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Is this further propaganda progress to the eventual banning of alcohol in all UK pubs and supermarkets?

Today's announcements about new laws in England and in Scotland to counteract the alleged terrible repercussions of drinking in the UK do sound remarkably similar to the kind of propaganda about the dangers of smoking 20 or so years ago that paved the way for the law banning all smoking in UK pubs and workplaces. Remember 20 years ago people said "it could never happen". But it has happened, Alcohol is already banned in some other countries like Saudi Arabia,and Iran where anybody caught in possession of or selling alcohol may be sentenced to public flogging.So is the same kind of legislationon on the way in the UK?


Not clear why this has landed up on Yahoo USA instead of Yahoo UK, but since it has can I ask USA readers could this happen in USA too, and do you think it should?

2 Answers

  • cimex
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    No that is rubbish. I do not think all sales of alcohol will ever be banned in UK or US at some time in the future. In fact these alcohol ASBO powers have existed for many years but have not been used because they just do not work nor do I ever think the UK will become amn Islamiuc state.

    The reason smoking got gradually outlawed was mainly because of the Kings Cross underground station fire as well as terrible fires in airlines that led to tragedies so most people were happy for their to be a ban such as on the London underground trains, main line trains and airlines for safety of life reasons, not for health reasons. Also in the case of smoking a significent percentage of the UK have always been vociferously against smoking and were delighted to support politicians who proposed banning it from workplaces and inside pubs. But that is not the case with alcohol. Teetotallers are just a tiny percentage of the UK population, whereas non smokers comprise perhaps 60% or more of the UK population. I know even a lot of people who claim to be muslims still like a drink occasionally. Responsible drinking of beer has been part of the working man's culture in Britain since time immemorial and among the posher types wine drinking is much enjoyed, while north of the border as well as beer there is a culture of drinking whiskey which is even more established. If any UK political party made any kind of proposal to stop pubs and shops selling all alcohol they would lose millions of votes and in a general election stand no chance of winning power. Even the Greens are not in favour of a ban on alcohol, and we all know when they had prohibition in the US it caused far more problems than it eased.

    Yes there is currently a new problem of binge drinking by mostly people in their teens and twentie who behave like animals fighting and puking in the street and causing a strain on the police and A and E services.

    But that is now being addressed and I think it is highly likely there will be a reimposition of restricted hours on pub opening times like there used to be, possibly making all pubs close around 10pm and banning alcohol sales everywhere after that time. I also think it extremely likely there will be huge increases in taxation on alcohol sales in shops and possibly a much lower tax level in pubs So a can of beer or cider will go up to double or more what it currently is in a pub but perhaps 3 or more times if you buy it in a supermarket. oso most will simply not be able to afford more than one or two pints per day. I think thetre will also be new laws to stop binge drinking, such as have already been introduced in places like Oldham..

    The separate issue of drink and driving has already been addressed as anyone caught loses their licence and to cause a death as a result of drink and driving leads to jail and that message has got through and the problem is now minimal. T

    But there is no real problem about older more responsible people continuing to enjoy alcohol responsibly and in moderation, and no politician is going to commit hari kari by even suggesting totally banning it.neither in the UK nor in the USA. .

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Well if Britain is to become the first Islamic state of Europe (as the EU and our parliament has so obviously planned) then YES! Drinking will have to be banned. You can see what they are doing from a mile away. The British people are sleepwalking right! into the hands of total oppression and the fools cant even see it. Islamic oil money buys and sells our Parliament every day of the week, and with Islamic immigration steadily trickling into the country at the rate of one thousand per week, and a government that refuses to stop it, it doesn't take a genius to work out where its all headed. But, as usual, the people will only wake up after the situation has bitten them in the @rse.

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