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I live in rural Oxfordshire in the UK. I did marry in my teens and had two children but wife, who became ex-wife, parted company with me due my alleged moodiness, untidiness and laziness. So I now live alone and after service in Army currently employed in security on shifts. Only when not at my workplace I enjoy participating in Yahoo, sometimes enjoying fun questions, sometimes trying to help people over serious issues, sometimes taking part in controversial discussions and sometimes finding out things I need to know about myself from the yahoo community. Anybody answering my questions or assessing my answers please be truthful. I don't mind "abuse" if it is a valid comment about me or alternatively for others to enjoy LOL I have never nor ever will report anybody else on YA. But I have given a Best Answer to some answerers making extremely nasty comment(s) about me because on consideration realised they were very valid and it was in my best interests to be told with honesty.

  • Is there an Authority that can be called in to investigate UK Planning Consultants?

    I am aware if a person has a complaint about a solicitor he has hired like their overcharging, that can be referred to the Law Society. We have a problem about a firm of planning consultants. Is there a similar body like the Law Society to deal with them.

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Would not a UK Con-Lab coalition be more rational and more democratic than Con-Lib or Lab-Lib one?

    Answers on yahoo over past years have often highlighted how similar Labour and Conservative politicians have been in their outlooks and ideologies as well as in such things as fiddling their expenses fighting climate change and supporting our troops in Afghanistan in fight against terrorism. . Both in their manifesto pledged as first priority to address the economic crisis,by cutting government expenditure realistically and fairly and if either Brown or Cameron had won a workable majority everybody seems to be aware either would have made a very unpopular series of cuts which neither dared mention until the election was out of the way but both probably had much the same secret ideas in mind. Now Cons are having difficulty having a coalition because Libs are more left wing than Lab and Con MPs can not go along with PR (nor can Lab), but there are surely more issues on which Con MPs and Lab MPs can agree than issues on which Con MPs and Lib MPs or SNP MPs or PC MPs or BNP/UKIP MEPs etc.. So in view of Cons getting most MPs and Lab second most elected by the people. surely "in the best interests of the UK" now Brown has agreed to step down why does not Con with highest number of MPs enter into talks with Lab with second highest elected MPs about a UK government of national unity for a period of say two years like we had in WW2 to see this nation through the recession and get people back to work by pooling their best brains, and not get involved in any more deals with the various loser parties? Surely that is what the British electorate has really voted for - not to be dominated by any one party and an end to snout in the trough squabbling?

    15 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Which Party in UK Election campaigning for change in law to stop needing permit for a dancing bear in our home?

    I caught this news item on BBC news this morning and feel sure that of all the outrages at present this surely is the most in need (LOL) but which Party is it, and will this proposal make you change your mind about whose getting your vote?

    4 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • who is this guy who may become PM of Australia who describes global warming as "a load of crap"?

    He was referred to this morning when UK PM Gordon Brown was interviewed live on BBC TV and the guy was pilloried by Mr Brown and the Aussie journalist as supposedly some kind of an idiot. But is it perhaps Gordon Brown and Kevin Rudd and Barack Obama who are the real idiots on this subject and what are the prospects of this Ossie guy banging a bit of sense into the skull of the likes of Gordon Brown and Barack Obama internationally?

    3 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • Is the Chilcot Inquiry a further waste of millions of pounds of taxpayers money in these hard times?

    Have you been watching the Chilcot inquiry live in news TV Channels. Do you believe when our country is verging on bankruptcy with a recent history of inadequate public money being spent on providing equipment to prevent loss of life for our troops in Afghanistan, or providing proper health care and social services for our vulnerable people, or stopping our old people dying in the cold, or providing enough grit to protect motorists lives during cold weather, paying public sector employees adequate wages etc. etc. anything whatsoever of value is being, or will be achieved for the UK people by millions more being spent to put out this further coverage on all TV news channels of the Chilcot Inquiry throughout 2010. Does this seemingly never ending analysis, waffle and deception, following the Butler and the Hutton Enquiries, of policies that were supported by the overwhelning majority of elected Conservative and elected Labour MPs over past decade by yet another mob of very highly paid qango personnel fascinate you or bore you to tears? Does it really serve the interests of the UK working population to hear any more of this opinion expressions on such things as whether UN resolution 1441 was or was not adequate grounds for ridding the world of one of the most evil dictators of all time?

    6 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Why is youth crime apparently decreasing in the USA but apparently increasing in the UK?

    Statistics from USA indicate youth arrest rate fell 41% in the USA and youth murder rate fell 74%.between 1994 and 2000 but no reliable data seems to indicate what has been happening since then. On the other side of the pond news reports in the UK seem to indicate youth crime in past two years has reached an all time high with arrests and convictions for violent offenses having increased by a third in recent years and an increase of over 100% over past 50 years There would appear to be many factors that need to be taken into consideration in comparing these statistics. For example in the mid and late 20th century youth crime was apparently very substantially higher in the US than in the UK, and some attribute the increase in UK youth crime in recent years to factors not happening in the USA, such as breakdown of discipline at UK schools since the banning of corporal punishment, and the very high increase in numbers of children of immigrant families now present in the UK, whereas in the USA these sorts of changes happened a much longer timer ago.So what is the truth?

