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Have you reach the point where you don't have to "fix" up the house, cause there's no one left to impress?

21 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yes! But my wife makes me do it anyway. But no one but our kids and grand kids ever visits! Well, The neighbor next door comes over occasionally. But he is 95 years old!

    Source(s): Yes honey, I'm comming!
  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I think you hit the nail on the head. Or my husbands' head LOL. We

    no longer have drop in company, we aren't the socialites we were

    in our younger days, where staying at home on weekends was al-

    most unthinkable. We've moved away and drifted away from fair

    weather friends. And now I have a small handful of my long time

    friends who come to visit rarely. We're all seniors, and have become

    more interested in doing other things, than cleaning the house. Or

    we just aren't able to do it as often anymore. We've all slowed down

    and have different priorities. And we accept each other, as well as

    how and where they live. We don't feel we have to impress. We

    get together to visit with them, not their houses. That seems to be

    the general mindset anyway. But we've all earned the time to slow

    down. We do what and when we can. And it had better be enough.

    Because we know, that the dust will return and we don't panic to

    get it all buffed and shined like we did years ago. I saw the change

    in my mother, who instilled in me, to be a neat nick. I knew when it

    was time for her to get extra help, when she couldn't clean her

    picture windows any longer due to Bursitus and Arthritus. She still

    wanted the same cleaning job done, by whomever did it. Just as

    she did it before. And I see that's where I am now. I want a picture

    perfect living space, but I have to rely on help to get it half way there.

    I've learned to ignore what I can't do. And hope the in home help I

    get a little of, will get the rough spots at least. It's hard to get older,

    and it's hard to let go. And not be in control to clean as you want

    things to be cleaned. But I don't worry any longer, about being

    judged. I learned those types of people weren't friends, when I felt

    I had to keep up and be the norm, or not be accepted in my

    community. Life is far too short, and getting shorter. And I'm not

    the neat nick anymore.

  • 1 decade ago

    Lol!! Yes, I've been leaving the dishes in the sink a lot lately. Only when someone is coming over do I make things neater. Since it is just me and the cat, I can kind of relax a little these days. I did get a couple of windows and a new storm door and hope to replace a worn couch for a loveseat but it is not needed. Just something I want to do for myself as far as keeping up appearances.

  • janey
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I admit, I felt the need, at one time, to fix up my house to impress others. I've since grown up and realize I don't need to impress anyone with stuff. And I am not impressed with other people's "stuff".

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  • 1 decade ago

    Just can't get there myself. Though i know what you mean. Sometimes I think, what the heck difference does it make then one of the kids comes over with a great idea to paint or fix a window pane or something and I start to think, I need to get on the ball again.

    Which reminds me I need to clean the basement up again. Post holiday mess down there. LOL

  • 1 decade ago

    No, not really. Because I decorate to impress me and create moods that make me feel happy, calm, serene and/or joyful. The only time I stop is when I have run out of rooms to decorate! LOL THEN I patiently await the time when I tire of the old and start anew!

  • Stella
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I've never tried to impress anyone, but I do like to keep my house nice....just for myself. The day I stop caring will be the day I die.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Aww.. Thats so sad. You DONT have to live like that if you dont want to. Are there any kinds of groups in your area that you can join? Any kind of group at the church or community group? Surely there has got to be something you can do to make new friends. They will never replace the ones you have lost, but you shouldnt have to live without friends. If you cant get out, maybe you could post online to start a friends group like a book club or I dont know, something, and have them meet at your house? I mean, there ought to be *something* you can do.

  • 1 decade ago

    I love to fix up my home, and until I pass away there will always be some one to impress...ME!

  • 1 decade ago

    I fix and re-do my house to impress me!!! I am thankful for what I have!

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