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What does it mean to dream about your mother when she has been dead over 20 years.?

I am dreaming night after night, and in daytime between working my night shifts, that my mother is still alive. But she actually died in 1992.,. In my dream she is there looking exactly like she did when she was alive, but even though in my conscience mind of course I know she is dead, it seems the "me" in my dreams truly believes she is involved in things I am really doing today at work, which I was not involved in when she was alive. In most of my dreams I seem to be getting frustrated and prevented from completing something I so badly want to complete but the circumstances are always totally different but still often closely related to my true life today. Does anybody have any interpretation or explanation as to what this could mean.

28 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    It could mean a number of things. Did you have any unresolved issues with your mother or someone else? Are you feeling guilty about anything between you, your mother, or someone else like an argument or how you got along with the person? Are you being too hard on yourself about something in the past? If the answer is yes to any of the questions, I feel the dream is telling you to let it go. The dream may mean that although the problems are no longer an issue, you are keeping them alive. By seeing your mother happy in your dreams, means that it is ok to let it go and concentrate only on the good times you shared. Otherwise, the dream could mean that you miss spending special occasions like the holidays or birthdays with her(Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years, just went by). Also, what recently happened to me, I had a dream about a loved one who has passed and I found the dream was telling me that someone close to me was going to pass soon. If it means that, please do not hesitate to spend time with the ones you love, tomorrow is not promised.

    Source(s): ****** When I took the dream as meaning that someone close to me would pass soon, I was so glad that I did spent more time with the person because it saved me from feeling any regrets like I did when my mother passed away.
  • 1 decade ago

    This is probably happening for a number of reasons. Throughout our lives, we create tags that bring up certain memories, smell is actually the most powerfully tied to memory. It is likely that something happened during the course of a day that reminded you of your mother, and you fell asleep thinking about her (yes you do dream about what you think about as you fall asleep, this is why we don't let little kids watch scary movies before sending them to bed).

    Furthermore, the fact that she's involved with things that happened during the day is your mind probably trying to resolve the stress of the day at the same time. It also probably means that you wish she was there to help you with your work/life, either directly or through giving support and encouragement, and/or that you simply just wish that she was still in your life.

    It's also to be expected that you dream of her as you last remember her, as that was how she was to you when she died. It's the same with seeing someone after several years, that you still expect to see a 10 year old boy to look like the 5 year old boy you last saw, it's just how we are

    But the simple and direct answer is that you miss her, and that something happened one day that brought her back to mind and you began dreaming about her.

  • 1 decade ago

    To have dreams of your mother this frequent after so long a time, there must be something recent which has resurrected her memory. This can be hard to pin down, because our memory is a very tricky thing. As a general rule, it's probably a person, behaving in some fashion which reminds you of your mother.

    You say that she is there looking exactly like she did when she was alive. This tells me that the specific memory is of how she was at around the time of her death, and that the person who reminded you of her is not someone that you would have expected it from.

    If you can't think of who has brought up this memory, I'd first start looking for someone behaving in a generically motherly fashion - someone trying to mother you, specifically - and for whom this seems out-of-character.

  • 1 decade ago

    She could be telling you something, or she could be letting you know she is around you. Are you happy with your job or the way things are going for you? If your not your mom might be tryingg to tell you something. Try to remember your dreams write them down. When you say your prays at night ask father and mother god forguidancee. I know that soundsweirdd, but it works. There is also a web site called spirit now, every month Sylvia Brown will answer questions sent to her through her class, sign up hopefully you willreceivee some answers.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Dreams often show how you subconsciously feel about a person or thing. These reoccurring dreams you may be having could be a result of you constantly thinking of her or how you truly feel about the situation. It is possible you haven't accepted her death. Her still be alive in your dream could represent your true desire and feelings.

    If this is your belief, dreams can also be a gap for the dead to communicate with you or warn you of events to come. Dreaming of the dead can signify luck to come or a good sign.

    If there is any additional information you would like to add it could help with further interpretation of your dreams.

    "If you feel this is one of the best answer, please vote it as best so I know you are responding to my answers."

  • 1 decade ago

    A dream is just a dream. It just show how much you miss her and it seems like she has been gone forever. (If she died in 1992 she has been dead only 16 years. I am sorry to nit pick but my Mum died in 1993 and I count the years and months, as it was so near to Mothers Day.) I think like me you WISH she was still here and involved in your life. Maybe you wish your Mum could solve your unsolved problems. Sorry but we are on our own now. But never forget your Mum she is the only one you ever get.

  • lol21t
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago


    To see the dead in your dream, forewarns that you are being influenced by negative people and are hanging around the wrong crowd. You may suffer material loss. This dream may also be a way for you to resolve your feelings with those who have passed on. If you dream of a person who has died a long time ago, then it suggests that a current situation or relationship in you life resembles the quality of that deceased person. The dream may depict how you need to let this situation or relationship die and end it.

    To see and talk with your dead parents in your dreams, represents your fears of losing them or your way of coping with the loss. You may want that last opportunity to say your final good-byes to them.

    To see your dead sibling, relative, or friend in your dream, indicates that you miss them and are trying to relive your old experiences you had with them. In trying to keep up with the pace of your daily waking life, you dreams may serve as your only outlet in coping and coming to terms with the loss of a loved one.

  • Well christians believe that souls that are in purgatory will come to people in there dreams so that they will pray for them, dead people need to be prayed for as well as people who are alive. But on a sience level,I learned in phycology that It could just mean that your mind is disposing of certain memories and it's making you dream about it! But some people think that certain dreams are signs I don't know what type of sign your dream would be, I don't know if I even believe that but u never know! but Just think of it as you get to see your mother again, and remember how she looked.

  • 5 years ago

    Not all dreams have answers. To me, this dream deciphers as your mom was warning your friend to keep a close eye on you and that your she is still watching over you. A mom always knows if her child is ill. If you want to put yourself at ease and your mind to rest, schedule a doctor's appointment. Better to be safe than sorry.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well all i can say is that it sounds like its a sign, but i had a dream of my mom 3 yrs after she died she died when i was 12 it was a very hard time for me.

    Source(s): my common knowledge
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