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Hey guys, need some advice ?

I like this girl, she is my best friend.She likes me very much.She is open to share any of her feelings to me. she is my classmate. from the past few days I'm attracted towards her. My friends say I'm attracted to her, very much attached to her. sHe went to her hometown for week and i am feeling lonely like never before. I don't want to ruin our friendship by saying i love her or i have crush on her. what is the best i can do for this girl ? how can i make this relationship go ahead? what do i do now

help needed i am desperate need to of some smart and genuine advice

7 Answers

  • Dude
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You have two options.

    1.) Say nothing and protect the friendship

    2.) Say something and risk damaging the friendship

    Let's look at option 1. If you say nothing and have a great friendship, it will eat at you not knowing truly how she feels. The problem with this option is, she may feel the same, she may not. If she does and you never say anything, she may think you don't feel the same and will find comfort in the friendship like you decided to do. Even worse, one day she may think you never feel the same and some smooth talker will come along, sweep her off her feet and here you are in the background as a 'great friend' when you had a chance to say something. I've been there and believe me, it's the worst feeling, you dont want it.

    Looking at Option 2.

    If you say something and she does not feel the same, yeah it's a bad feeling and it will hurt but you got it out there, it's off your chest and in weeks or longer you will get over this. You will have comfort in knowing you told her how you felt and gave her the option to respond. It also gives you courage and confidence to do it again with someone else. Ok so she didn't feel the same, you can still save the friendship. If she doesn't, tell her it's ok, you just had to tell her and forget all about the conversation.

    I once told a great friend how I felt and she told me "I'll let you know how I feel tomorrow" and of course tomorrow came it wasn't good. That stung pretty bad but I got over it. It's worth it man so go for it. The next one came along, said how I felt and we've been together ever since.

    Bottom line is you don't wanna go through life wondering "What if I just said this to her". You will know you said it and hey, she may even feel the same so you wouldn't want to risk missing out on that one.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Well you both like each other, you're sure? Because the following advice is if you know for sure she likes you and vice versa. So make sure. Wait for the right time, your alone and having a good time.

    I'll call her sally. Sally? I was thinking about how well we get along. I was wondering, are you thinking the same?

    If she answers in the affirmative, express a desire to be more than just friends. If she comes back at you with I just want to be freinds, just ask if there is a possibility that maybe in the future, can she see ya'll being more than just freinds?

    My young freind you are so gonna have to learn patience, and have the ability to listen, actively listen to her.

    If she tells you that she just want's to be friends? Well you will have to settle for that or start curtailing your contact with her, because it never turns out well if you become fixated on someone who wants nothing more than freindship.

    Whatever you do, DO NOT, REPEAT NOT, start sounding like a whiner, and begging her. this is a complete turnoff for most girls and you don't wanna come off as desperate. Just swallow hard, bide your time and do not rush her. She may not be ready. When if ever she becomes ready to take a more serious step, then you are there patiently waiting for her. Tiil then spend time doing things together and thank your lucky stars she hasn't slammed the door in your face.

    Some guys have actually waited for the girl, years and in that time have asked two or three times. Good things come to those who wait. Be patient.

    If you find it frustrating all this patient waiting I suggest you take up some extra curricular activities. till the time comes where you will be the one she seeks out. But don't forget about the other girls around you if it doesn't work out. There may be one among them that is feeling the same feeling for you as you feel for her. Remember slow and steady wins the race.

    There is a country song about what I'm trying to say. It's called Waitin on a Woman. Look at CMT video of this, it will be much clearer what I'm trying to say.

    Source(s): me I sure hope this gives you some help.
  • 5 years ago

    Turn on: Nice hair. Good perfume. Silky dresses (haha, that's just me). A good smile. Someone who likes holding hands. Turn off: Too much make-up. Unhygienic. Fake laughter. Humor in a girl is always nice but I think most guys like to think that they're the funny ones. If you can hold an intelligent conversation, it's a real plus. A lot of girls like to be asked about themselves but so do guys. It's the easiest thing to talk about. Good luck!

  • 1 decade ago

    Are you friends only? Like, do you kiss and cuddle, or just talk? If you haven't kissed her, see what her reaction is. Maybe she is waiting for this. Maybe it's not what she wants. If that's the case, stop and say remaining friends is fine, but you'd hoped it might go further.

    If you already kiss, or more, tell her you love her. That's probably what she's waiting for. If she doesn't like you saying this, you can always say you got carried away, apologise and say the relationship hasn't changed.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Take it from me, dont tell her anything.You are actually confusing friendship love. Now if you do decide to go ahead with this either one: You will be ok for the beggining of the relationship but it wont last. Or two: If you just want to play with her for awhile, you are OK.(But my guess is you dont). Trust me on this one. Good luck to you.

  • 1 decade ago

    You obviously really like her, and she sounds like she likes you as well.You only live once, go for it. And hey, if you get rejected, what will hurt more? The fact that you tried, or the fact that you didn't?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Ask her to marry you.

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