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Christians, do you think this is terrible?

If I think God sent Jesus, not so much to give us a second chance, but as a way of apologizing for putting us in this mess? Is that terrible?

2 Answers

  • 8 years ago

    No, I don't think it is terrible. I think the part I never understood is that if Jesus was to suffer so we wouldn't have to suffer.....then why are we all suffering. It seems like Jesus went through a lot of suffering for what seems like nothing. I see Jesus as an abused child, so apparently that is where my trauma bond with him comes from. He is beaten and abused an no one helped him....just like no one helped me. Life is tricky.

  • 8 years ago

    i'm not a christian but i do like your way of thinking thoughh. but why would he need to put him through that

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