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An abusive parent's restitution? (professionals preferred to answer the question)?

Long story short. I finally got away from abusive parents by finishing my education, getting my own place and starting a job. While I pay most of my bills, my therapist said it was okay for my parents to lend me a helping hand to "pay back" for what they did to me (as a form of restitution). My parents have no problem paying for a few things, as long I'm financially independent for the most part. It's not like I'm expecting them to pay for EVERYTHING.

For some reason, I keep wondering if it's wrong? Some people on yahoo have said it is, but these people aren't professionals and like to make other posters upset. I just started a job, so it's not like I have a lot of money as it is...I have to wait awhile until steady paychecks roll in. If abusive parents are offering to help you a bit financially, would you see it as restitution on their part or me being a bad person?

Yes, I'm aware that this might be a ploy to get me to endure their abuse, but they can't do this since I'm 17 hours away from them. A part of me just continue to hear the voices of other yahoo posters saying that I'm just like my mooching gold-digger mom by letting my parents help me out a bit.


Yes, I know my parents love me. I don't want to be a bad person for accepting their money though. You know how Western society stresses independence.

But, it makes me feel better that I'm managing myself for the most part.

5 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    They owe you the money until the steady checks come in.

    Once that happens, get on with your life. Don't let that gold digger voice in your head keep you from accepting a helping hand when you need it. Also stay away from people who give you things with strings attached and you'll do okay.

  • 5 years ago

    God answers that question in the very first chapter of the Bible. If you read Genesis 1:26-28, you will see the first commandment that God gave to man. He told him to be fruitful, multiply, fill the earth, and have control (King James uses the old word "dominion") over it. The very first thing God did was to give mankind control of most of what happens on the earth. God has an ultimate plan, and he will see that it comes to pass. But he has left much of the "day to day" operations of the world up to us. That includes reproduction. While children are a "gift from God", in the sense that he began the process by which they are made (God invented sex), but not in the sense that each time people have sex God decides this time they will get pregnant and this time they will not. That is decided by biology. But for each of those children, when conceived, God creates a plan and purpose. The Bible says that while they are still in the mother's womb, God calls them. It is does not say that before they are conceived he has called them. They do not yet exist. So why are children born into bad or abuse situations? Because their mother's make decisions that get them pregnant. Often those decisions are "sins". The mother gets pregnant out of wedlock, which is a sin. That is not a "gift from God", but a consequence of their sin. (But God still is able to come up with a plan and purpose for the child. He will fit him into his ultimate plan, just like he fits all other children.) You also assume that every child born into a bad situation or abuse is destroyed by it. There are many examples of people who are inspired by their situation to change it and possible change society as well for the better. God can use bad situations (like Joseph being sold into slavery) to produce good. He is in the redeeming business after all. But the fault lays with their abusive parent, and not with God.

  • Lulu J
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Why would you listen to a bunch of strangers here who may or may not know a thing about abuse issues? I'd continue the therapy until you can learn to listen to your own good sense. There's no right or wrong answer here. It's all about how you feel about it and if your parents have some hidden motive for helping or are they sincerely sorry and wanting to help now as restitution. Think about how it makes YOU feel to get help from your parents. That should be the determining factor. Good luck!

  • 1 decade ago

    Being abusive does not mean they did not love you. Parents often help their fledgling children financially. I would rather say it is an act of love that is strange to you because it is not the brand of love that they dished out and that you are used to. Accept it graciously and say thank you for your support. They are not bad people, they just had bad behavior, and unfortunately you suffered as a result. But you have done well for yourself inspit of it. Good for you! Pat yourself on the back

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  • 1 decade ago

    They are your parents don't feel guilty. If you need the money take it.

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