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Situation in your views on the situation.?

Given the current situation in Gaza, express your views on the situation.

16 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Israel created the situation in Gaza by pushing the Palestinians there to become more radical. After decades of repression and with sanctions controlling everything that goes in and out of Gaza, including food, water, and medical supplies, no wonder groups like Hamas were formed and fighting back against Israel the only way they can.

    What makes it worse is the US supports the illegal actions of Israel, although at a huge cost, both financial and political, not to mention at a high moral cost. It's a crime that the supposed "Greatest Democracy on Earth" would support the racist and religious government of Israel and their suppression of non-Jews. What makes it worse is that the US pushes for sanctions against one radical religious country (Iran), but supports another (Israel), which so happens to be the primary reason for conflict in the Middle East. Terrorist groups like Hamas, Hezbollah, and the PLO wouldn't have existed if Israel hadn't treated non-Jews so terribly, and countries like Iran wouldn't be so radical if it wasn't for the militant posturing of Israel.

    To make it even more absurd, Israel was created as the result of terrorist acts carried out by people who ended up being leaders of Israel. So if it worked for Israel, why wouldn't it work for non-Jews? All terrorism is is a form of unconventional warfare, just like guerrilla warfare.

    It's insane how the rest of the world criticizes Israel for once again using military force to suppress non-Jews, and rightly so, and the US remains the only ally of Israel and supports the continued elimination and suffering of the Palestinian people.

    Source(s): Ex-US Army Cav Scout NCO & BA in Pol Sci
  • 1 decade ago

    Hamas is more concerned with the destruction of Israel than creating a prosperous society for the palestinian people. Israel will be forced to combat Hamas time and time again in the future if they do not come to a permanent agreement as a result of this skirmish. Why should Israel stop unless they can come to a permanent agreement? The last cease fire was 6 months and Hamas continued rocket attacks on civilians the whole time. If they agree on a cease fire and the rocket attacks continue, the current invasion would have accomplished nothing except for killing many people that are not being heard by their politicians on either side of the disagreement. Continuing with the fight until both sides come to a lasting agreement is the only way to accomplish permanent peace.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    This is going to sound awful but it's Israel's fault. They have be so controlling over Gaza that Hamas does have a point. Obviously being a pacifist no one should ever fire rockets into another country. I think we need to talk to Israel and a global government needs to sanction them. Israel needs to cool off. I'm only thirteen so I probably don't know anything. But the only way is to learn. Good question by the way.

  • 1 decade ago

    Israel vs Palestine etc

    All kinds of emotive language is being employed by both sides.

    In my oppinion both sides should have their heads banged together to put an end to this nonsense.

    The truth is that the Middle East has been one big mess since Roman times and maybe even before that.

    The Middle East is where false religions are given birth and were a whole of troubles are made. Like Pontius Pilate - I wash my hands.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I believe Israel and Hamas should go into a full blown war and get it over with, but Hamas is too unwilling to do so and lacks the backbone for it. Let the Palestinian people out of that city and let the war begin, ready or not here we come.

    Source(s): bravo 61
  • Hakit.
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    They are no more than indoctrinated Islamic militants! Being both Aggressors and Islamic terrorists. And not by any stretch of the imagination were they democratically elected either!

    They were indoctrinated for years by Islamic, clerical, militants, misfits, nutters, extremists and their like. Whipped into mass hysteria, especially after Friday prayers and then told to run riot, cause mass disruption, mayhem to all and sundry.

    Barred from education, always put down, denied everything, their evil clerics thus continue to rule the Islamic Indoctrinated Middle East and will always do so - peace will never permeate Arab Lands until its Islamic fanatics are destroyed

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    I do not have to be Muslim to believe what Israel is doing to Gaza is wrong.

    I only have to be human to understand bombing children is not ok. And when we need to tell people this is not ok, to blow children up, THATS when you know all the humanity in the world has been lost forever.

  • 1 decade ago

    I have heard politicians charging Israel of overdoing the Bombardment. Granted that the Hamas terrorists were sending rockets into israel, they preferred that Israel should respond with similar capacity bombardment. I for one do not concur with this suggestion. I totally support what Israel did. Even Egypt wagged her finger to the Hamas. Israel warned the Hamas terrorists before dropping those bombs but the hamas terrorists continued sending those rockets. I noted that Egypt almost say to the hamas, "serves you right!!!" when Israel retaliated. I pity those innocent bystanders, but why is it that not one soul from the Arab league wag his/her finger to the hamas terrorists who were the real inflicter of harm??

    Another thing that I observed is that some of the Palestinian were infact asking to be admitted into Israel to get away from the hamas terrorists. Also, the hamas terrorists seem to have no qualms using civilians, children and women, as shields. And all moslems throughout the world support hamas without any regards of their use of civilians as shields. Turkey and Malaysia ought to be ashame of their blind support just because hamas is moslem-based.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    B) I want to pick and choose what situations I want to view

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Israel should put everything they have into the battle and finish it once and for all. It's never going to stop as long as the people in Gaza hate Israel.

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