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Lv 6
? asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

Why didn't the world protest the Hamas rocket attacks against civilian targets in Israel?

Thousands in Europe, Lebanon protest Gaza violence

Where was the UN condemnation of the rocket attacks? Or the suicide bombers killing themselves and innocent Israelis in markets, resorts etc.?

Seems as if the rest of the world and the UN is fine as long as the violence is against Jews, but, when Israel retaliates, it's a humanitarian crisis.



:Because they took their land"? What land would that be? They, The Israelis, captured the Gaza strip, the Golan Heights, and the West Bank AFTER those areas were used 3 times as jumping off points for attacks against Israel by Arab nations. In 1993, Israel offered the land back, 90% of what they asked for. Arafat said no.

Update 2:

Peter H.

Where was it reported?

20 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Because there are more Muslims than Jews.

    What is Israel supposed to do? Should it just sit back and allow the Hamas terrorists to lob rockets into Israeli cities and towns?

    It is up to the residents of Gaza to tell Hamas to stop the shelling. Israel is a legitimate state, carved largely out of vacant land by the UN. There is not, nor has there even been, a state of “Palestine.” Hamas does not want a “two-state solution.” It wants to destroy Israel.

    Hamas does not listen to “its” people. It simply wants to kill the Jews and eliminate Israel. If the people in Gaza want peace, Israel will give it to them. But they do not confront their leaders and insist that the violence stop. Until they do, the cycle of violence will continue and the Palestinians will suffer more than the Israelis. That is what Hamas wants.

    Israel has closed its borders with Gaza to prevent smuggling of arms and ammunition. But so has Egypt! So why is the focus just on Israel? Give Hamas a nuke, even a small one, and there will be no more Tel Aviv. Hamas is fighting for territory. Israel is fighting for survival.

    Israel offered Arafat 95 percent of what he asked for. He declined. He would have done the same if Israel had offered him 125 percent of what he asked for. That guy was a pure terrorist. That's all he was.

    Don't expect our liberal media to report facts. They turn things around to make it look like Israel is the aggressor. Write the NYT and ask them what country Israel has ever attacked. You won't get an answer, but you already know the answer.

  • 5 years ago

    I don't think there would be any international protests against Mexico if Mexico started shooting rockets at the United States because there would not be enough time-- Mexico would cease to exist within 24 hours. What we have seen from Israel is remarkable restraint that would not be expected from any other country in the world. Any other country in the would would launch massive retaliation after the first rocket yet Israel has put up with this for years!

  • Elfie
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    If Palestinians wanted peace they would stop the sucide bombings, rocket attacks, and sniper fire. Until then they will live in squalor and ignorance. Their leaders have pocketed billions of dollars in aid and bought weapons. Israel has become the ultimate scapegoat for any Islamic leader. Leftists began the anti- semitic rants after the 1967 war. The Soviets were angry that their new military equipment could not stop the inevitable defeat of the Arab armies. So Moscow began condemming ZIonism.

    Remember the UN passed the resolution equating Zionism with racism?

    It is Biblical that in the end times Israel will be hated by many Nations. Read this article.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Good point! I think BOTH sides have been violent and I support neither Israel or Hamas in Gaza, I support a peaceful resolution, but it is true that the rockets fired at Israel have generally been ignored by most of the world. I remember a few months ago it was on the news after a lot of rockets were fired, but then it got lost in other news stories.

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  • 1 decade ago

    its simple because hamas killed 4 Israelis and Israel killed 840 Palestinians that's why.

    Israel has been killing innocent people for 60 years.

    why cant you people understand but its not your fault the media shows nothing i just wish people can see the true Israel and how violent they are. they talk about the Holocaust and dont realize they been doing the same to the Palestinians.

    i just wish i can show you the videos i have seem but they re too graphic and depressing

    btw i dont hate Jews i like Jews and i have alot of friends who are Jews but i am against Zionist and i am also against hamas and many Palestinians are against them too. i think if Israel lets the Palestinian live with them in peace with out kicking them out the Palestinians would never bomb them self's but i guess that's what they do when they'ree frustrated

    and for everyone who thinks Palestine is only Muslims ur completely wrong theres alot of Christians and catholic.

    do you remember what Israel did in 1948, 1982,1996,2008 and many more that i cant even count..

    the biggest massacres.that's other then everyday killing,kidnapping and destroying peoples homes. and OK lets say they did it because god gave them that land and its theyre right why did they attack Lebanon and have all those massacres like sabra and shatela and qana in jnoub or do you only see what the Palestinians are doing. and dont tell me Hezbollah kidnapped 2 israeli sholders thats why israel attacked lebanon in 2006. Israel kidnapped more then 200 Palestinians and Lebanese and that was proven when Hezbollah returned the sholders Hezbollah returned 2 (because that's all they had) and Israel returned 300. learn the history and come and talk to me sweetie.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Because the death toll was INCREDIBLY LOW. I think the Israeli death toll was 0 when Israel attacked Gaza. It's probably like 4 or 6 civilians now for Israel vs like 1000 civilians for the Palestinians.

  • Israel didn't take their land. Israel in fact gave land to them. What about when all the Israelis had to leave Gaza? I support Israel.

  • 1 decade ago

    Because much of the world is anti-semitic. That's why everytime a militant Isalmic group attacks Israel the world screams at Israel and asks them not to respond. Israel long ago said two very famous words...

    NEVER AGAIN!! Israel is very hard pressed not to listen to people.

    Israel knows through experience that these attacks will keep on coming no matter what.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Antisemitism plain and simple.

    Sarah - Did you forget about the 6 million Jews that died during the 1940's, or do you deny that that ever happened?

  • 1 decade ago

    Sad to say that terrorists acts against Israel have been ongoing for so long, they are no longer newsworthy.

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