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Lv 5
Wamibo asked in Politics & GovernmentLaw & Ethics · 1 decade ago

Is the Chilcot Inquiry a further waste of millions of pounds of taxpayers money in these hard times?

Have you been watching the Chilcot inquiry live in news TV Channels. Do you believe when our country is verging on bankruptcy with a recent history of inadequate public money being spent on providing equipment to prevent loss of life for our troops in Afghanistan, or providing proper health care and social services for our vulnerable people, or stopping our old people dying in the cold, or providing enough grit to protect motorists lives during cold weather, paying public sector employees adequate wages etc. etc. anything whatsoever of value is being, or will be achieved for the UK people by millions more being spent to put out this further coverage on all TV news channels of the Chilcot Inquiry throughout 2010. Does this seemingly never ending analysis, waffle and deception, following the Butler and the Hutton Enquiries, of policies that were supported by the overwhelning majority of elected Conservative and elected Labour MPs over past decade by yet another mob of very highly paid qango personnel fascinate you or bore you to tears? Does it really serve the interests of the UK working population to hear any more of this opinion expressions on such things as whether UN resolution 1441 was or was not adequate grounds for ridding the world of one of the most evil dictators of all time?


Answers so far do seem to highlight the fact that it is a waste of public money for this inquiry to go on any longer. Chilcott and his Qango should not get paid any more money. The high noon part of the inquiry is over. Blair has won yet again and it is clear that the one thing those who created the furore for there to be yet another expensive Inquiry into this war have again been denied what they so desperately hoped for - a headline saying"Blair pleads for foregiveness" or "Blair admits he was wrong". Another few million pounds of taxpayers money spent on prolonging this media theatre is not going to change that, nor is ot going to bring back to life Lance Corporal Keys nor any one of those other fine young British guys who lost their life whatever conclusion Chilcott's unelected Qango of nonentities comes up with at the end? I will keep question open just a little bit longer in case anybody in Yahoo has any further submission?

6 Answers

    Lv 4
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Waffle and deception it most certainly is. Why we the British tax payers should fund this never ending waste of time is beyond me. We all knew years back that Blair and Bush lied their way into this illegal war. Getting rid of Saddam was necessary but that's what we have the CIA and MI5/6 for! Blair should be tried in the Hague as a war criminal!

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    The only reason Ted Steven's bridge to nowhere drew all that notoriety was publicity. The media got ahold of the story and the nation became outraged. They may be a little slow on the uptake, but the fact that ABC has picked it up indicates that it will soon become equivalent to the Alaska bridge. I have no doubt that there are many similar boondoggles out there. But the public has no way to know about them without the media. And it has nothing to do with partisanship, as much as you'd like to believe that. Somebody was happy about the airport as long as it was a secret outside of the local area, just as they were about the bridge. Only when outsiders find out about pork does the outrage start.

  • 1 decade ago

    The entire British Government except the M.P.s that voted against the war should be brought to trial as war criminals. It will not happen of course as the only war criminals ae those that lose their wars, so far we haven,t lost this one as yet, Afghanistan will be a different story, however long we stay there, we will not defeat the insurgents as they,re called today, in grandads time they were Pathans, Knocking off foreign soldiers has been a way of life there for many,many years & could be considered their national sport, a sport at which they excel I might add. We couldn,t win there in Q,Victorias time when we ruled half the world, we sure as hell cannot do it now.

  • 1 decade ago

    It's turning out to be the utter farce that we all thought it would be - Blair will never admit to anything , or suffer any serious consequences , whatever conclusions they come to! He's just a sweaty , lying , arrogant crook!

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It could well prove to a waste of time and money, Tony Blair has been given too much latitude to provide his political answers for his decisions to invade Iraq and his inquisitors have been rather easy on him.

  • 1 decade ago

    A giant whitewash organised and directed by the Labour Party to save the a*ses of Blair,Brown and the rest of the Cabinet from the exposure of their lies.

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