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skibm80 asked in Politics & GovernmentElections · 1 decade ago

Why would anyone in there right mind vote republican?

Why would anyone in there right mind vote republicans into power in the House? Does Bush's epic fail as president not mean anything with how he trashed our economy? The market even was down for the first time all week after the election!

24 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I have this theory. The Republican Party is all about concentrating wealth, disempowering government and putting the country under corporate rule. You're right, the only people who would knowingly vote for this are millionaires and CEOs. So the Republican Party cultivates a number of 'single issue' constituencies. It promises to put their issue first, and it always breaks its promises but they never seem to notice. People sign on to one idea and don't care about the rest.

    For instance, even here in 'liberal' California I know people who are absolutely sure the Democrats want to take their guns away. To them, the 2nd amendment is all there is--mess with the 2nd amendment and we lose our freedom. Gun control is fascism! So they vote Republican.

    There are other people who just want a big tax cut, and they don't care what happens after that. They don't care if the govt. doubles the national debt, just so long as they get their tax cut. They never seem to realize that, while the GOP -does- run us all into huge debt, the tax cuts only seem to go to the very rich.

    There are others who just want women, blacks, immigrants, etc. to be kept in their place. In the West and Southwest white people are very nervous these days about the huge rise in Hispanic population. They are worried about becoming a minority in their own country. Republicans respond to this by posturing tough on immigration, by hugely exaggerating the problem of illegal immigration. To conservative whites, this means 'We will not let a Mexican take your job'.

    There are religious people who buy into the totally ludicrous idea that our founding fathers were fundamentalists, like themselves, and meant for this to be an expressly Christian country. This is why the Republicans exploited the abortion issue, prayer in schools, the Ten Commandments in courthouses, even religious tests for public office. And anti-gay feelings--gays are the last 'safe' target for intolerance and discrimination.

    ALL these people are excited about one single issue. And they smugly believe the Republicans will make progress on their particular issue. They are blinded by selfishness and passion and overblown rhetoric to the point where they never seem to realize that the party doesn't do squat for them. Because the REAL agenda of the GOP has nothing to do with gun rights, intolerance, family values, fiscal responsibility, or any of that. It's all about concentrating wealth, destroying the middle class, and corporate control.

  • 1 decade ago

    I dare you to read all of this! This country's biggest problem is people like you thinking that Republicans caused this mess. Why don't you look at statistics like 3.4% unemployment best economy in 47 years the last time Republicans where in charge. Compare the statistics to today! After 2006 Every thing went into the toilet .WHY? Because people voted for democrats to take over control It took them 4 years to make the best economy in 47 years to be the worst economy 47 years. Not only that but their stimulus scam your children will have to pay for the rest of their lives just to pay the interest that was sold to create jobs . Did it ? NO It made Democrat leaders rich just as planned. Health care Bill ? If it was really about health care Why did it have to be done behind closed doors? Because if people could read it they would see all the earmarks and corruption. And why did Democrat leaders have to be bribed to sell out on America for their vote. Which they did. If you voted Democrat you have voted for the most corrupt administration Americas ever had . You want to blame some one blame the people who fell for the it's the republicans fault and voted democrat I hope you are proud of your self.

  • 1 decade ago

    The Democrats have had full power in the house and senate since 2007, so who trashed the economy. Bush could only sign or veto the bills Congress sent him with regards to the economy. The Democrats were in the power seats for overseeing FNMA, Freddie Mac, the SEC, etc, etc, etc.

    I voted some Republican and some independent, depending on the exact position. I want less government and a reduction of the deficit.

  • 1 decade ago

    People who vote republican are obviousley easly led and must have short attention spans. They all forgot what bush did? The GOP wants to give billions to big buisness saying that it will creat jobs. Big buisness sends OUR jobs over seas. All the republicans can sell is Fear and bigotry. Every US citizen with some ammount of REAL inteligents votes democrat. Vote republican? Not if my life depended on it.

    Source(s): Logic
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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Apparently the major portion of voters are "in their right mind." They also remember that Bush's last two years in office slowly became a disaster, with the Democrats in control of Congress for those two years.

    The past two years have added to that disaster by having a Democrat President, Congress, and Senate. No checks and balances, just rubber stamp approvals of whatever they proposed.

    Checks and balances are essential for an effective business (Government) to succeed and not run amuck with the checkbook.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    In the General election in November you can vote either Party and your VOTE DOES COUNT.The primary is just a stepping stone to the general to see who each party wants to run against the other party.That's why in the Primary you can only vote your Party.

  • 1 decade ago

    Bush had a thriving economy until the dems took over Congress. Bush's epic fail came from him signing the idiot TARP bill that the DEMS handed him.

    And what do you care about the stock market. That is just rich republicans anyway, right?

    I just love it how the dems praise a high market when it makes the liberals look good, but a high market when republicans are in control is simply the rich getting richer. HYPOCRITES!

  • 1 decade ago

    I wonder the same thing. Look at the NUTS that ran on Tea Party/ Republican side. Right there tells you the Rednecks came out in droves, because they're still furious with the title President Barack Obama!

  • 1 decade ago

    Yep it did go down after the election but that was because the Democrats took control of everything and not just congress.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I know. I guess Republican'ts are a glutton for punishment. They are dumb like George. That is why they always have an EPIC FAIL. Why blame them? It is in their blood. You see, they marry their cousins too much.

    EDIT: It is insane to think Obama can fix up all that Rep crap in only 2 years.

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