do better as God?

    God Bless Ya,

    Chicago Bob


    There is more joy in Jesus in one day.

    Than there is in the World 365/24/7

    I know, I tried them both.

    Numbers 6:24-26

    Source(s): Jesus!
  • 9 years ago

    ok as of now this is the best way I can answer this

    the bible also says no one chooses God, therefor everyone is destin to hell

    but God tries and saves us anyway and always provides a way out for us

    he knew we would sin and fall short but continues to pursue us who are his enemies

    Jesus is a physical example of what God does. He keeps fighting for us and took the pain and

    punishment we deserve

    when people have children they know one day that thier child will mess up and lie, disobey, and be

    angry with them. But that doesnt stop the parent from being and angry or sad when their child

    messed up. God just loves us like that. Works dont save us because we have all fallen short

    but we are justified by grace

    Source(s): romans chapter 3
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  • 9 years ago

    I believe or think, that GOD does know all. But he gave us, humans, free will. So what he could have seen two comes, one "good" and one "bad". Idk and don't pretend to know what God is thinks and or doing with his plans. The bible was written by "man" and man is flawed, and we can't not be right on everything. It like playing telephone, in school the first person swipers "I got 3 ducks" by the time the last person hears it he may hear a completely different words, "you owe me 5 bucks"

    The future chances daily with your choice. Should I have leave at 8 or 8:30? Leave at 8 you may get into a car accident Leave at 8:30 you maybe see that accident on your way to work... Your choices you make everyday changes the out come of tmw (for you, and if you choices effects others).

  • 9 years ago

    Everything we are going to do is written in the book sealed with seven seals. It was Jesus' blood that penetrated the sealed book and blotted out the sins of the forgiven.

    As for what happened in Noah's day. God knew it was going to happen but when he saw man do the things he knew it grieved him where he repented that he ever made man.

  • UH! No. God does not peer into everyones lives and know before they're born who will be saved and who will be wicked. Each of us has free will to choose our path and God does nothing to make us choose one way or the other. God not knowing is proven by the fact that he tested Abraham's faith in him and at the end when stopping him just before sacrificing Isaac said; for now I do know that you are God fearing in that you did not hold back your son, your only one from me. God just knows that he has set an arranged number of ones who would be saved for service in heaven but the number of those saved who would reside forever upon the earth he says is as the grains of the sands of the seas, unknown. You have the same opportunity as everyone else, it's up to you.

  • 9 years ago

    God selected who to save from before the world was formed. That's Ephesians 1:4.

    We are wicked (referring to the verse in Genesis 6). That gives me the idea that there is good and bad in Man, but the good comes from God. So he influences even the unsaved, but those "he chose from before the world was formed" are the only ones he influences for salvation purposes.

    It' took me a long to to learn this. But I think it's pretty cool . . . at least for me because he is saving me.

  • jimt
    Lv 5
    9 years ago

    The difficult thing about us people is we try to seek "what God wants". How do you expect a human being to understand "what God wants"? God is not equal to us human beings. That is why we have faith. Faith is blind, according to reason, which is true. But realize that faith and reason will never coincide. So you can search for reasons or you can just believe.

  • 9 years ago

    sodom is ny

    4 Before they could lie down,

    the men of the city, the men of

    Sodom, surrounded the house,

    from boy to old man, all the people

    in one mob. 5 And they

    kept calling out to Lot and saying

    to him: “Where are the men

    who came in to you tonight?

    Bring them out to us that we may

    have intercourse with them.

    Source(s): same people as ny only 6000 years later do you disaree or is ny a kindhearted god fearing state pigs get destoryed xxoo
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