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If I want to give my life to God how do I do it?

How do I know what he wants me to do? What's the best way to study the Bible?


thanks to all who answered seriously. I'll read Ephesians. And I'll check out those websites.

10 Answers

  • 8 years ago

    This is it: This is how you get right with God.

    1. Repent be honest and keep it 100%

    He is waiting for you...

    Hey God Im a sinner Im not perfect, Ive hurt people before and been hurt before I need you Im sorry I need you in my life... (Then accept Jesus) I accept you Jesus into my life, I welcome you, Change me shape me and mold me into the mighty woman of God that you want me to be. In the name of Jesus Heal me take away my pain I know im not alone God thank you! In Jesus name Amen.

    2. Remain accountable, you have to want the change From this moment forward you are beautiful, you are HOLY,and you are not a sinner. Jesus Died for you on the Cross, he is clothing you with clothing of reigehousness-the old you is gone..Live like it. Pray when you can prayer is the key- How can he help if he cant hear you. So find a leader in your local church someont you can trust and if you feel like your struggling with your BF or anything share it with that one person and give it to Jesus!

    3. The holy spirit (the spirit of God) abides in you forever so you will feel a tug on your heart when you do bad things this is God counseling you and reading your mail and surfacing all the junk in your life...don't quit. If you fall you get back up beautiful...God is your daddy. If god presses something on your heart its because your not suppose to be there, or you with the wrong people or your doing the wrong things.

    4. Maintain fellowship: Fellowship is hanging out...the bible says what does the light have in common with the darkness...nothing. So find believers in Christ Jesus and if you want you can always skype me Crivera71508 or call me 773-574-7568 and I can be your accountability.

    5. Just know that God loves you...he does not want to hurt you and will never leave you-he will comfort you and he loved you so much that he knew youd be reading this right now..its ok. I dont know you but just know that this is the best decision youve made all your life.

    6. Try a NIV translation its easy to read you can email me at

  • 8 years ago

    Act 2:38

    Repent and be baptized, everyone of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of your sins and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.

    Read the book of John to start studying on who Jesus is.

    Read Ephesians on how to live.

    To break it down. Love God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength.

    Love others as you would like to be loved and treated.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    first of all, NEVER take advice from atheists online. in fact, I wouldnt really trust too many people whatsoever. for one, nobody can truly know because God doesnt come to everyone through the Holy Spirit. only with Jesus and other very select few Holy individuals is God always present. also, there are those who may claim to know about God and there are also those that will lie to you and deceive you, and you may never come to know that youre practicing heresy and idolatry or whatever sinful practice is taking you closer to those unimaginative bullies called the "gods"

    abstinence, chastity and virginity has long been and is very important to the divine, but of course theyre pleasure-seekers galore who will say otherwise

    Source(s): you can listen to atheists just so you know that devils are real but dont take their advice
  • 8 years ago

    Most churches will have a Bible study class. Some are very organized; others are not. Why not also try a college course?

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  • 8 years ago

    Ask Jesus to forgive u of ur sins with repentance or turning away from sin and tat u acknowledge Him as ur Lord and Saviour. Pray to God through Christ 4 guidence and the Holy Spirit will speak to u...think of prayer more of as meditation among silence while closing ur eyes and let God "speak" to ur spirit in that silence..let ur mind, spirit and whole being be one with God..i do this myself and its helps me get closer to God

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    First remove all the things you don't like or don't agree with. Then tear out all the pages that seem to be asking you to do too much or seem unreasonable or too hard. Next, remove anything that just doesn't make sense. Then throw away the cover.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago
  • steve
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    Don't do it unless he wants it. The last thing you want to do is to give your life to him to find out that he doesn't want anything to do with your life.

  • 8 years ago

    You must be born again.

    Here is a good place to start.

  • 8 years ago

    Find the tallest building and jump... that's the quickest way to get into heaven.

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