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birth defect------HELP ?

Hi everyone, I will try to make my story short- in 2007 I finally got pregnant after 4 years of trying, miscariages as well as almost die after a misc, I had a baby girl 2 day ago she turned 1, last Nov I noticed that my period was not the way it should be and only last a day and continue to spot very dark for the whole month the same for dec I told my husband that I was going throw early menapause (after all that can happen) I visited the doc she told me that I had a fibroid it might need to be removed she advised me to see a specialist to do the operation upon visiting the other doc he informed me that I was pregnant already 3 month, My husband was happy so are his parents I was to but kind of skeptical after all it took 4 years the last time and 3 miscs that was too easy

anyway I stay in bed and the dark bleeding stop here we are today

I did a blood test, in France it is recommended that a blood test is done on the 3rd month if the result is not good than you will ask to do an amniosyntisis well my test come back 1/40 that is bad that mean my child migh have mongolian defect or I think that is what in the US is call down Syndrom

I know that I should do the amniosynthisis but is doing it mean that the result is 100% correct or will it be like the blood test a MAYBE

no one can guarantee if the amnio is accurate and I just can not imagine aborting my baby I think of it as God gift

Now here is my ? can someone please tell me if this has happen to them and at the end is baby OK

and also what actualy is mangolian does it effect the nervous system or just physical I know I need to ask more ?s of my doc but today I just could not I just wanted to go some where and cry

sorry if this? is too long

8 Answers

  • Joey
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I'm so sorry you're going through this and you have my heart right now. Unfortunately, no one can make the decision for you except you. Think long and hard about what you really want to do. Don't let anyone make you feel bad or guilty about the decision you's YOUR life. Consider the pros and cons and make up your own mind. Bless you.

  • Yes, what you are calling "mongoloid defect" is typically called Downs Syndrome in the US. If your doctor told you that your chances of having a Down's Syndrome baby have gone to 1 out of 40 cases, that is a fairly strong positive test result. The base rates for a mother who is 28 years old are about 1: 350. But the blood test has a fairly high false positive rate (some estimates a false positive of 20% of cases)

    If you know for certain that you would not abort the child even if they do have Downs, which was how my husband and I felt, then I would encourage you to think about NOT having amnio. The amnio results are much more accurate, but also not 100%. nothing is 100%. Amnio is an invasive procedure, and although it is rare, some perfectly healthy babies die from complications from the amnio.

    So if you would keep this baby one way or another, then why not decide to accept that the baby has Downs Syndrome, and begin preparing for that. Then whether the baby has Downs or not, you will will be prepared and the baby will be a blessing.

    Downs affects both physical appearance and cognitive functioning. but children can be affected to varying degrees. Most children and adults with Downs that I have known are socially warm and loving people who are able to hold a job and live independently (with assistance) and otherwise function in society.

    I'm sure there is a good wikipedia in your language on the topic, and likely also some support groups in your area or online. I'm including some cites for you to look at below.

    National Downs Syndrome Society:


    French Down Syndrome Support Group:

  • 1 decade ago

    Ok, first, that test is not that accurate. It said that 2 of my nieces would be born with Down's, and it was wrong both times. And if the child does actually have Down's syndrome, would you love them any less? If it matters that much to you to find out, then do so. But if you aren't going to have the pregnancy terminated either way, what difference does it make? The baby will be they way it is going to be whether you find out now or not.

  • 1 decade ago

    im not sure about your question but the test i think is also referred to as a CUBS test. it is optional to check your chances of the baby having downs. if if was to come back and say you have a 1 in 200 chance etc the baby has it that would be classed as high, if there is a high CHANCE the baby has it you would have the option to terminate the pregnancy, but if you chose not to you could spend many months worrying if youre baby has it or not, i dont think they can give you a definite answer but there is some tell tale signs that a scan can detect also. i had a m/c myself prior to my current pregnancy and i declined the test. if my baby has it i will have to deal with it i just feel blessed to have the chance of having a baby good luck xx

    Source(s): 32weeks
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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    my mom had the blood test done and it said that i had down syndrome. she went and got the amniosystesis and it ended up saying that i didnt have down syndrome. and once i was born it was very obvious that i am not down syndrome.

    even tho the results came back positive that your baby can have down syndrome, doesnt mean that they will.

    that test has a very HIGH false reading.

    they can give you an in-depth ultrasound to check and see if the baby has downsyndrome, if they notice anything that looks like the baby has down syndrome, then go get the amnio because its a 100% yes or no.

    good luck and i know your worried.

    stay strong.

  • No i dont know what mongolian defect is but Down Syndrome is Trisomy 21 defect. I think that if you dont want to possibly cause a miscarriage then you shouldnt do a amniocentesis. Those other tests just tell you the risks, they dont mean anything. My daughter has down syndrome.

    Source(s): due may 14th
  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    no longer incredibly. yet when the mum beverages alcohol even as she is pregnant, the baby has a probability of having congenital heart defects. i imagine those old different halves' memories were began to save women human beings in line by using the non secular elders. My first ex-mom-in-regulation believed all that stupid stuff. She advised me no longer to envision frogs or renowned man or woman Trek because i might want to "mark" the toddler by using what I had seen in the course of the first 3 months of my being pregnant. fortuitously, for me, I knew more beneficial and develop into faraway from her weirdness in Schonaich, Germany. yet her son, believed some distance extra unusual issues than she. He develop into ordinary to drop "Acid" sometimes and he talked to "God" or maybe answered for him besides in yet another voice.(position music to The Twilight Zone right here).

  • 1 decade ago

    First, no baby is gods gift... it is you and your husband, and an egg and a sperm meeting.

    That said, errors are made... not every egg was ever meant to be a human, not every sperm meant to be a human, and not every pregnancy, as you have found out leads to an APGAR 10 baby (google the term)

    In your place, I would not want a Down's child. I want a perfect baby. And I would have no problem trying again if I were carrying one.

    It is a decision only you can make, hon. But being a parent ought to be a 2 decade commitment, not one that goes on for your entire life. And as the mother of a Down's child, you or someone will be a caregiver until it dies.

    Source(s): Dad and Husband both mds. Mom and RN. Taken several courses and taught severl courses to Special Ed kids. No, I wouldn't want one of them to be mine. And I don't know of anyone who would, given the chance to have another try another year for that Apgar 10 baby. You asked. Don't shoot the messenger.
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