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I have seen these Scentsy warmers online and was wondering what people thought of them?

I saw this website the other day for Scentsy warmers:

and I was wondering if anyone has gotten any of these, or what your favorite flavor is. do you think it's worth the investment? do you think they will make good holiday gifts?

3 Answers

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    We got one last year for Christmas. After it sat in the closet for a few months we used it and regret not using it sooner. I am glad we got a plain looking one that can go with anything. If it looked Christmasy then it would still be in the closet. There are lots of different scents but my biggest complant is the packaging that they come in. Other than then that we really like it.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    I love Scentsy! I sell Scentsy! It's definitely a GREAT investment as you just have to buy a warmer or warmers and then the scents are only $5. It's a WONDERFUL gift!!!

    My favorites are sugar cookie, blueberry cheesecake, sunkissed citrus, sentimental cider, baked apple pie, perfectly pomegranate, cinnamon vanilla....I can go on and on. ;)

    If you order from my website you'll be entered into my drawing. ;) Contact me at if you have any more questions or want to know what the prize is. ;)

    I also want to mention that the only thing that comes out of our wax is the scent - no soot on the walls or chemicals in the air. We use a food-based parrafin wax so it is not dangerous like other candles can be. There is no open flame and the wax doesn't get that hot so it's safe around children and pets.

  • Arggg
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    I don't use any artificial scents - a lot of them have formaldehyde in them, or a chemical that converts to formaldehyde, I forget which. I use plain old candles or a match, or some eco-friendly spray.

    They probably smell nice, I'm just saying I wouldn't use them or buy them.

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