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darkAI asked in News & EventsCurrent Events · 1 decade ago

How do Americans and Europeans feel about Hamas's desire to conquer Europe and America?

Here is a part of a speech given by Hamas MP and Cleric Yunis Al-Astal talking to his Hamas members on a friday Sermon saying Jews are just the beginning and how Hamas and the Islam plans on conquering Europe, Eastern Europe and the two American continents

What do people, especially those who object Israel fighting Hamas, think about the goals and ambitions of the Hamas leaders[And of course - The Hamas members who are brainwashed into believeing it all]?

19 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Thanks Al. I'm always amazed how naive people really are. I've known this for at least fifteen or more years and have been trying to speak up about it. These radical groups have an agenda and are not open to dialogue or negotiation.

    We are welcoming these people into our countries without any real understanding. By the way, not all of us who are British want to be called European. Also Al, many of the European countries already have an Islamic stronghold.

    We are living in perilous times and most people seem to be unaware.

    Source(s): Listening and watching.
  • 1 decade ago

    I support any country that is defending against terrorism. The problem is that not all countries realize they have a problem.

    The radical Islamics are not fighting a traditional war... where country A declares war on country B. That would be too obvious if they did that and everyone would recognize it. Not alot of people recognize we are already at war with the extremism because their strategy is less visible. Extremists are fighting wars by proxy with smaller extremist groups. They have a strategy to invade other countries by mass numbers and not assimilate, but keep the same radical doctrines as taught out of the Middle East mosques. They then slowly chip away at the democratic laws of that country in favor of Sharia law and when challenged they create chaos in mass numbers that no Western country so far has dealt with effectively. Slowly, the mass numbers of Muslims have affected how the Europeans view terrorism throughout the world, and thus negating Europe as an ally.

    Paris was burning and the radical "home grown" Muslim youth shouted to riot police "get out of my occupied France." Is that not a sign? When Madrid train was bombed is that not a sign? And the London subway? WE in the West are not the problem. Extremism is the problem.

    The rise of Islamofascism in Europe really does need to be addressed; it is not going to go away and will only get worse. America wants to make the missile defense program in eastern Europe against the Iranian threat. Please, this is a participatory defense where they should help us to defend them.

    Threat Of Islam In The West

    Hamas In Their Own Voices

    Conquer Spain and Rome:

    Rome, Both Americas, and Europe:

    No Innocents, Take back Andalusia:

    Brigitte Gabriel on "Palestinians"

    Brigitte Gabriel "Decapitate Hezbollah"

  • 1 decade ago

    Very well said. Because people seem to like the idea of hamas being fun loving people who are poorly armed. When the reality is that they are hate filled people who call for religious genocide.

    What says alot about Hamas is that Arab nations dont support them. Many muslims say that israel has a right to exist and that Hamas does not represent Islam.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Because many Europeans wanted to stay in Europe and not migrate to America. The majority of Africans in early times didn't come to the "new world" by choice. They were given a free ticket by evil slave traders. I would say, "poor Africans!"

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It´s not Hamas,or Islamic Jihad or even AlQayeda who are the authors of this idea.The author was the founder of Islam,the prophet Muhammad, who 1300 years ago said that Islam must dominate the world.

    So,muslims only follow the prescriptions of their religion.

    There are two REAL roots of Islamic terrorism:

    1.Islam itself,which is the ideological platform of Islamic terrorism;

    2.Our neo-liberals who convince us that "the violence can not be fought with other violence",offering us to submissively put out throats under the knives of islamic assassins, that "a human life is sacred",even if we are talking about the Muslim murderers who killed hundreds of thosands Non-Mulims all over the world - and camouflage with this rotten rhetorics who our TRUE ENEMY is.

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't know what Hamas has planned for Europe specifically since I haven't heard it routinely. However, spend some time on various Arab blogs, & duh, it's obvious. They say it. We should listen. Even more than that, in the US in an interfaith event led by a moderate Imam, HE said it! He said around 40% (at least) of American Muslims intend for the US to be an Islamic state. He wasn't one of them, but good golly all I could think, is we'd better do some real outreach to introduce our cultural ideas & do it now! Hamas btw is not known for lying about their goals. (Fatah does have a reputation.)


    People living in essential peace tend to do two things:

    1. Totally have no idea violence & the level of hatred can exist that Hamas & some of these other Arabs groups have. This includes ignoring the support of these ideas by what are called "moderates."

    2. To be scared or cowardly to face a world with this stuff in it. They are so disbelieving that they really don't have any way to absorb it.

    One such person at a rally said to me "do you really think people would be fighting without a just cause?" Hum, the person couldn't integrate the lessons learn from recent fighting for slavery TO exist, or fighting for the right to kill "inferiors - Jews". The idea that Arabs are brainwashed by their own selves by now, is just beyond considering.


    On these I have comments...

