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Today is Barack Obama's birthday. How do you plan to celebrate?


Jazz E - you're insane. Completely insane.

Update 2:

Jazz E - you're insane. Completely insane.

6 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I'll just try to stay out of the heat and have some tomato juice and relax.

  • Jazz E
    Lv 5
    8 years ago

    Say a prayer for him, thanking him for being one of our best presidents. Sing out happy birthday and tell him also hes not only a great man, great father and husband but very cute as well.

    Obama has it all he has a down to earth personality, I can imagine feeling very comfortable eating lunch with him. He can relate to the rich and the poor. Obama is sensitive, and caring. We are very very lucky to have him leading us.

    Obama has helped the poor with Obamacare. Thousands of people will no longer be given a ceiling or cap on their needed healthcare. Thank you Mr Obama!

    Thank you also for giving minorities an excellent role model to live up to.

    Thank you for your sense style, your ability to laugh and your kindness.

    Happy Happy Birthday to our President.

    God Bless our President Obama.

  • LEE
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    The majority of British couldn't give a flying F if it is his birthday or not. Sorry and I actually feel sorry for the misguided fools who have got it into their heads that he is the greatest President ever.

  • I'm thinking about getting drunk, and going into fantasy land..dreaming about 2016, when he finally leaves for good. We'll be lucky to ever recover from the drastic damages this dictating, cowardly, incompetent, arrogant SOB is leaving us with.

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  • 8 years ago

    Happy Birthday to one of our best presidents ever and coolest too. Obama has style!!!!!!

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Shooting some White-Hispanics and listen to some Gangsta Rap.

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