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Lv 5
darkAI asked in News & EventsCurrent Events · 1 decade ago

Fatah members are having their eyes taken out by Hamas members. Where are all the Palestinian supporters?

As usual - The world goes back to their routine while Hamas goes back to being cruel to the Palestinians. And of course no one cares, since the world media doesn't care to report it. If it's not Israel conducting a major attack, it's not worth being on international news, right?

"A Fatah official in Ramallah told the Post that at least 100 of his men had been killed or wounded as a result of the massive Hamas crackdown. Some had been brutally tortured he said"

"According to the official, at least three of the detainees had their eyes put out by their interrogators, who accused them of providing Israel with wartime information about the location of Hamas militiamen and officials."

Now there's a REAL MASSACRE. Where are all the people to cry "stop the massacre in Gaza" now? Could it be they didn't care one bit about the people and only cared about what Israel is doing?

Read more here:

I hope you're proud of yourself for supporting these people.


Lilac - You've believed everything Hamas said, an organization which has been proven to lie on the media, you've believed the eye witnesses of Gaza. Why not believe what the eye witnesses are saying now? Just because it conflicts with what you'd WANT to believe? Come on.

Update 2:

michael w - Ah, of course. I was expecting a reply from you. Sorry to dissapoint you, but unlike Hamas TV and Al-Jazeera, Israel's media[Such as the Jerusalem post] are bound by law to provide accurate data. If they fake information, there'll be dire consequences, law wise. Also, mainstream media has a reputation to uphold, as to being reliable. If you scroll through the website, you'll find many pro-Palestinian articles as well, since it presents all facts, all points of view. It's so easy to yell "FAKE" at the top of your lungs when you read something you don't want to hear, eh? I dare you to find one example of fake or incorrect news reported by this news source. Good luck, you'll need it.

Update 3:

michael w - There's also many pro-Palestinian newsbit these channels don't advertise. Israeli media reports everything from Israel, while the world media reports only the things that matter to them. How of the many of the 10,000+ rocket attacks on Israel have you seen or heard anything about on TV? Just like Israeli news don't advertise every little thing that happens in USA, the US news don't advertise every little thing that happens in Israel and Gaza.

Update 4:

And here's a point to think about to realize how silly your argument is - Does CNN and Reuters report everything that's on the news in Britain?

Update 5:

michael w - You said I'll never win this argument. Well, just won:

Update 6:

michael w - nytimes wouldn't post something unless it has been proven to be reliable. What does that tell you?

Update 7:

Sunshine - What would happen to spies if caught in Israel? Well, here's a good example - Azmi Bishara. An arab Israeli parliament member who went to Syria and gave secret information to the Hezbollah who Israel was fighting at the time. The result? He was invited for a trial, he fled the country without appearing for trial and "retired" from the Israeli Parliament. Now his family is getting paid by Israel's government since he's "abroad" and his family is eligible for his pension money as he hasn't been proven guilty yet because he didn't appear for court. Certainly a brutal way to treat a traitor.

22 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    What do you expect? Hamas has become the darling of those that use anti-Israel sentiments to cover their anti-Semitic semtiments. They can't admit that Hamas are terrorists because then they would have to admit that Israel was justified in defending itself against Hamas' continued terrorist attacks. So people like michael W will grab at straws- saying the NY Daily news article is from Jerusalem to try and discredit it- while ignoring the fact that there are two other names in the byline- one of them in RAMALLAH in the West Bank! Hilarious how people will try to find excuses to prevent cognitive dissonance.

    edit: Sunshine Israel does NOT have the death penalty! All a traitor would get IF found guilty in court (which works on a presumption of innocence) is a jail sentence. As for "inviting" him- he fled BEFORE they could arrest him to an Arab country from which he cannot be extradited. So they asked him to come back and stand trial to prove his iincoence. Since he is guilty, obviously he cannot come back- but since he has not been proven guilty in court, he is presumed innocent and his family receive his pension! That is how things work in a democracy with a rule of law- unliek Hamas torturing people, poking their eyes out, drawing and quartering them in public and more.