    1. My dad, a Holocaust survivor, has a different perception than so many around me. He believes Arabs who say they want violence, & that culturally they will follow up. He votes this way in Israel. While I don't agree with his conclusions on what will work all the time, I have come to agree that his perception comes out of first hand knoweldge of hate that the rest of us simply don't understand...but think we think we do from our few experiences.

    2. On #2, very one of these people (who's not Arab) who thinks "they must have a justified reason to hate" is excusing hatred! And every one that I've talked to at length has turned out to have in their personal life either some deep shame such as from wife abuse, or a real passive-aggressive way of dealing with life. I am not at all alone in these observations. That fear of facing the tendency of humans to be brainwashed & awful.... seems to be harder for some who aren't facing it well in their own personal lives.


    ForAll - toughing videos of war incidents doesn't change explaining why Hamas uses these places as weapons caches & hiding places.

  • 1 decade ago

    Sachs,you´re so ignorant that it´s almost touching.

    In 1948 Gaza was occupied by Egyptians,not Israel.

    Egypt occupied Gaza for 20 years,until 1967:quite enough time to create there "hte palestinian state"But Egypt did not do it.Why?

    "Second time was in 1956, as part of a secret plan hatched together with Britain and France to topple Nasser, then the Egypt’s president".

    OK,you do not know history-it´s norrmal for an Arab.But you do not know geography,either!Egypt is NOT part of Palestine.Take the map-and have a look at it before writing stupidities which would make any normal child of 12 years old die with laughter.

    Or you are younger than that?

    "Third time was in the six-day war of 1967, it invaded Gaza completely. and stayed there for 38 years, until withdrawing three and a half years ago---in 2006"

    In 2005,with your permission.And would you mind to tell us,who started the war of 1967,known as a Six-Day War?

    I shall help you a bit,baby.

    H.A.Naser on March 8, 1965 : "We shall not enter Palestine with its soil covered in sand," he said on. "We shall enter it with its soil saturated in blood."

    On May 15,1967, Israel's Independence Day, Egyptian troops began moving into the Sinai and massing near the Israeli border. By May 18, Syrian troops were prepared for battle along the Golan Heights. The Arab rhetoric was matched by the mobilization of Arab forces. Approximately 250,000 troops (nearly half in Sinai), more than 2,000 tanks and 700 aircraft ringed Israel.

    On May 22,1967 Egypt closed the Straits of Tiran to all Israeli shipping and all ships bound for Eilat.According to the Interantional Law,such a blocade means the declaration of war.

    Have a nice day.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Why the hell cant we just get along?! Its not hard! It annoys me when Hamas and other groups set out to preach hate in the name of God.

    I believe, if there is a god, he would want you to do the moral thing and to not harm another human, certainly not preach hate.

  • 1 decade ago

    Very interesting. Thank you!!

    Hamas is one of the worst terrorist groups around - using Palestinian children as human shields and as suicide bombers.

    According to the Coalition to Stop the Use of Child Soldiers "2004 Global Report on the Use of Child Soldiers", there were at least nine documented suicide attacks involving Palestinian children between October 2000 and March 2004

    According to the Palestinian Human Rights Monitoring Group, in the al-Aqsa Intifada, Palestinian military folk have used children as "messengers and couriers, and in some cases as fighters and suicide bombers in attacks on Israeli soldiers and civilians

    The issue was first brought to world attention after a widely televised incident in which a mentally handicapped Palestinian teenager, Hussam Abdo, was disarmed at an Israeli checkpoint

    Consider this quote:

    Excerpts from a speech by Hamas MP Fathi Hammad, broadcast on Al-Aqsa TV on February 29, 2008:

    Fathi Hammad: [The enemies of Allah] do not know that the Palestinian people has developed its [methods] of death and death-seeking. For the Palestinian people, death has become an industry, at which women excel, and so do all the people living on this land. The elderly excel at this, and so do the mujahideen and the children. This is why they have formed human shields of the women, the children, the elderly, and the mujahideen, in order to challenge the Zionist bombing machine. It is as if they were saying to the Zionist enemy: "We desire death like you desire life." (THIS IS THE MOST MORALLY BANKRUPT STATEMENT I HAVE EVER HEARD!!)

    Hamas’s Al-Aqsa TV called upon children to form a human shield at the home of Abu al-Hatal of the a-Shouqaf quarter of Sajaiyeh in order to protect the building from an anticipated IDF airstrike.

    Gazan women were used as human shields to allow besieged Hamas gunmen to flee from Israeli forces in Beit Hanun.

    The IAF warned Muhammad Weil Baroud, responsible for firing Kassam rockets at Israel, to evacuate his home in Beit Lahiya in advance of an air strike. Instead, hundreds of locals, mostly women and children, were recruited to Baroud's house. Israel suspended the air strike, lest these human shields be harmed. In response to the incident, Hamas crowed: "We won. From now on we will form human chains around every house threatened with demolition."

  • 1 decade ago

    Personally, I'm against it.

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