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Why do white people make fun of asian language?

Why do people make fun of asian language because it's different or sounds funny??? I was in Spanish, and this white guy said "cho dowtown ching ting" and EVERYONE was laughing except this other asian next to me but he didn't look like he cared. But I, found that VERY OFFENSIVE AND HOW PEOPLE WOULD JUST LAUGH AT IT.

Do you agree with me because it's different doesn't mean people have to make fun of asian languages and mock it? they also make fun of spanish language in there too. i'm starting to get sick of white people.

19 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    It's not just white people who make fun of other languages, this can and probably does happen in all races, but some do it in a more open manner then others.

    Also if you think about it, it is usually the ignorant and rude people who will be making fun of another person's language or culture even. Those are the closed minded individuals who were never taught how to respect the differences in people and the differences in their languages and cultures.

    The ones who laugh ... not all of them think it is funny, but they laugh anyways as they try to fit in. To many people think that if they don't fit in, by laughing or poking fun of something or someone that is different, then they will be the next target to be made fun of.

    As for feeling offended, you have every right to feel that way, if it was offensive to you, it just shows that you have pride in who you are and where you came from. But unfortunately you won't be able to change ignorant people and get them to stop poking fun at things that are different then what they "think" is normal.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    When some racist person says this to me, it's pretty funny because they sound like cage animals and assholes, or should I say they are cage animals. LOL! But yeah, when someone says such thing, the best thing to do is ignore them. I mean, it's not like we need to be attentive towards trash people anyway. They're action and words simply shows how stupid and useless of a human being they are. There's no need to respond to inferiors like them whatsoever. When they render ignorant remarks, they're just embarassing themselves as well.

    Source(s): Asian.
  • 1 decade ago

    I don't. I don't make fun of Spanish language either. I want to learn Spanish. I wouldn't last five minutes in a Chinese class though because it confuses me a bit, but I don't make fun of it.

  • a
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    you should have told them that they were idiots if they think that asian languages sound like that. then you should say at least asians are smart and take out your ap books for proof and slam it down hard on them.... that's my tactic, and no, i'm not violent

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  • 1 decade ago

    I've only noticed that in certain age groups of people who have little or no exposure to culture outside their immediate culture.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


  • 1 decade ago

    im a white woman with asian friends..

    so i understand where your anger is coming from.

    next time some idiot does that..ask him if that is supposed to be like chinese....or japanese. or whatever....and then start actually speaking to him in that language. but only if you actually know it. put the person on the spot. if you dont know the language...have a friend who does know it do it for you. the last thing a racist jerk wants is to be ridiculed.

    Source(s): no just a worse jack@ss than the racists. lol.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    search up how white people treat asian women back inthe vietnam war on youtube i would give you the url but i dont have it with me

    search up :vietnam war

    there should be a picture black and white of a guy with a mostuache thats one

    lets just say-

    one white guy stabbed an asian woman in both breast, when she asked for water

    then shoved something up her vagina then finally killed her

    here found it

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Im really sorry that happened to sucks.

    I think its because people dont like anything different and when they dont like differences they resort to making fun of it in order to make them feel more comfortable around differences.

    dont let that get you down..

  • 1 decade ago

    Why do you assume all white people are like that? I studied Japanese for 3 semesters in college. I respect Japanese language and culture and I'm white.

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