    4 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Are the UK Conservative Party deceiving British voters on their true policy on the European Union?

    During recent weeks members of the UK Conservative Party have been trying to convey the impression through the media that they are just as sceptical about the EU as are UKIP with their much highlighted demands for there to be a referendum on the Lisbon Treaty. Yet when David Cameron was interviewed on BBC1 this morning he told Andrew Marr the Conservative Party wanted to be "part of the EU". A political correspondent said last week the Conservative Party also wanted to see the EU further enlarged, including Turkey (an Islamic State) coming in as well. This follows the original policy of the last Conservative government when John Major was PM which gave the green light to the expansion of the EU to 27 members, which massive deluge of new immigrants from such countries as Poland who which many say is the major reason for the current record numbers of British school leavers who are unable to find work. So is it or is it not a fact that the Conservative Party is just conning us on what they would really do within the EU once elected?.

    12 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Are UK youth parliament correct that free bus travel for elderly may be cancelled and given to students instea?

    Following rumours that the Conservatives if elected will scrub free buses for OAPs because country can't afford it, yesterday in the Youth Parliament in the House of Commons presided by Commons Speaker John Bercoe and witnessed by various MPs of all Parties and broadcasted on BBC Parliament Channel went further. Most of those who spoke argued that students can not afford the high fares on buses which they need to use to pursue their education and reduce cars off the roads and so reduce CO2 emissions so they should have free travel. Whereas some said most OAPs had plenty of money and owned cars and can well afford to pay the bus fares which students can not. Only two argued that elderly people are more in need because of what they have done for the country in past years and that young people have done nothing. One said giving youngsters free travel on buses will just make them "lazier and fatter than they already are". What do Yahoo community believe and is this likely to become an election issue in Britain to try to get more young people voting?.

    16 AnswersSenior Citizens1 decade ago
  • Is there anyone over the age of 50 who can get anything beneficial from being registered on Facebook?

    Facebook seems to be the new thing which everybody has to be part of? Except it does seem everybody is under thirty?.I have tried to find everybody I know but they just do not seem to be on it. There seems to be no way of finding people from their date of birth? Is there anything on Facebook that would be in any way beneficial for older people to be part of or is it just for teeny boppers?

    21 AnswersSenior Citizens1 decade ago
  • Is this further propaganda progress to the eventual banning of alcohol in all UK pubs and supermarkets?

    Today's announcements about new laws in England and in Scotland to counteract the alleged terrible repercussions of drinking in the UK do sound remarkably similar to the kind of propaganda about the dangers of smoking 20 or so years ago that paved the way for the law banning all smoking in UK pubs and workplaces. Remember 20 years ago people said "it could never happen". But it has happened, Alcohol is already banned in some other countries like Saudi Arabia,and Iran where anybody caught in possession of or selling alcohol may be sentenced to public flogging.So is the same kind of legislationon on the way in the UK?

    2 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Is Murdoch right to say the BBC needs to be cut down. How could this be done?

    There is a stony silence from the BBC hierarchy at present to yesterday's address to the Edinburgh Festival International TV Conference by Rupert Murdoch's, son. He said in referring to the BBC "the expansion of state sponsorship journalism is a threat to the puerility and independence of news provision". He seems to be implying the BBC is controlled by the State very similarly to the way Radio Moscow was by the USSR government in the Cold War and does not cover issues fairly because it has unlimited income from the taxpayer. It is notable these comments have been made in a year when Britain's free press (e.g. the Daily Telegraph and Daily Mail) have exposed some of the scandals of our elected Parliament, and at a time when many on yahoo answers complain about the BBC Licence fee and the way the BBC is so biased in its unflagging support for the wonderfulness and magnificence of our UK parliamentary system, laws and our legal system, our Judiciary and our Judges, three main political parties in Parliament, UK bankers, political correctness, global warming being our fault, the existence of God, the payment of extortionate amounts at taxpayers expense to MPs and the likes of Jonathan Ross, etc. etc.etc. but vigorously and mischievously seems to misrepresent everybody who is against any of that. Do you think Murdoch's criticism is fair, and what changes could be made.

    14 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Are people having same problems as me with foreign British Telecom staff conning them and promoting rip off?