  • Shay p
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    My friend, it's ok for an Arab to kill an Arab !!!!

    Three Fatah men had their eyes put out during "interrogation" by Hamas thugs and as many as 80 Fatah members were either shot in the legs or had their hands broken for defying Hamas' house-arrest orders.

    "What's happening in the Gaza Strip is a new massacre that is being carried out by Hamas against Fatah," said a Fatah activist in Gaza City. "Where were these cowards when the Israeli Army was here?"

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Exactly. Why on earth Fatah did not support israel more beats me. Michael W. You are such a fool. Really. People like you encourage hamas murders.

  • 1 decade ago

    Great post.

    Hamas is busy executing and torturing rival Fatah members and the world is strangely silent. Yet when Israel had no choice but to hit Gaza in order to STOP Hamas terrorism, the world erupted in condemnation.

    So where are all the rallies and protests now over Hamas killing Palestinians?

    Where are all the newspaper articles and leader columns and celebrities such as Annie Lennox et al?

    Whoops, silly me. Palestinian deaths only count when its Israelis causing them through acting in *response* TO Hamas terrorism.

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  • 1 decade ago about it micheal w, lot of references here of different news agencies about the same.

    You dont think Israel has something to do with it now?

    Its just mean people doing mean things to other people. Kinda like the general trait of everyone there.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I am trully sick. You know what else you can add ot the tortures, my firned? About 8 years ago, 2 Israeli Soldiers were captured by Hamas. They were hung by shackels, their eyes blown out, the bodies cut up and torn up until they had only a torso, then they beat them up with baseball bats and sent wolves in to tear what's left of the poor souls apart. Hamas broadcasted it, and people STILL support Hamas. You know what I'd do if I were captured by Hamas? When they interrogate me, I'd just spit in their lowlife face. May they burn in hell.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    So, what would Israel do to Israeli spies that could lead to the death and destruction of Israeli citizens?

    Dark Al: I am sure that story is an exception and a strange one at that. Why did they "invite" him to trial...........why not just arrest him so he doesn't flee the country? -just doesn't make sense. I would flee, too, if I were a traitor and got an invitation to stand trial......surely Israel officials thought of that. What is the real or general punishment for a spy / traitor is what I was asking? I am certain that not all are treated with such kindness.

    or, is this an example of the great lengths Israelis will go to protect their own citizens even if they have commited egregious wrongs?

    Don't misunderstand my retort here - in no way am I justifying torture & death or support Hamas militants who want nothing but to see the destruction of Israel...........but gentle and polite treatment of traitors doesn't quite make a valid argument.

  • 1 decade ago

    All the headlines are about the death and destruction Israel has wrought on Gaza, yet a small piece slips through now and then about Hamas still firing rockets into Israel despite the so-called ceasefire.

    Where's the media condemnation about violence in other parts of the world -- Darfur, Africa, etc.? How can Israel possibly stop Hamas from re-arming without help at the borders from the U.S. Who else can help to stop the re-supply of rockets, explosives, etc.? France? Italy? Russia?


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Just as the world doesn't care about Darfur, Zimbabwe, Kenya or Somalia it doesn't really care about Pals unless there is a Jew to blame it on.

    All media is biased to a degree. A newspaper that actually tries to be fair and just report facts is rare and out of the norm today.

    Hamas knows that the world is watching Bama now and that they can pull stuff like this and go virtually un noticed. Where is the UN now with all their humanitarian pity for the Pal.

    This just proves Hamas is not part of the civilized world and needs to be removed for the cancer it is.

    Next chapter maybe.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    WHere are the Palestinian supporters? Looking for more ammo to undertake a bit more Jew-Baiting. They don't care what atrocities the terrorists get up to as long as they can take a pop at Israel/Jews/Hebrews.

    At core, this is a racist problem as old as the hills - at least 3000 years. It ain't goin' to change anytime soon. These anti-Jew people hate at their very heart's core.

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