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How does proving the historical events in the bible prove the existence of (a) god?

Even if christians prove that Jesus existed, how does that prove he is the son of a god? How does proving old testament events [texts which actually summarise the history of the Jews] prove the existence of (a) god? So if texts in the Hindu holy books are proven historically correct, it would prove the existence of their gods?


To Mrg_love_and_wisdom: firstly, I mentioned the Hindu's as an example. Secondly, the argument is far from illogical, if you prove that FOR EXAMPLE the Jews were captives of the Egyptians, does that prove the existence of god? If you prove, FOR EXAMPLE that Jesus did exist as a man, does that prove the existence of god? And thirdly, the mind can find truth but there is no ultimate or universal truth, we all live in our minds and our own truths.

Update 2:

to Ramona: well said, I like your answer, a christian who knows what she's about.

Update 3:

to Follows Jesus: nope, it still doesn't prove that god exists and that he gave them the word.

Update 4:

to Regina r: well said and I agree with your sentiment on organised religion. And I'm studying to be an ancient history tutor :)

Update 5:

to Kobra Status: sure, but this question is really in response to an earlier question on YA about archaeological proof of bible events and how that proves the existence of god and jesus.

Update 6:

to Kitz: because christians seem so gleeful when any event in the bible is proven historically, as if it bolsters their own faith

Update 7:

to Kajunboy: much in the bible is historically correct where it concerns the HISTORY of the Jews, it still doesn't support the existence of god or any higher being for that matter. And as an ancient historian I am frequently dependent on text as old and even older than the bible. Besides, the bible is not 3000 years old...

Update 8:

to Annsan: my dear, I've read the whole bible from start to finish and some of the apocryphal books as well. LOL to start with an unproven statement i.e. god created heaven and earth, well... says it all really

24 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    anyone who believes in a god because of some book has abandoned rational thinking

  • 1 decade ago

    It does, if you start at the beginning and not three-quarters of the way through with the birth of Jesus! In the beginning, you see, the Bible states in its very first verse, God created the heaven and the earth. So if this historic event was true (and if it wasn't, there couldn't be any history because there would be no heaven and no earth and we would not be here debating your question) then there absolutely would be a God.

    If you dismiss Genesis 1:1 as bunkum, then you are absolutely going to dismiss Jesus as bunkum too. So, start at the very beginning and take it from there.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The christians can never prove the existance of a man who never existed. Don't you think that after two thousand years of desperate seaching they would have found something by now. lol There is more documentation for the lost continent of atlantis than for Jesus.

    The truth is the messiah is an asrological phenomena based on the sun dropping to the horizon at winter, signifying the messiah's (the suns) death and rising to the cross constellation at easter, spring, signifying the return of life. *winks* In the celtic tradition this is depicted by the celtic cross.

    Unfortunately the christians are so entrenched in thier myth that they cannot recognise the bald truth.

  • 1 decade ago

    It doesn't prove anything at all. WE humans would be so much better off if there were no organized religions at all, most wars, most deaths, most conflicts are on account of different religions and all that crapola. Take a look at the world. Conflict every where and religion is either the cause or the excuse for the violence and bloodshed and lost life.

    I wish I had an answer but so long as there are primitive minds who need a supernatural being, there is going to be strife and fighting about who is right and who wants to be powerful and have control

    Source(s): I've been a World History Professor for 32 years
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  • 1 decade ago

    So you don't agree that if these events were written in a book over 3000 years ago, and the book is supported and founded by God has great foundation and evidence of God's existence? Then you can't believe the same about most autobiographies written about authors who lived before you either?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You answer your own question: "the mind can find truth but there is no ultimate or universal truth, we all live in our minds and our own truths."

    Proving the historical events of the bible does not prove God's existence, but why should anyone need to prove something that is true to them even if it is untrue to another?

    Source(s): Agnostic
  • 1 decade ago

    You have valid questions, but the logic is flawed because who said we get proof? Who said you should believe? Who said that something out there cannot be so wise and advanced that it can go undetected by every from of proof method we know of and only show when and where it wants? We can't imagine this because we think in a box, when you step out of the box then you realize maybe we don't know much. Maybe I have not thought of that because I already believe that is not possible.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The funny thing is that bible (apologists) historians try to show us how events in the bible can be explained with science. Sense the idea of there being a god is supernatural, shouldn't they be trying to prove that?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    funny, actually proving some of the "magical" instances disproves the Bible, such as being able to explain things from a more educated scientific point of view now that Man understands things better and doesn't have to resort to the old axim "Must be the Gods or magic".

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You are denying any validity to reason -- and using reason to do it !!

    What do the Hindu holy books have to do with anything, they are true or they aren't. So what. IF you are trying to say that they can't both be true, then I agree. But you don't say anything.

    Can the mind find truth or not ? Even partial truth ? If yes, you have your answer. If no, why are you posting ?

    I'm avoiding the Son of God question, I know. It is the illogicality of your argument that stops me.

  • 1 decade ago

    it verifies that God gave them the word.

    It was not made up of men in 300AD as most are proclaiming

    The things it says happened in the bible happened.

    People have always said te bible is wrong but yet time and time again the things they said were wrong were actual found happened just as the bible says.

    The prophecies that have been fulfilled are proof that the bible is God's word.

    No the hindu text were made by men.

    God told the men in the bible what to write.

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