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Is anyone else feeling angry about that women who gave birth to 8 children?

I have read this and realizing all that you read may not be true that this women has 6 kids is un married , does not work, and does not support the 6 she has plus she lives with her father. Does is make anyone else angry that we now have the obligation to support someone who uses no common sense?


To Timid Women..True timid women do not make history!..Let me tell you no her parents cannot support her nor the kids her family is appaled from all statements I have so far read and trust me dear my income barely feeds my family and somone who needs some help is one thing someoone who lives off of my hard earned dollars and takes food out of my families mouth is a concern of mine and should be of any hard working middle income family. Secondly how about those poor babies have you thought of that?And why on this earth should people donate moeny to stupid thoughtless peole who do not care for their own children? Isn't emotional and financial support something we think of BEFORE having children?

Update 2:

Mestenda Those kids are in a terrible situation and when welfare has to pay, it is any working persons business. We have many people who love children and can support them but cannot have any. When you can give a child a life and support it emotionally and financially then have more if you want them. It costs the taxpayers and hospitol 1000 a day for each child , this may go on for moths we have people who die becasue they cannot afford treatment while our tax dollars support this is not fair to eihter the children nor to others in my opinion and many other working families opinions!

29 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    don't even get me started! I have been enraged about this for days. Who is paying for her fertility treatments?? And what doctor in their right mind would implant 8 embryos into a woman?

    It saddens me to see this when my friend and her husband are so desperate to have a child that they took out a loan for $20,000 for IVF and saving every penny they can. And here is this woman popping out 14 kids all through IVF and who the hell is paying for it???

    I just hope huggies and pampers and babies r us etc don't give her a friggin dime, the kids are taken away and adopted by a family that's sane.

    Source(s): me and my hormonal pregnant opinions :)
  • 5 years ago

    I think some of your own experience may help. People of different backgrounds can be very happy together. But to make it work, it requires a level of intentionality in the the pre-marriage conversations that might not be needed if you are of the same background and/or culture. For one thing, the assumptions will vary. Often, these are unspoken, perhaps unrealized differences. What is okay in one culture, might be seem as not okay in another. Issues around who makes money decisions and how, what about sex, children or no and how many, parenting styles and expectations, attitudes about careers, education, etc. I would recommend he get premarital counseling with someone who has worked with cross-ethnic couples. This may be right for him, but folks need to go into these things with both eyes open.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yeah it kind of does. I mean people talk about those Duggars or Doogars or whoever they having 17 kids, but at least they work and support their children.

    This woman had 6 kids she already struggled to take care of and then went to fairly extreme lengths to make sure she had even more, ends up with 8 kids, all of whom are very small and will probably have health problems growing up. I mean that alone is very irresponsible, not just on her part but on the part of the doctors who agreed to do the procedure for her in the first place. Then add to the fact that she's already living in part on government assistance... I don't know. It's ridiculous.

    I really do think that, as great as in vitro fertilization and artificial insemination have been for some people, it's times like these that make me really think it's not right to play with mother nature and we should just let some things be as they are.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think anger would be completely irrational considering I have no idea what the entire situation is. The media will spin a story the way they see fit. Leaving out details wherever they feel. We don't know all of her circumstances and a statement from an angry mother hardly seems unbiased. It's not my problem. As long as those kids are not getting abused it's none of my business.

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  • 1 decade ago

    As more and more details come out about this more people will be disgusted by her actions. Now there are claims that she wants a few million $$ to give interviews. They should have removed her uterus after the birth of this last litter (if not before). How can she possibly give these children the time and attention they are going to need? And on top of it she has an autistic child that needs special attention. If she is mature enough to bring 14 kids into the world, she should be mature enough to move out of her parents home and get a job and support these kids herself.

    When my tax dollars are more than likely going to help support her and all her kids, I have a huge problem with it.

  • 1 decade ago

    It's the American way, so sad. This country rewards lazy moochers. It seems like the people who ought not to have children reproduce the most, and those who are best equipped struggle...not fair. Those poor kids don't stand a chance at normalcy with that nut job as a mother, and then they will just perpetuate the dysfunction. Very disturbing, but sadly all the more common these days.

  • 1 decade ago

    Personally her not being married doesn't affect what i think about her nor her being a single mom. What bothers me is that she already has 6 kids and chances are they all didn't receive the attention they needed and now with 8 more they wont get what they deserve. She is a lazy women who if she wants to have all these kids should be working like the rest of us do and not mooching off of her parents. I personally think she did this for attention and with shows like Jon and Kate plus 8 and 17 and counting she probably feels she will make a lucrative career having kids.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    i am (even though i have no right to be becuse its none of my business) but she has 14 kids no job, no b/f or husband, lives with her parents in a 3 bedroom house, went bankrupt last year,and this is not the first time she went through invitro to have kids even though she has no way to support them, I think CPS will take those babies away from her pretty soon, she is a selfish person. she is one of those people who just abuse the welfare system and make people who actualy need it look bad, i mean yea she needs it in a sense but she had more babies despite the fact she cant take care of them, i mean how the hell can she afford invitro when she dosent

    have a job?

    not to mention she is not going to have enough time to give her kids the attention and effection that they need, CPS is gonna wind up comming in and taking them away from her and they are all gonna get split up and they are all gonna have seriouse emotional problems, not to mention some may have health problems

    and yes the dugger have 20 kids now but they make a crap load of money, they have a Tv show yes but the father also owns a lot of property he rents out and that wear their income comes from, if you can support you kids and give them the love and attention they deserve then fine


  • 1 decade ago

    Why because my tax dollars are supporting her and her 14 kids? Or because the media made her out to be some kind of celebrity?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


    The mother of that woman was interviewed saying she's baby-obsessed and that she didn't support her decision at all. Basically this woman is psycho and should not be allowed to have ANY kids.

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