    I believe the "B" in "BT" is supposed to stand for British. I am suffering increased annoyance that it seems impossible today to get anybody in BT who can speak English. Added to this I am being deceived by these people. Back in March a foreign lady who spoke appalling English rang me up to say if I "came back to BT" I would now be able to call any mobile phone number for just 7p per minute which she alleged was "lower than any other service provider". Being such a gullible twit I believed her and started routing all my phone calls to mobile numbers via BT on landline instead of using my own mobile or routing them via Talktalk.I did not get a bill for 6 months but noted my direct debit deductions by BT had gone up over 500% and my bank account was in serious trouble. Eventually I got my bill. I found I had actually been charged an average of 18p per minute on calls to mobiles, whereas if I had used my Vodafone mobile to make those calls including the "free weekend calls" facility my total charges to Vodafone would have been about 20% of what BT had extracted from me. I do not know what country these people come from or why, when there are so many Brits curreintly desperate for a job BT are allowed to discriminate against British workers and employ these people. Are others encountering these sorts of problems or can enlighten me on better options available,

    4 AnswersOther - Business & Finance1 decade ago
  • Brits - are you going to take more exercise to support your country?

    In Yahoo news today UK Health Minister Andy Burnham seems to be saying we Brits are among laziest people on earth and calls for people to take more exercise, particularly those on incapacity benefit. He says it would save a million pounds per year if just 1% of those on benefit did this.This comes when statistics show Britons are near the bottom in Europe (21st out of 27) in activity levels, and where binge drinking has been identified by Chief Medical Officer Donaldson as the most serious problem affecting society in UK today, and UK has a more serious problem than anywhere else in Europe on alcohol abuse. further evidence of how lazy Brits are was revealed in this week's YouGov poll where a high percentage admitted if sat down watching TV and their remote control went wrong, they would rather watch a channel they did not want than get off their bum and change the channel to a better programme manually! What do you reckon. Do you agree and if you are British have you been motivated to get off your bum and support your country by changing your lifestyle or are you err "sceptical"?

    8 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups1 decade ago
  • What is a self defeating or masochistic personality disorder and is it common?

    A person I know seems to have some of the symptoms of this disorder. He seems to set himself up to always be the failure and sometimes to be humiliated publically in tandem with other people's success and enjoyment of victory against him. He does not appear to know the meaning of love but could be psychosexually masochist and is certainly not thick. Does anybody have any similar experience of such people or know anything about this character trait


    8 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • Is it bad for you to sleep on a mattress on the floor instead of paying cost of buying a bed?

    I have taken in a young homeless person to be my flat mate. But have only one bedroom in my flat. He is not happy about sleeping on the floor So I am considering letting him have my bed, and I sleep on a mattress on the floor as I just can not afford the rip-off cost of buying another bed on my wages. I have slept on the floor in the past with a topper on my mattress for several weeks. I never encountered any health problems. Indeed I found it just as comfortable as sleeping in a bed. But I note in one past question one person said he got too many bugs sleeping on the floor. That never happened to me. But is there any medical reason or other advice people can give me about me sleeping on the floor rather than having an air space below me in a bed?

    26 AnswersOther - General Health Care1 decade ago
  • Is there any reason why British MPs London 2nd home cant be abolished & MPs get room in a Travelodge instea?

    I have made this point in answers to others questions but have not had one person on YA commenting in favour or opposed to the idea. That is that the Second Home allowance in London which is being abused by very many MPs including Sinn Fein and the likes of Jacqui Smith and Tory Chairman Eric Pickles etc. should be abolished once and for all! Most working people today are suffering the effects of cost cutting..I often stay in Travelodges around the country when working away from home. My expense claim for each nightscan cost my employer less than £19 for Wamibo's B & B. Accommodation is generally very comfortable with a relaxing double bed which I could share with my girl friend should I so wish. In my family room I can use my laptop without any problem, make or receive phone calls and do any sort of office type work with ample space to keep my clothes files, documents and all sorts of other stuff. I have seen Travelodges being built elsewhere in London with 600 or more bedrooms within six months and thereafter run at a huge profit. So what possible reason can there be for not building one near Westminster with one room for each MP regardless of where their constituency is and regardless of what Party they represent, then abolish second home allowance once and for all, with the MPs constituency home thereafter being the only home he or she can claim costs for from the taxpayer. Does anybody on YA have any valid criticism of this being brought in before the next General Election?

    14 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Are Swindon Council right to ban speed cameras on their roads?

    Swindon are the first Local Authority in the UK to take this step of removing all speed cameras in their area.They will replace them with automatic response signs which tell all drivers what speed they are doing when they approach a hazardous area, and a campaign of education starting at schools to teach the population about the dangers of driving too fast, instead of offenders being fined and getting their licence endorsed. Is this the way other Local Authorities should also go, or could the effect be a big increase in roads casualties in the Swindon area?

    10 AnswersSafety1 decade ago
  • What does it mean to dream about your mother when she has been dead over 20 years.?

    I am dreaming night after night, and in daytime between working my night shifts, that my mother is still alive. But she actually died in 1992.,. In my dream she is there looking exactly like she did when she was alive, but even though in my conscience mind of course I know she is dead, it seems the "me" in my dreams truly believes she is involved in things I am really doing today at work, which I was not involved in when she was alive. In most of my dreams I seem to be getting frustrated and prevented from completing something I so badly want to complete but the circumstances are always totally different but still often closely related to my true life today. Does anybody have any interpretation or explanation as to what this could mean.

    28 AnswersDream Interpretation1 decade ago