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Are we ready for the next round of immigration amnesty?

With Obama starting as the new President it looks like the left will try and get amnesty for all illegal immigrants. Where will you stand this time?

14 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I have never considered myself liberal, or conservative. I weigh the facts from both sides, and then make my decision. Too far to the right, and you're burning crosses in someones front yard because they look different. Too far to the left, and you're chasing 100 ton fishing ships while in a two man rubber raft. Either way you can be easily lead into doing something really stupid.

    So after weighing the evidence, and living through the '80s I know it would be a bad idea to grant amnesty.

  • Evie B
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    They will try again and again! As for me I will stand with MadKat and Sasori on this issue every time they try to force Amnesty down our throats.

    We need to stand together, verify who those that are for Amnesty and replace them in the next few elections. We need to take back our Government and remind them they work for us and if needs be we can replace them!

    I stand with everyone else here that is against amnesty and with those millions of American Citizens that have had our voices hushed for to long.

  • Sasori
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    emails are already on the way. 100% against!

    The illegals coming here can survive in their own countries. They may not have big retirement funds, $500,000 homes or college funds for the kids, but they can survive. A lot of Americans don't' have big retirement funds, $500.000 homes and college funds either. They are just surviving also. What are the Feds gonna do about those Americans? I can't believe the arrogant disregard these politicians have for their own people and country.

    Sen Harry Reid thinks he has it won. His parents are immigrants so he tends to be soft on illegal immigration instead of giving strong support to the nation who took his parents in and gave him & them the life they now have.

    Go Mad Kat! If more Americans were as partriotic we wouldn't be in this mess.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The same place I have stood this whole time, NO AMNESTY, just because it wasn't up for vote, I have not stopped educating others, e-mailing, faxing, calling and writing my reps, I still do these on a daily basis. As a matter of fact, as soon as b. hussein obama was elected, I increased everything, I joined more anti illegal groups, and educate more people around me. I will never ease up.

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  • Amnesty will go down in flame again...

    just remember mid-term election is 2010 those bums in Congress want keep their jobs...

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm ready for amnesty to get shot down again like it has many, many, many times in the past! The American people do not want to see criminals get rewarded -- bottom line!

  • 1 decade ago

    First and foremost, All who answered this question before me should do a little research before you decide to illustrate your ignorance for all to see.

    -It's actually rediculous that people say illegal immigrants Mooch lol. How do we support them when they have been banned from most Government Programs since 1996 when Congress passed (and President Clinton signed) the welfare-reform law known as the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act. From then on, only citizens or legal immigrants, such as those with a Green Card, were eligible for federal benefits.

    Most illegals actually pay more into the system then they use in services, so in reality, we owe them!

    Undocumented Aliens Do Not Overburden Government Programs

    Beyond federal taxes, all illegals automatically pay state sales taxes that contribute toward the upkeep of public facilities such as roads that they use, and property taxes through their rent that contribute toward the schooling of their children. The non-partisan National Research Council found that when the taxes paid by the children of low-skilled immigrant families — most of whom are illegal — are factored in, they contribute on average $80,000 more to federal coffers than they consume.

    Feel free to contact me if you wish to be educated in illegal immigration or anything that has to do with it.

  • 1 decade ago

    Totally against it. It failed in the 80's and it will fail again. Criminals should never be rewarded and it will only encourage more illegals to come over and mooch waiting for the next amensty.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It is the duty of every patriot to protect his country from its government" - Thomas Paine

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Just because skid-mark (osloba) is a coward and cow tows to anyone who he can blow into voting for him does not mean that I am.

    I don't care what other terrorist atrocities he commits, unless he starts talking about guns rights.

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