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Are the UK Conservative Party deceiving British voters on their true policy on the European Union?

During recent weeks members of the UK Conservative Party have been trying to convey the impression through the media that they are just as sceptical about the EU as are UKIP with their much highlighted demands for there to be a referendum on the Lisbon Treaty. Yet when David Cameron was interviewed on BBC1 this morning he told Andrew Marr the Conservative Party wanted to be "part of the EU". A political correspondent said last week the Conservative Party also wanted to see the EU further enlarged, including Turkey (an Islamic State) coming in as well. This follows the original policy of the last Conservative government when John Major was PM which gave the green light to the expansion of the EU to 27 members, which massive deluge of new immigrants from such countries as Poland who which many say is the major reason for the current record numbers of British school leavers who are unable to find work. So is it or is it not a fact that the Conservative Party is just conning us on what they would really do within the EU once elected?.

12 Answers

  • cimex
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yes there is certainly a lot of deception going on. The Lisbon Treaty ratification has really got the Conservative in a pickle as they are indeed now trying to hide their true policy on the EU and other areas On Europe they remain split today just as they were in the days of John Major and with the General Election probably coming up in May they are getting increasingly desperate to try to stop euro sceptics among UK voters switching their votes to UKIP or BNP instead of them and Cameron and Brown are in bed together on that, even though they both pretend to be at loggerheads. Cameron's deception is in tandem with deception on the Conservatives attitude to the Iraq war back in 2003 while the Inquiry is going on as many UK voters seem to have forgotten the majority of Conservative MPs supported Blair on the war not opposed Blair as Cameron would also so like them to believe.

    It is also true, as reported in media, that the Conservative Party has indeed over past year come out in support of admission of Turkey into the EU. And ironically the strongest opposition to Turkey joining within the EU comes from Sarkozy in France. But now it seems that Sarkozy is getting support to keep Turkey out because of the selection of Von Rompey as the new President of the EU Council, as unlike the UK Conservatives Von Rompey is also strongly against Turkey coming in. so the melting pot is all indeed highly confused on that too.

    The point Old Cynic has failed to understand is that because the UK Parliament with support of both Labour and Conservatives, have now brought the Australian points rules in to UK legislation to limit immigration, (precisely because they are both equally worried they are going to lose votes heavily over non availability of British jobs for British workers and particularly the huge numbers of school leavers like Timbo who can't get jobs in UK today), The Australian points rules only applies to migrants trying to get into UK to work and settle in Britain from non EU countries including Commonwealth countrie

    The new limitation does not apply to EU citizens. So if Turkey did joint the EU they could flood into Britain again without limitation just like the Poles did when they first got into the EU! s. But it is also true that the Conservatives support migrant workers coming into UK to work from within the EU because many UK employers consider British workers "lazy and unproductive" compared to the likes of the Poles. Which is of course another potential vote loser Cameron wants to keep very quiet about until the General Election is out of the way.

  • 1 decade ago

    Cameron has said from the start that he wants to be part of the EU, but he wants to distance us from it so that the EU has less political influence and rather just an economic relationship. He's not tried in any way to hide this view, so I don't know what you mean by that.

    In terms of the lisbon treaty, I'm sure we would have had a referendum on it, but yet again thanks to the labour party they've accelerated things so that it is not longer possible to have a referendum on it. As far as I know, with the validation of the presidential position of the EU the lisbon treaty is in effect as far as they're concerned. This means Cameron cannot do anything about this matter. The only options open to Cameron and us on the EU now are these:

    - Either we continue our membership of the EU, and so Cameron has promises to give a referendum on all major topics on the EU from the election onwards, should he indeed become PM.

    - Or, we revoke our membership of the EU, which can be done and in my opinion wouldn't put us at much of a loss considering the gains following this (contrary to what scaremongering pro-eu people would have you believe).

    They have also proposed new immigration processes if you take a look at their website, which will be much much better than the almost non existent one labour have employed. This would mean that should the EU expand we wouldn't get that influx of immigration. Also in my opinion I'm sure the tories will do a better job of kicking out those that do not deserve to be here and tracking down illegals that labour have no idea of their whereabouts.

