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  • Mentos and diet coke? explode?

    I read somewhere the other day that a teenager swallowed a bunch of mentos and chugged a 2-litter of diet coke on a dare, and his insides ruptured and he died from all the pressure. I think the stories false, what do you guys think, has anyone tried it?

    3 AnswersOther - Health9 years ago
  • How can some people be so irresponsible when it comes to children?

    As a father I know it takes a lot of time and money to raise a child. I look around and I see families on welfare having more and more children, and I wonder to myself... Why are these people so irresponsible to be bringing another child into this world that they clearly cannot afford. It's not fair for a child to suffer like that.

    I'm just looking for some insight here???

    5 AnswersSociology9 years ago
  • I have seen these Scentsy warmers online and was wondering what people thought of them?

    I saw this website the other day for Scentsy warmers:

    and I was wondering if anyone has gotten any of these, or what your favorite flavor is. do you think it's worth the investment? do you think they will make good holiday gifts?

    3 AnswersOther - Home & Garden10 years ago
  • Why do vegitarians and vegans think they are better than omnivores?

    Why do vegetarians and vegans think they are better than omnivores? They say that killing and harming animals is wrong, but do they not realize that hundreds of thousands of small grassland animals are killed during harvesting each year? so unless they grow there own food they are contributing to the deaths of animals, but not only contributing to their death, but inhumanly death, as they can get run over or caught in the harvesting machines. where cattle and other animals are killed in a humane fashion and well taken care of. Also omnivores has it's benefits, as it has single handily brought the once nearly distinct american Buffalo and bison back from the brink of extinction. this is mainly due to supply and demand, as Buffalo is a leaner cut of meat than beef and it's demand has increased in supermarkets.

    19 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan10 years ago
  • Probability Math Question (Word Problem)?


    You and two other prisoners (3 total) are being held in a prison for a most heinous crime. One of you is going to be executed and the other two are going to be set free. You call over one of the guards and ask him if he knows who will be executed and who will not. He says he isn't aloud to tell me any information about myself but can answer a question about the other two, but will answer only one question. You agree and ask him what the fate of unknown prisoner #1 is, and he says that he is going to live.

    What is the odds of you being executed???


    Is the answer 1/3 or 1/2. You always knew that one of the unknown prisoners was going to have to be set free, so should they even be counted???

    1 AnswerMathematics1 decade ago
  • Shouldn't Pi be equal to 4?

    If Pi can be expressed as the circumference of a circle divided by it's radius then why is pi=3.1415927 when it should be 4???

    To prove this take a circle of diameter = 1

    draw a square around the circle with the sides touching the circle, the length of each side is = the diameter of the circle.

    the perimeter of this square is equal to the sum of the sides = 4

    now if we were to cut the corners of the box in such a fashion as they would cut in and touch the circle, the perimeter does not change and is equal to 4.

    now if we do this an infinite amount of times the answer is still 4.

    which means the circumference of the circle is = 4

    and since the diameter = 1 then pi = 4 right???

    can someone help disprove this theory???

    8 AnswersMathematics1 decade ago
  • Why are so many people against the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act or "Obamacare"?

    I don't understand why people think this is such a bad thing. Instead of insurance companies doing what is best for themselves they actually have to do there jobs and support people even if they have a "pre-existing condition". What is also nice is the fact that there is no lifetime maximums. this is nice so that say a member of your family gets cancer and has to go through expensive chemo treatments and everything else they'll never run out of protection. I know the republicans are upset because it will cost them more out of their pockets... but if they would stop being so selfish and think about the country as a whole and not just about themselves they would realize that this is a good thing. But then again republicans like to tax the hell out of the middle class and give tax breaks to the wealthy, kind of backward thinking if you ask me.

    6 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • Why would anyone in there right mind vote republican?

    Why would anyone in there right mind vote republicans into power in the House? Does Bush's epic fail as president not mean anything with how he trashed our economy? The market even was down for the first time all week after the election!

