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skibm80 asked in Social ScienceSociology · 10 years ago

How can some people be so irresponsible when it comes to children?

As a father I know it takes a lot of time and money to raise a child. I look around and I see families on welfare having more and more children, and I wonder to myself... Why are these people so irresponsible to be bringing another child into this world that they clearly cannot afford. It's not fair for a child to suffer like that.

I'm just looking for some insight here???


yes this is a real life question

Update 2:

lots of good responses so far.

5 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Some have been brainwashed by "Christian" churches that they should keep having babies until "God tells them to stop". Yeah, nuts, but look at the Duggers.

    There is an organized Christian movement called "Quiverfull" which talks about how having tons of kids glorifies God, and how God (read: social services) will care for all your kids because he loves them, and how practicing Birth Control in any form is a sin.

    Someone just asked on this site last week "Why would you disrespect your partner by using contraception?" she was female. A man just yesterday asked "How can I make my wife obey me and have lots of kids".

    Of course, there are other reasons. Some people live in areas where Planned Parenthood has been forced out and have no insurance so they can't get access to contraception. Many young people are under the impression that sex is "sinful", but that if they don't plan for it (ie. if they don't wear a condom or take a pill) that it is somehow less sinful.

    I've seen postings from young women whose parents take or hide their doctor-perscribed medication, God only knows why. Guys want to father children because it's "masculine". Some people have just never been challenged in their lives to plan for anything, and seeing more than 20 minutes into the future is beyond them.

    But what enrages me most are the "God told me to do it" people. God gave us brains, and I believe he wants us to use them. Think, people. Think.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    This isn't about God or religion. The Duggards have a lot of children, but they can support them. People can have as many children as they want so long as they can feed them and keep a roof over their head.

    The problem is, the more children you have, the more aid the state will give you. And most of the time, there is no incentive to stop. There is no time limit, there is no regulation that says a person must start working within 2 fact it's the opposite. If you start working a minimum wage job they'll cut any assistance. So in the long run it benefits them to just stay in the system.

    There is no accountability or responsibility. Is it selfish to keep having kids you can't afford? Yes. But many of them don't see anything wrong with it because they're not struggling or suffering. Many of them were raised on welfare themselves and see that it can be done. They get by just fine and get subsidized rent, food stamps and a check from the govt so all their needs are taken care of.

  • 10 years ago

    Well in the old days folks could say more kids more money the bigger the check, but the government has done a turn around to that type of thinking. many parents are encouraged to get training or improve their education in order to care for their off spring, and the welfare money machine has come full circle to a slow grind. It has become increasingly harder to obtain the benefits that were once easily doled out. This said, welfare is not as attractive as it once was and with the economy in the state it's in most folks really are not all that eager to have more children in oder to stay on the welfare roll!

    Now comes all of the "other" reasons folks especially young people seem to continue to increase their family size. Many folks do use birth control yet it fails them. Some do not have access to or are unable to utilize many forms of birth control. Many people have addictions or mental illness that leave them unable to stop reproducing. Some folks are so lonely and unfulfilled in their life they turn to increasing their family out of a tremendous need for people to care for and have love in return.

    Some people are deeply religious and do not believe in birth control and last but not least there are the folks that think having another baby will save their relationship. Oh yes I almost forgot..............

    the really sick folks that just don't "give a damn"!

    Source(s): Observations of a grand mother
  • 10 years ago

    In the U.S., if you're unemployed with kids, you get a welfare check.

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  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    yeh ok? is this a real live question?

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