  • 1 decade ago

    This is an interesting question and it does certainly seem to me to that the Conservatives have been participants in a massive con trick over the supposed referendum for the Lisbon Treaty and by their joining up their MEPs with a lot of nutters in the EU Parliament to try to woo the euro-sceptic vote, but at the same time trying to hang on to the pro EU vote. Somebody answers that no UK political party has pledged to pull out of the EU, but it was certainly my belief that if either UKIP or BNP did win they are both committed to do that? Both labour and Lib-Dems are honest and state they support UK being in Europe. The Conservatives indeed as questioner says ARE "deceiving British voters on their true policy on the EU". I really do feel for youngsters like Timbo who is getting the full force of this deception. From what you say you had been successfully conned into believing that if you vote Conservative you will stand a much better chance of getting off the dole than if you vote for anybody else. It is good you do keep your eyes in Yahoo Answers where you will get the true picture from ordinary people and not be misled by the BBC and Sun.

  • 1 decade ago

    LibLabCon = EU

    If you think Britain benefits in any way by being in the EU, vote for any of the above parties.

    Cameron is no different to Brown, Blair or Clegg, in that he supports Britain's membership of the EU. He knew he was safe in promising a referendum on the Lisbon Treaty because it had already been signed by Blair, and no referendum would make any difference to that fact. It came as no surprise when he weaseled his way out of this promise after the Czechs signed.

    There is very little difference between the three main parties now that I can see.

    The only good thing going for Cameron is that he isn't Brown, even though most of the policies are the same!

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  • Timbo
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Im 18 and a recent school leaver & been truying to gett a job now for 11 months.I did think conservatives mite be best party to help ppl like me get a job. So if wot this question says is correct & Conservatives R really secretly working for a bigger EU & even more migrant workers from to come into uk & snap up wot few jobs R still going witch ppl like me so desprately want , why dont BBC and Sun tell us the truth instead of campayning for Cameron to replace Brown? It looks to me if Cameron replaces Brown at next election it will be even more impossible for ppl ;like me to ever get a job than with Brown & i have got to live rest of my life on dole! But if i vote BNPor UKIP in my first ever vote will i have any better chance of ever getting a job before i die? I am just bcompleetly confuzed about everithing. to do with politics.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    None of the major parties have said they wish for the UK too withdraw from the EU. Though the CONS seem to be currying support from these sceptics by making their position rather hazy. We will probably hear Con plans AFTER the election...

  • 1 decade ago

    The Tories have always been in favour of the EU since Ted Heath

    in spite of many members of the party being euro sceptics.

    The leadership reckons these members and voters have no

    where else to go and will continue to vote Tory.

    So far this strategy has worked.

    Source(s): Ten Years On - Britain without the European Union ----- Free Copy
  • 1 decade ago

    Turkey is not an "Islamic state" - it is a secular republic, which just happens to have a Muslim majority. Turkey is also probably at least 15 to 20 years away from being taken seriously as an EU candidate state due to a wide range of issues, like the Turkish economy, policy toward Kurdish separatists, etc.

    But yes, the Tories are disingenuous on EU policy. They don't want you to remember how divisive Europe is to the Tory Party. This was how John Major's government was torn apart, when a small band of MPs including ministers he called "the bastards" tried to force him from office (in fact he resigned the leadership and stood again for it.)

    Any thoughts of EU expansion being responsible for immigration to Britain is mistaken. Very few from places like Romania have come here, they prefer Spain, because their languages are closely related. Chances are Turks won't come here in huge numbers. They historically like going to Germany, which seems to welcome them already with open arms.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    All three main parties have been secretly policy fixing to stay on the EU gravy train for much more proof do the people need after Nick, judas, Clegg pulled that filthy pre arranged u turn and pulled hes support for the EU treaty referendum just! at the right time to scupper our last chance to have our say.....You would have to be blind or stupid to have not seen through that act of cold calculated betrayal. Parliament is just a filthy rat run under a chicken shed. infested with liars traitors and thieves. All of them from those three terrible parties, all of them feathering their own nests. all of them watching each others backs.....Parliament houses and shelters the most successful organised criminal gang in Europe. Under its roof you will find lurking in its foul dark corners the true terrorist threat to this country.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    People keep saying non of the major parties would leave the EU well then Vote BnP XD they will ! as well as UKIP, and no this country will not become boycotted when leaving the EU. as for conservative, there conpulsive liars !!!!!! cought out to many times in such short time.

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