    24 AnswersElections1 decade ago

    Is it just me or does Justin Beiber look like Sarah Palin, only with a butt ugly hair cut???

    1 AnswerOther - Entertainment1 decade ago
  • Question about Justin Beiber?

    When is Justin Beiber going on his "my world" tour to North Korea??? He must have a lot of fans over there for him them to vote for him to kickoff his tour there!!!

    3 AnswersSinging1 decade ago
  • ???Can vegans eat foods with this red food dye?

    I was wondering if vegans eat food containing the following food coloring ingredients:



    Carminic Acid

    These food dyes are all derived from insects and I was wondering if that went against the beliefs of Vegans to ingest food from gods creatures, or to exploit gods creatures.

    I am just curious as to peoples opinions???

    3 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan1 decade ago
  • What is the best way to catch a Snipe?

    Does anyone have any information on snipes? where do they live, any good ways to catch them. I haven't been able to catch any, and my friends keep telling me that they're all around... I want to prove to them I can get one!

    any help would be greatly appreciated!

    4 AnswersZoology1 decade ago
  • What do you think about Sarah Palin wanting to unite church and state?

    Isn't this the very thing our forefathers didn't want to happen? I thought this was a country built on the people's right to choose. I'm just curious as to every ones thoughts.

    10 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups1 decade ago
  • Surround Sound Amp Doesn't Work, Help!!!?

    Help, My Surround Sound System won't work. I was watching TV the other day, and my surround sound amp just cut out on me and "PROTECTION" came up in the display. I figured it was just a short in one of the stereo wires, so I started disconecting them and after I disconected everything from the amp it still doesn't work. I don't understand what the problem is. Does anyone out there have any ideas as to how I might be able to get it working again??? Thanks, for all your help!

    1 AnswerHome Theater1 decade ago
  • I was wondering if Vegetarians and Vegans feel bad for helping to stimulate global warming?

    Plants help reduce CO2 emissions by digesting during respiration and emit Oxygen. Carnivores and omnivores help remove CO2 emitting pollutants by eating other CO2 polluting animals. I was wondering if you feel bad for helping to create global warming and killing all the animals through starvation. As a side not I wonder how many vegans and vegetarians pay extra for their offset in their extra large carbon footprint.

    19 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan1 decade ago
  • Breathe Farts Underwater?

    I heard that the Navy Seals are trained that in an emergency they can breathe their own farts underwater to stay under longer. I was wondering if any of you have heard of this as well, or have even tried it.

    2 AnswersOther - Health1 decade ago
  • Jona's brothers lip sync?

    I read an article the other day about the Jonas brothers and how they really lip sync all there songs. They said that the guys who really sing are 20 something years old. is this true???

    18 AnswersCelebrities1 decade ago
  • Sit to close to a server?

    There is a computer server in my wife's office that she sits next to everyday. Is sitting to close to this server harmful for her or is there nothing to worry about???

    2 AnswersOther - General Health Care1 decade ago
  • Duck-billed Platypus?

    I have a Duck-billed Platypus named Walleye. I was feeding him the other day, and he started acting all crabby and flicking water at me and snapping at me. I told him to stop it, and smacked his bum and told him no. he then jabbed me with his stinger, and it hurts like hell. do you think I'll be alright I have Ice on it now... or should I go to the hospital? Damn you walleye!!!

    5 AnswersZoology1 decade ago
  • How do I stop being taken advantage of???

    I like to think I'm a nice guy, and help family and freinds out whenever they need it. Over the past couple of years however, my brother has been taking advantage of this fact. I give him nice gifts during the holidays, and on his birthday and he has never thanked me or even acknowledge he recieved his gifts. I payed for him to go on vaction with me when he didn't have much money and again no "thank you". I've helped him move his stuff to a storage garage, and he wasn't even there to help move his own stuff, let alone I rented the U-haul, and storage garage...

    What this all comes down to is I want to know what you guys think is the best way for me to tell him that I'm not helping him anymore, and that he has taken advantage of me for the last time.


    8 AnswersFamily1 decade ago