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Lv 610,471 points

kilkenny bollard

Favorite Answers8%

hi i am a gardener, farmer and a lover not a fighter i love a good laugh an odd drink and a tasty dinner. i am gay woman in the prime of her life at the moment. and i also like to keep an open mind.

  • Trip away and other friend inviting other person?

    So anyway I am planing on going on a trip later on in the year. Going to get a tattoo so I asked my friend would he like to go he said yes. And then proceeded to tell me that he wanted his Fiancé to come with us. So it would be me and the two of them. To put background to this she does not like me and believes I m "out to get her" and that I want to make moves on her man. (I m a lesbian so no). I don t want to be stuck with her on this trip.

    I made an invitation to the two of them to come to a different event that I could slip off if she annoyed me.

    So the place I m going I used to live there but never got back up to and I miss it. And I thought it was a nice chance for us to spend time together. I see him once every few months and he sees her everyday. Am I being out of line or is he?

    1 AnswerFriends4 years ago
  • I want to buy equipment for my home gym?

    but I am having a problem in which equipment to go with. I want to lose weight and build strength. I play loose head prop for my local rugby team and I want to drop a few stone to get faster.

    I have an exercise bike and a weight bench though the exercise bike is driving me mad at the moment. now I have limited funds so I can't buy every thing I want but this is my wish list, multi gym, cross trainer, tread mill and rowing machine. what would be the best two items for me at the moment.

    thanks very much

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness7 years ago
  • Attachment image

    clothes for a formal event?

    I am going to a dinner dance in less than a month and I am wondering what is the best thing for me to wear I was thinking of going in black shoes and pants blue shirt and black waist coat or same shoes grey pants and a grey waist coat. to add I am a woman so if that helps

    1 AnswerFashion & Accessories7 years ago
  • water based paint on suit.?

    I accidentally got water based paint on my brothers suit. Any way to get it off

    3 AnswersCleaning & Laundry7 years ago
  • how to get periods stopped permantly?

    I have endometriosis, a fibroid and a large uterus as well all coupled together are a recipe for disaster, for four days a month I get very strong bleeding and very painful periods that mean I can't work or do any thing so they are taking over my life. I am 26 years of age and have no children and have no wish to ever have them. my question is what are my options and the doctors don't want to stop my periods or listen to me at all.

    3 AnswersWomen's Health7 years ago
  • alcohol consumption increase?

    not that I condone binge drinking but any way I wanted to ask this question, a year ago about 6 cans which would be 3000ml at about 4.5 % alcohol and now this year I actually can drink up to 5000ml of the same alcohol. now the drinking time has not changed but I have quit smoking a year ago and I am medication for a under active thyroid and I only drink once every three months.

    1 AnswerOther - Health8 years ago
  • white smoke out of diesel engine?

    I have a Nissan Terrano year 2000 I was driving it last night and it was throwing out a lot of white smoke and also was not driving right it was like it was a pushing and pulling motion when I was driving also strong smell from the smoke. only started this last night

    4 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs8 years ago
  • I have a HTC desire x and I was downloading a picture from my gmail?

    I was down loading a picture from gmail and its still on my screen saying its down loading any ideas on how to stop this and get it off my screen

    1 AnswerCell Phones & Plans8 years ago
  • i went over my internet limit?

    i went over my limit by 2 gb and they charge it seems 19c per mb who much do i have to pay these money robbers on my next bill

    2 AnswersOther - Internet8 years ago
  • im losing my sex drive?

    well as the question says im losing my sex drive, i used to have a healthy libido and now its waning the whole time, i am still very much attracted to my partner but losing interest in sex my doc put me on the contraceptive pill for difficult menstruation as well, i just don't know what to do

  • love and its mysterious ways?

    is it possible to maybe eventually fall in love with some one that you have never meet not even heard the voice but feel like you have made an amazing connection with ?, that you have meet over the internet

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • why can't i get into wireclub?

    i have been having problems getting into wireclub on both my laptop and phone keeps telling me that it cannot display page on both even though my friend can access both his and my acoount on his computer? any one have any ideas?

    2 AnswersOther - Internet8 years ago
  • i think im going mental?

    ok this story starts in late 2008, i was going out with a girl we goton well at the start had a god bit in common apart from that i was not out of the closet at the time which i know that did not help us. but any way she started getting on my case about cheating on her with a male friend who i meet in college and i was not cheating on her i was very much against and still am against cheating.

    now i was doing a drug drinking and depressed and i cheated on her one night i felt so bad and was f**ked up for a long time after it. i told her the morning after it happened i broke her heart and my own

    now i wanted to give a backround to the question, ok the guy that i cheated on her with i keep sleeping with him from time to time even though i hate it and don't know why i do it i love women not men and don't tell me i am bi i am not please help

  • what is a Confraternity?

    can any body give a dumbed down version of what it means i know that it is in the catholic church and was big in ireland until the 1970s any body can help please?, i need it for an essay.

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • presentation ideas please?

    I have to do a 5 min presentation for my community Development module in my college course and i am doing it on agriculture in ireland in the 21st century but i need to tighten in my area on what i am going to do it on. would it be a good idea to talk about young people and how they do want to be farmers? any ideas would be help full and feel free to ask questions .

    2 AnswersAgriculture9 years ago
  • what to do about annoying emails?

    i am getting annoying emails from a source that i wish not to advertise but any way they keep bagging on gays but will not give me a proper answer on why they don,t like them. ok any body have any ideas and i am open to nice people to email.

  • Strange dream. help me figure this out.?

    Ok walked out side my house and i saw a load of vans at the side of the road. we have a concrete area for Lorry's to come to get milk ( i am a dairy farmer). any way my best friend is there and he has two van,s there his old one that he still has not scraped and his new one and i was saying goodbye to him and he was getting into his old van, which i thought i strange and then flash foward i am in the porch with my feet in a bucket of soapy water and then my best friend same guy was peeling dead skin off my feet then my mother comes alone and says why are you standing there in your underwear. very strange as i hate standing around in my underwear.

    1 AnswerDream Interpretation9 years ago
  • Abba lyrics?. also Abba rules?

    Does any body share the view that at the start of s.o.s. it sounds like where are all those happy gays they seem so hard to find? or is it just my hearing?. and whats your top 3 abba songs.

    2 AnswersLyrics10 years ago
  • Urinary tract problems.?

    First off im a girl. i have a embarrasing problem. i keep urinateing on my leg. and also i have to go to the toilet a lot more than usual. any ideas why?

    3 AnswersOther - Diseases10 years ago