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skibm80 asked in Food & DrinkVegetarian & Vegan · 1 decade ago

I was wondering if Vegetarians and Vegans feel bad for helping to stimulate global warming?

Plants help reduce CO2 emissions by digesting during respiration and emit Oxygen. Carnivores and omnivores help remove CO2 emitting pollutants by eating other CO2 polluting animals. I was wondering if you feel bad for helping to create global warming and killing all the animals through starvation. As a side not I wonder how many vegans and vegetarians pay extra for their offset in their extra large carbon footprint.



So from the response I'm getting from the vegans and vegetarians is that we should all just stop eating meat and become vegan and vegetarian.... but what happens to all the cows and pigs we have now??? The environment will be destroyed in a matter of days, because everything is eating the one thing that is keeping global warming down.

Eating fruits and vegetables is high in fiber. Fiber gives you the farts. Farts lead to global warming.

Update 2:

The way I see it... we aren't eating animals fast enough!

19 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Bacon and Cheese make everything taste better!!

    Bears, cougars, etc. eat meat, so why not me, I am a mammal too. I am part of the food chain just like them.

    But seriously, I think eating meat is natural and part of the food chain. Although, the large amount of cattle (for eg) that are reared are causing harm to the environment and causing a lot of their meat to go to waste. Instead of eating to survive, we eat to gorge and a lot of the animal is wasted.

    I think it is sad but I still choose to eat meat. Once you debone a side of beef, you tend to respect where it came from more and respect that an animal was killed so you could eat. Sadly, "all you can eat" and "eating contests" have made waste of what animals have to offer.

    The food chain is life, one day I might make a hungry shark very happy.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Huh? I don't see how I'm stimulating global warming. Most of our CO2 emissions comes from trees, not plants like tomato vines and lettuce. Also omnivores eat plants too. The fact that I may eat a little more of them is no consequence in the grand scale of the environment.

    Also, I may add that vegetarians and vegans do not only eat plants. We eat nuts, beans, soy, fruit, grains; and vegetarians can also eat dairy and eggs.

    Secondly. I'm not starving any animals. Animals in the wild have plenty to eat. the only ones responsible for livestock starving, are those who are raising them. If I owned any animals myself, such as a cow, I would make sure it's well taken care of.

    I do feed my dog everyday and give him water and play with him. So tell me how I'm being neglectful?

    I hope you know that a vegetarian diet has been shown to be environmentally friendly. I'm sure with your vast knowledge of water and food usage to raise animals, you would already know that.

    It's takes more energy, money, food and water to raise livestock then it ever would growing plants.

  • 1 decade ago

    Absolute nonsense. According to every method of calculation, vegetarians have a smaller carbon footprint. Meat eaters use ten times more plant matter, it has just been cycled through an animal first.

    According to the U.N. the raising of animals for food is responsible for the creation of more greenhouse gases than all forms of transportation combined- making meat the leading cause of global warming.

  • 1 decade ago

    I cannot help but laugh.

    Do you realize it takes about 23 lbs of grain per day to feed a cow which after about 18 months will only yield about 800lbs of meat.

    So let me see that would be Just over 12000 lbs of grain for 800lbs of meat.

    Where as lets say I am very hungry, I maybe eat about 3lbs of grain and veggies daily. A full 20lbs less than a cow.

    Do the math.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Oh dear. That has to be the poorest attempt at an argument ever.

    Dude, the 'CO2 polluting animals' of which cows are the worst offenders are only in existence because they are bred for meat.

    Anyone with 2 brain cells knows that the vegetarian diet helps to omit the problem of green house gasses by producing less demand for meat- i.e. less breeding of the animals.

    Further to that, it takes 7 lbs of grain to produce 1 lb of beef. Leaving an excess of 6 lbs that if we had eaten directly would be far more efficient.

    Get an education before posting such rubbish in future please :)

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Your logic is flawed. Not saying I'm a vegan because I love my steak and bacon but the theory goes something like:

    Plants must be created and eaten by animals to support their live until its time to eat them (what animals do we eat that are carnivores anyway?). This ends up being hundreds of time more plants being eaten than if you just ate the plants outright. Thus more plants are killed for us to eat meat.

  • 1 decade ago

    There is no scientific basis to your rant. For every pound of meat you eat 11 pounds of plant life was killed. Add to that the amount of methane created by the animals you eat and you are producing way more CO2 then any vegetarian.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    plants arent killed for food idiot...only the fruit is harvested the plant lives on. If you werent buying dead cows to ingest ..nobody would raise cows. Get it Sherlock? Ive been living ecologically friendly since I was 7 yrs old DUDE ..1970! Is saving the earth NEWS to you?

    Source(s): pukes in her hippy hat
  • 1 decade ago

    Omg. You are pathetic, get out of the veg section.

    We are not stimulating global warming at all, we are helping by NOT eating animals.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If you're not a troll, I like this: it's pretty funny :)

    If you are a troll... well, I think you need to read up a little.


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