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skibm80 asked in Family & RelationshipsFamily · 1 decade ago

How do I stop being taken advantage of???

I like to think I'm a nice guy, and help family and freinds out whenever they need it. Over the past couple of years however, my brother has been taking advantage of this fact. I give him nice gifts during the holidays, and on his birthday and he has never thanked me or even acknowledge he recieved his gifts. I payed for him to go on vaction with me when he didn't have much money and again no "thank you". I've helped him move his stuff to a storage garage, and he wasn't even there to help move his own stuff, let alone I rented the U-haul, and storage garage...

What this all comes down to is I want to know what you guys think is the best way for me to tell him that I'm not helping him anymore, and that he has taken advantage of me for the last time.


8 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Well I am one those people who let others take advantage of me why don't you sit down with him and be assertive say something like I don't appreciate the way you have treated me I havedon some numerous amount of things for you and I have not received one thank you.and try to talk it out and find a compromise maybe.

  • 1 decade ago

    Okay now that you realize your brother is a taker and your a giver you need to find a good organization to give your money too so when he asks tell him your giving your money to a charity now because you helped him out enough in his lifetime and its time for him to stand on his own 2 feet!

    If you aren't going to a particular Church look into Habitat for Humanity they help build homes for people in need, look at the local shelter and see what they need or the local food locker. There are better ways to spend money than on an ungrateful relative.

  • 1 decade ago

    You teach people how to treat you! Looks like you have been teaching them to take advantage of you. Instead of giving gifts give a donation in honor of the person to local charities!!! If money is brought up by ANYONE just tell them you don't mix friendship and finances anymore as you learned your lesson. Drop subject.

    Source(s): self
  • 1 decade ago

    talk to him..

    brother to brother..

    communication is really important..

    tell him what you feel..

    for sure, he could understand you..

    most of the guys feel that saying thank you is kinda shy thing to say but it's not really..

    you hear his side so that you two wouldn't have any misunderstandings..

    and if i were you, i would continue being nice whatever people say.. no matter what they do..

    it is so nice to be nice.. right?

    hehehehe.. i know doing nice things but yet unappreciated is not that good thing but just continue doing things that you think is good.. making people happy through your very own actions are so NICE.. so MR. NICE... i admire you for being so patient with your brother.. go and talk to him!

    God bless!

    and i hope i helped!

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  • 1 decade ago

    When you moved his stuff why wasn't he there? And why are you doing these things? Is he asking you to or are you volunteering? You don't have to fix things, when he says he needs this or that just listen.... don't offer anything unless he directly ask for you help, then ask lots of questions, when where, what time, why he needs your help. that way you don't have to stop helping but only when he really needs help.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Appreciation means more than a Thank You. Maybe you should try not to be so available next time. Don't offer help if you need this emotional payday.

  • sanjay
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    I don't know what to say but in our scriptures it is clearly mentioned... Don't expect anything in return when doing a good deed (not even a thanks). If at all you want him to know that you felt bad about his behaviour then tell him straightaway. This is my policy. He should not feel ditched when next time he feels your need. Either, he will do it himself or he will behave according to your wishes. But don't hide.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    learn the magic word NO!!!!!

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