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Lv 44,565 points

Dre Baker

Favorite Answers7%
  • Fellow Christians, some of you may focus on the wrong thing.?

    Don't let your flesh deceive you as I did. When you sin remember who paid your debt. When you sin it doesn't mean you have to read like 40 chapters in the Bible, pray hard, or go do missions. That is called works and that type of thinking won't earn your place back with the Lord. Rather rest in what Jesus did. There is no long list of sins you committed because his blood covers you so you stand spotless before God. We are burden free!

    Hebrews 11:6

    And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.

    We pray and read the Bible because we recognize the need for him everyday. Continue to humble yourself and preach the Gospel to yourself if needed. DO NOT focus on failure because the commandments exist to show you that you can't keep the law. That's why Jesus died for us. He did it all! Rest in this please.

    If this message was for you then I suggest reading Romans 6-8. These chapters will elaborate more on this subject.

    God bless!

    1 AnswerReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • If one person told a lie in a world without lies?

    Wouldn't that be equivalent to lighting a match in the forest. Son everybody won't be able to trust anybody until they prove it.

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Hey Atheist, what are your thoughts on laws?

    Every law only accuses or condemns even if you live by your law. But everyone messes up and will mess up again in the future. How could we pass judgment on anyone even if we learned from a mistake. We all came from the same or similar lessons. We have all done something that we aren't so proud of....especially me.

    every answer is appreciated.

    17 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Athiest and Christians, what do you think of this passage?

    God made commandments so that we can have life. Without his commandments there is no ultimate joy. This world is not built on his commandments because if it was we wouldn't be in this bad of shape. One of the best examples I have heard was how humans misuse the gift of sex. We received this gift and thought we were smarter than God and used sex in a way God didn't design for it to be used. This is why heartbreaks, cheaters, depression, unplanned pregnancies, loss of meaning, happens. This is also why you always see new titles on magazines saying 10 ways to improve your relationship or how to have better sex. Its because we don't use God's gift the way he designed. If I invented something and gave it to you will you use it the way you want to or the way I say to use it?

    So why did God give us commandments, because he loves us. Why does he want us to worship him and him alone, because when we worship other Gods or created things(idols) they fail because they are fake/limited and when they don't provide you will fall into depression and look inside yourself for true meaning and all there is inside of you is the flesh and its desires which leads to death. All the flesh thinks about is its self and destruction. Men lie, steal, kill etc. for themselves and desires. With no control or guidance from God we die. And he loves us too much for that to happen. Like anything we create it comes with a manual. We come with a manual as well ... the Bible.

    Deuteronomy 6:14-19

    14You shall not go after other gods, of the gods of the people which are round about you; 15(For the LORD your God is a jealous God among you) lest the anger of the LORD your God be kindled against you, and destroy you from off the face of the earth. 16You shall not tempt the LORD your God, as you tempted him in Messiah. 17You shall diligently keep the commandments of the LORD your God, and his testimonies, and his statutes, which he has commanded you. 18And you shall do that which is right and good in the sight of the LORD: that it may be well with you, and that you may go in and possess the good land which the LORD swore to your fathers. 19To cast out all your enemies from before you, as the LORD has spoken.

    I know my grammar is terrible so no need to joke about it. I welcome all questions and appreciate all answers as long as they're mature. And while I'm at it if your a Christian reading this and you at once called an atheist dumb or believe they are dumb you are wrong. That is not how you represent the kingdom of God. You were once God's enemy before you were saved, Don't forget that. All have sinned and fallen short no one is better than anyone. I'm tired of some Christians on here slandering atheist. You may be saying "well they do it to us" well the Bible says

    Proverbs 15:1 "A soft answer turneth away wrath: but grievous words stir up anger."


    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Does one ever stop progressing as a martial artist?

    Once the basic kicks and punches are learned one only practices them to maintain it. You throw the same kick and punch 1000x to develop consistency in precision, speed, and technique. But fighting is much more than that. Timing is a factor and so is counter attacking. I know much more is involved but I feel that would be enough to get my point across. So, does a martial artist ever reach a plateau effect overall. I just thought of this question minutes ago and will ask my sensei about this later. I appreciate all answers in advance.

    5 AnswersMartial Arts8 years ago
  • How did humans create a humble God?

    Jesus came off his throne in heaven. He lived poor and worked as a carpenter and served us. He even washed the feet of his betrayer and his disciples(a slaves job) then suffered and died for us. He came as a mere man and allowed himself to be beaten for our sake. He truly displayed that we can

    overcome temptation.

    but we are proud humans who put winning and self image above what's important. One cant say they are humble because then you want to everyone to see how humble you are. Then it becomes pride. You cant look back on achievements and you have to shun glory. This is the opposite of who we are.

    all thoughts are appreciated

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Christians: I really need ur help?

    I'm someone who has been struggling with blasphemous thoughts for two months and hate every thought. With helping me I was able to overcome pornography and lustful actions. A few weeks after I watched a video about hell and blasphemous thoughts have been with me ever since. My deepest desire is to follow God and not sin. This mourning I woke up and visioned one of my loved ones in hell and felt either anger or trouble and felt as if God put her there(which i don't want to believe because God doesn't send people to hell they go by themseves) and had a Blasphemous thought to God and his wonderful Spirit. As of now I'm a bit troubled and I still don't want to sin and hate any thought that goes against God. Whats happining with me i would never say such a thing and it feels like satan is waiting on me to feel anxious and make these thoughts my own.

