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skibm80 asked in News & EventsCurrent Events · 1 decade ago

Why are so many people against the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act or "Obamacare"?

I don't understand why people think this is such a bad thing. Instead of insurance companies doing what is best for themselves they actually have to do there jobs and support people even if they have a "pre-existing condition". What is also nice is the fact that there is no lifetime maximums. this is nice so that say a member of your family gets cancer and has to go through expensive chemo treatments and everything else they'll never run out of protection. I know the republicans are upset because it will cost them more out of their pockets... but if they would stop being so selfish and think about the country as a whole and not just about themselves they would realize that this is a good thing. But then again republicans like to tax the hell out of the middle class and give tax breaks to the wealthy, kind of backward thinking if you ask me.


f100_supersabre: You are absolutly right let's let them all die. consider it natural selection!!!

Update 2:

All I read from everyone is money this and money that. I can't believe people are really that greedy. I know lets save lots of money, and lets do away with fire fighters and police forces, that will save the tax payers money, right!

6 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    The right-wing noise machine has done wonderful job of demonizing a program which would benefit millions of people. The noise machine has trumpeted "costs, costs, costs -- it's going cost YOU." And as you observed this has brought out the greed theme -- like nothing could be worse than some poor person obtaining health care. I find it disturbing that people are so incensed that some of their tax $$$ just might help a poor person who could otherwise die. And some of these people would have us think they are just the best little Christians God ever created.

    If the Republicans indeed succeed in deleting this hugely beneficial program, do you wonder what future ages will think of us? I'm glad I won't be around to see it.

  • Chey
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    The bill was bad from the start..hence changes.

    Look at the Budget it self..Quote:

    The bottom line is that Congress would spend a lot more; steal funds from education, Social Security and long-term care to cover the gap; and promise that future Congresses will make up for it by taxing more and spending less

    I will let you know I am not a "Progressive" on the Consittution

    Federal Law is Subordinate to the Constitution..So mabe you need to read the constitiution

    While you bust studying read the Bill of Rights

    This statement made by you is not true..Read the bill and keep up with the changes..I have listed the link in sources..

    this is nice so that say a member of your family gets cancer and has to go through expensive chemo treatments and everything else they'll never run out of protection.


    Job loss is one factor

    Creating Demand where there already is a shortage of health care providers is another.

    Creating Goverment Jobs where non would be needed..

    Creating Money trails to Meidcal Care companies..LIke the recent Biotech Tax breaks+ and funding funnled to places from tax payers pockets..this is not going to cover just the sick ..just follow the money.. simple..

    Information which was private now in the hands of a new extension of IRS

    Which equals bigger government..

    News offices to the Food and Drug=Bigger Goverment..

    administration who has stated for years they have problems..

    Some of our Social programs are already in bad shape,I am speaking of long time operations by government like the post office,public schools,Public libraries,etc...

    EPA,IRS,CIA,FDA etc...all have faults in protecting citizens why think that without public scrutiny this bill is what we want..Hence why people were asking about why the doors were closed when making this bill..

    Young people paying for things that do not apply to them..

    Why not be able to choose not to carry insurance and pocket the money or put towards your bills,education a home?

    It is not that the public have a issue with helping others..Americans are know for there genrosity..,many Dr. perform loads of work free of charge including surgery for life saving and even cosmetic.... Drug companines give out medcine free..eye care etc...

    Charities and foudation do these things everyday...

    This is a non partisan issue we know we need healthcare reform Americans we need to shape the bill together..


    Bill Summary & Status

    111th Congress (2009 - 2010)


    lets Read

    National Device Registry ,new extension to FDA

    Source(s): The bill was bad from the start..hence 69 I know of proposed changes in congress already.. I will let you know I am not a "Progressive" in my stance on the Consittution Federal Law is Subordinate to the Constitution..So mabe you need to read the constitiution While you bust studying read the Bill of Rights This statement made by you is not true..Read the bill and keep up with the changes..I have listed the link in sources.. this is nice so that say a member of your family gets cancer and has to go through expensive chemo treatments and everything else they'll never run out of protection. l Job loss is one factor Creating Demand where there already is a shortage of health care providers is another. Creating Goverment Jobs where non would be needed.. Creating Money trails to Meidcal Care companies..LIke the recent Biotech Tax breaks+ and funding funnled to places from tax payers pockets..this is not going to cover just the sick ..just follow the money.. simple.. Information which was private now in the hands of a new extension of IRS Which equals bigger government.. News offices to the Food and Drug=Bigger Goverment.. administration who has stated for years they have problems.. Some of our Social programs are already in bad shape,I am speaking of long time operations by government like the post office,public schools,Public libraries,etc... EPA,IRS,CIA,FDA etc...all have faults in protecting citizens why think that without public scrutiny this bill is what we want..Hence why people were asking about why the doors were closed when making this bill.. Young people paying for things that do not apply to them.. Why not be able to choose not to carry insurance and pocket the money or put towards your bills,education a home? It is not that the public have a issue with helping others..Americans are know for there genrosity..,many Dr. perform loads of work free of charge including surgery for life saving and even cosmetic.... Drug companines give out medcine free..eye care etc... Charities and foudation do these things everyday... This is a non partisan issue we know we need healthcare reform Americans we need to shape the bill together.. Read Bill Summary & Status 111th Congress (2009 - 2010) H.R.3200 While your at it
  • 1 decade ago

    It doesn't take a rocket scientist to understand Obamacare. It forces those who earn to pay for medical care and procedures for those who do not. Much higher cost with much lower quality of care, combined with even more government control is the reason so many are opposed to the plan. It is not the job of insurance companies to provide/pay for medical care for everyone. Their job is to make a profit for their investors. That's how capitalism works. The federal government does nothing well, and has no funds, except what it takes through taxes from it's citizens.

  • 1 decade ago

    The big difference is between the people who expect to get 'free' healthcare and the people who expect to be the ones who will be paying for it.

    You are obviously one of the people who expects that somebody else will be paying for everything.

    Another issue is that the only mechanism built into the plan for cost containment and control is to reduce payments to medical providers and rationing of healthcare services.

    People will be dying not because they cannot afford chemo - but because they have to wait too long for a doctor to be availible.


    Source(s): True healthcare reform would directly address the factors that drive up the costs of providing medical services - not on merely changing who's wallet the money comes out of.
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  • 1 decade ago

    Actually, it will raise the costs to everybody who has insurance since the companies will have to spend more money for treatment of these people.

    NOTHING IS FREE! SOMEBODY has to pay for it!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    and who do you think pays for all the perks? make it selective and if you select it you pay. no select no pay. why should i pay for your lousy health?

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