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  • What to cover a cement floor with to prevent moisture?

    Hello all, I have a building behind my home and my son wants to make it into an apartment, It was an apartment once long ago, the problem is, it is all cement flooring and the moisture caused certain areas to become moldy..I had plastic and rubber lament with carpet on top any suggestions on how to cover cement floors and what is proper that can help to eliminate moisture? I prefer carpet for warmth but any ideas?

    7 AnswersDecorating & Remodeling1 decade ago
  • Is anyone else feeling angry about that women who gave birth to 8 children?

    I have read this and realizing all that you read may not be true that this women has 6 kids is un married , does not work, and does not support the 6 she has plus she lives with her father. Does is make anyone else angry that we now have the obligation to support someone who uses no common sense?

    29 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Anyone who has been adopted ...?

    I am not sure where to start other than to say that people who have been adopted seem so hostile about having another family, I read on here allot and when I read a question about support for the adoptive parents people seemed hostile in many cases. Is this because the children are not getting enough support emotionally also? I would think from this end that a child would be happy to have there room and a family and that comfort of belonging but there is much more to this and I want feedback please. Thank-you to all who share.

    12 AnswersAdoption1 decade ago
  • Does anyone else feel this election was bought?

    I live in PA and they are saying that Obama has taken it. It makes me wonder if money is what buys an election! Obama spent easy triple times more in this election! I am worried that people did not vote on the policies, they voted against Bush who was not even running!

    5 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Has anyone seen this?byb?

    I am wondering if anyone who wonders why we do not seem to like BYB has seen this? This is not new.3 types of dogs were involved.

    Please read the article, It will help people understand what happens in back yard breeding when money is the issue and not the dogs health.

    2 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • anyone from calif seen this one?

    If anyone asks about puppy mills here is a close up for you..Maybe some will understand more of why we do not like BYB ..

    8 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Sleeping problems?

    Hello, I am a middle aged(50) yr old female. I am slightly overweight but healthy person. I work about 36 hrs a week at one job and 4-6 at another. I am not depressed but I am so tired I just want to sleep to much. I will sleep for 8 hours be up doing something for 3-4 and If I go back to sleep sound for like 2 hours at a time. Sometimes in the eve we will sit down to watch TV and next thing I know I wake up just in time to get ready for bed! I eat healthy enough and last year had a complete and healthy blood work. I get so tired I shake..What could be up with this?

    2 AnswersOther - Diseases1 decade ago
  • My dog has lumps...Please help?

    I just found out my 9 yr old German Shepherd has hard lumps under her skin (feels like rocks) it is in around her mammary gland by rear leg. I suspect it is cancer maybe I called the vet. Anyway my vet won't be in until July assistant sugested that I wait the week for him instead of another vet that is filling in because he is a better surgeon and she will have to have surgery. Question is this has anyone had this happpen and it wasn't cancerous? I am heartsick!

    6 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Long tailed dog injuring itself?

    This large dog wags it's tail with such force it splatters blood everywhere! The vet says it is to old to remove tail..wrapping it hasn't worked. he eats it or it just comes off from the wagging..any help would be appreciated.

    2 AnswersDogs1 decade ago