    15 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Christians please help?

    ive been struggling with blasphemous thoughts 4ever and when i woke up this mourning i pictured a loved one in hell and a thought came to me saying God put her there and felt i guess anger and had a vlasphemous thought which i hate. everytime i have a blasphemous thought i reject it but this felt as if i meant it. I gave up porn for God and wish to follow him forever and want to obey him.

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Christians, help me out please?

    one day my friend wanted a ride home from work and i think i told asked him where you work at so i can pic you up(through text) and then tried calling him but he didnt answer so i decided not to pic him up. later he called while i was eating and was giving me directions to pic him up. i stopped him and told him i was eating and said i wouldnt pic him up. i chose not to pic him up because he was only going to wait a hour before his ride came. he wasn't i dier need or anything he just wanted a ride and i turned him down for my stomach. my mom told me that was wrong and i felt really bad and called him and apiologized. then a few days later apologized again to him in person. in a way i felt like Esau. I don't think God would hate me for this.I want to obey and serve God and won't do a terrible thing like this again

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Christians whats wrong with me and have you felt this way before?

    a while ago I've been having blese uncontrollable blasphemous thoughts and they still come but they don't bother me as much as they use to because I google searched about it and many others had the same problem which is a load off cause I really felt condemed. It seems as though my situation was like the others who had the same problem which is ocd. Latly I still have blasphemous thoughts but now it seem as though they are coming from me and I feel terrible. I battle these thoughts by telling myself Christ died for me and saying God loves me and its just a battle everyday. This has been going on for months. I will always follow Christ and read the bible and stay away from porn. what kind of believer am I

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • (rewritten)Christians what if?

    one was to burp and while burping continuously have a blasphemous thought but not say ANY words that are blasphemous ... would that be blasphemy

    i want to serve Christ and love him

    i dont want to hurt him

    extra details

    as i was burping continuously i was elevating my burps(playing with them but not speaking)

    i kind of feel as though i may have tried to say something while burping but no words came out

    but if i really wanted to say something blasphemous i would

    my main goal is to trust Jesus and have faith in him

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • christians what if one was to?

    have a blasphemous thought and elevate their burps while having said thought

    but not make any words come out while burping.....and the person is scared that they said something that blasphemy of any kind

    and now im at a stage of doubt and telling myself i tried to say something bad and my have tried

    ..... i think i tried to say something blasphemous but ...i ....dont want to im at a stage of worry and confusion please help me

    im pretty scared ... its been on my mind for a while now

    and its ok to laugh at me... i wont feel embarrassed

    Atheist don't answer if your going to insult my beliefs

    and everyone please excuse my atrocious grammer and spelling

    i was never great at english

    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • christians can you help me?

    for months now ive been wanting God's forgiveness and wanting to love Jesus

    ive turned against watching porn and have been clean for weeks

    ive prayed to Jesus and asked him to take my heart and make it his and that i want to serve him that i wanted to be just like him

    ive asked God to help me with my lustful sin time and time again

    ive struggled with believing in Jesus but now i feel i believe in him a whole lot more than i did months ago

    but just recently ive been having unwanted thoughts about blaspheming the holy spirit

    and everytime i have a blasphemous thought i reject it

    a few hours ago i was thinking and a thought came in my mind and i said in my mind that "i don't believe in the Holy Spirit"

    but i really really dislike that thought but it felt like i meant it .....but i hate that thought

    did i blasphemy the holy spirit

    cause im consious of the fact that it helps you repent of sin

    i just want to believe in the trinity and serve jesus overall

    i know this is typed terribly but thats because im so scared that ive commited this sin im shaking

    16 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • question 4 christians?

    i was skimming through the bibble and felt sad 4 the people who were in helll and felt hate 4 Jesus .... i quickly felt regret for saying that in my head and asked Jesus to forgive me .... willl he forgive my soul .... i know he died 4 me and i feel terrible

    18 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • question for christians ONLY?

    is blasphemy the holy spirit dying without the belief of God


    saying bad things about the holy spirit and not feeling sorry for it later

    meaning not seeking forgiveness

    16 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • (GIRLS)the importance of sex ... I guess?

    How important is sex in a relationship to you?

    if its very important to you then answer this next question

    if you and your love have been dating for like 5 or 4 years and he is the best you ever had (sexually)

    and an all around good guy and he proposed to you and you said yes. A couple of days after he proposed to you he got into an accident and is now paralyzed from the waist down. would you still marry this guy or back out

    i asked this because i have read the reasons why people believe sex is so important and why they feel its best to do it before marriage, just wanted to know your thoughts

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating10 years ago
  • help with Aristotle about pleasure and honor?

    I've read the passage many times and still I don't understand what he is saying

    my question is

    what criticisms does he have of the life devoted to pleasure and honor

    1 AnswerHomework Help10 years ago
  • could you give me some examples of chaos?

    like if the world was in complete chaos

    I'm writing a book about it

    i want to know your view on chaos

    2 AnswersWords & Wordplay10 years ago