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Lv 4
MBC asked in TravelAfrica & Middle EastIsrael · 1 decade ago

Is time running out for a two state solution?

13 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I believe time has already run out for that solution. Israel had a chance in the 1990's with the PLO with Yasser Arafat, but they insisted on humiliating him at Camp David and offer him a very mediocre proposal, which he rightfully rejected.

    Now Israel has created more realities on the ground that makes it even more impossible than the year 2000 to make peace based on a 2-state solution. The Israelis (as you can see from the answers here) dream that they will be able to shove an unjust solution down the throats of the Palestinians, but that is not going to happen.

    As the CBS program suggests, time is not on the Israeli side. It is on the Palestinian side. Israel will disintegrate from the inside within the first half of this century, and it will be done by their own misjudgments.

    I still believe that the only fair solution is a one-state solution. The Palestinian vision of 2-state or 1-state solutions is so different from the Israeli vision, that I do not think a solution will ever be reached peacefully, and that Israel will attempt to do (commit) one of the other 3 scenarios mentioned in the program, all of which are equivalent to grand scale war crimes. As it is with war always, it is easy to start it, but not easy to end it, and you never guarantee the outcome.

    I believe the only intelligent thing for the Israelis to do is to make peace with the Palestinians now based on a one-state solution. However, considering that is not one of their strengths, but rather arrogance is, I doubt that is going to happen.

    Source(s): See my answer below about Palestinian vision of 2-state and 1-state solutions and how they compare to the Israeli vision.;_ylt=AsLf.... This is a map of Israel proposal to Arafat at Camp David:
  • dar
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Palestine is the call of a geographic area encompassing Jordan, Israel, West financial company, and Gaza. It has never been the call of a u . s . a .. Obama, between many others, could like a "2 state answer," wherein Israel maintains to be as one state and West financial company and Gaza combine to be the different. Jordan and Egypt, which used to own West financial company and Gaza respectively, are in prefer of this concept. So is Israel, often, as long as they end being bombed by making use of militants in West financial company and Gaza. yet many of the Palestinian militants in West financial company and Gaza are no longer prepared for Israel to stay a state; they p.c. to take administration of Israel besides as West financial company and Gaza. that's an extremely impractical concept, and for sure Israel won't ever agree. And that's what has prevented the formation of the Palestinian State.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It's long gone. The opportunity was there to preserve a Jewish State but now all of the former Mandate Palestine is going to become a single multicultural democracy.

    Best of luck. It's really not that bad. We've been doing it that way in the U.S. for ages. We would never let one ethnic group run the whole works. people might think it's kind of racist.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes, and the reason for that is that Israel does not want a Palestinaian state, they say they do, but in fact they don't, they are buying time to creat "a new facts on the ground" where they want to confiscate more and more lands from Palestinians so they can build more settlements ,I don't think Israel wants peace at all. They are killing Palestinians exactely the way Hitler was killing the Jews.They are"Israelis" cleansing the Palestinians,can somebody explain to me the Israeli killings of 400 Palestinan children in Gaza with Phosphoric bombs!!!!!!

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  • 1 decade ago

    The second paragraph of the article says it all:

    It’s known as the "two-state" solution. But, while negotiations have been going on for 15 years, hundreds of thousands of Jewish settlers have moved in to occupy the West Bank. Palestinians say they can't have a state with Israeli settlers all over it, which the settlers say is precisely the idea.

    Israel doesn't want peace, if it did, move out the settlers. Just the game they continue to play until the West Bank is totally annexed. Cheers!

  • 1 decade ago

    why should there be a two state solution? would america give up the southern part of the country and give it back to Mexico? you must understand that in order to fully appriciate the situation in Israel and the answer to your question,you need to understand the back ground.

    In modern history (1948) the Country is formed just as decades earlier all the countries of the middle east are formed by France and England. In 1967 Israel is attacked by every Arab country in the middle east. Israel defends it self and in the ensuing battle(s) captures additional territory.

    in 1972 this happends again.

    also in the 1960 and 70's the PLO is started by Yasser Arafat (and Egyptian) who invents the tactics of modern day terrorism, hi-jacking airplanes, bombing civilians, etc.

    1990's PLO becomes a world recognized political entity. Why i am not sure, this may be a good Question for someone to answer.

    talks begin in and through the 90's due the the "intafada of the "Palestinians" (and who are they anyways)

    this is where we are right now, talks. this will never happen due to the disposition of the Palestinians. they are not a people of peace. this has been proven many many many times. as they simply use cease fires tacktics to re stock weapons, and they teach hatred of all people who are not like them. they can talk a good talk. but in 67 and 72 almost all civilian Palestinians assisted in the "terrorist" acts they used and continue to use today.

    the " occupied territories" are legitimate capture and spoils of war.

    any country that captures land in war keeps it. I think that for the world to insist on a country the size of the state of New Jersey to give up 1/4 of its land to a renegade group of people, that try to present themselves as martyrs and nation, is completly unfair.

    i think America should take the lead and give back 1/4 to 1/2 of the country to the American natives or to Mexico.

    two states are out of the question.

  • Tia
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    The end of Israel will be demographic when we -arabs- outnumber them....

    The israelis are preparing for another massacre in the west bank -coming soon-..

    Thanks for the link!

  • John
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Sadly, I think time has already run out.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You will never get a two state solution as long as the Pals are divided. Hamas is the cause of the failure.

    Say it happened and Hamas won the seat.

    Would Iran then tell them all Shia must die too?

    Would civil war be the way?

    I believe there will be a false peace and that it will happen in the next couple of years. I don't see a Pal state though.

  • 1 decade ago

    Do you really think it is possible to make peace with Islamist terrorists? It would be a gross understatment to say that they are anti-Semites par excellence.

    "Jews are the enemies of Allah," and therefore by definition are the enemies of all Muslims. This opinion is expressed by Dr. Walid Al-Rashudi, head of the Department of Islamic Studies at Saud University in Saudi Arabia, in a speech broadcast earlier tis month on Hamas TV.

    The religious scholar also prays for the extermination of all Jews: "Kill them one by one and don't leave even one." Hamas leaders have expressed on numerous occasions the belief that all Jews should be exterminated.

    No, a two-state solution is not possible. What is needed is unconditional surrender by these terrorists.


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