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Anonymous asked in Politics & GovernmentOther - Politics & Government · 1 decade ago

What is your definition of our political parties, Democratic and Republican/?

Democrat: A party that looks out for the middle class, people that care for their fellow citizens.

Republicans: A party that looks out for the wealthy and big business, and if the middle class gets trickled on fine, if not, fine. To me, with Republicans there are two classes of people, Republicans, and those that work for them.

Kind of like in the days of Kings and Queens, the upper class, and the pheasants.


Susan, shhhhh, your the only one that noticed. Ha,Ha

Update 2:

Susan, shhhhh, your the only one that noticed. Ha,Ha

12 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Democrats: A party that seeks to make government the solution to every problem, has no problem crippling business to promote it's dubious economic and environmental policies, embraces extreme issues, blaming America first, and deliberately promotes class warfare.

    Republicans: Socially conservative, pro-business, less taxes, yet it is no longer the party of smaller government.

  • 1 decade ago

    If the republicans are all rich then how come the wealthiest areas always vote democrat and the poorer rural areas vote republican. the Democrats tax the hell out of the businesses and wealthy, yet the problem with that is that most people dont work for poor people. you raise taxes on the rich they will just lay off workers to get back the money lost. the democrats come up with obscene policies and make businesses follow them and put huge polution restrictions on business which causes them to leave the U.S. and go to another country like mexico or china. the Dems support Unions which drive the costs of products way up and hurt profits, and guess what that causes business to leave the country for more friendly territories over seas and results in layoffs here.

    Im not giving the republicans a free pass either. they lost a huge number of conservative votes because they wouldnt do anything about all the illegals in the country and hurt them in the election. also republicans will challenge other republicans when they think they are wrong on something and hold them accountable. the liberals deny everything and refuse to admit any mistakes. clinton could do no wrong yet he sold china the missile technology they needed to launch a missile capable of reaching the U.S. and when the FBI started to investigate the issue about chinese contributions to his administration he put new policies in play that prevented the FBI and CIA from communicating which we all know didnt help matters on 911, all so they couldnt effectively investigate him. not to mention the people murdered at ruby ridge and waco. why dont you open your eyes and actually do some thinking about what is really going on out there.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    The Democratic Unionists are a royalist party in Northern Ireland who oppose the reunification of Ireland. 'Unionist' in their case means they are in in favour keeping Northern Ireland part of the 'union' of Great Britain and Northern Ireland which makes up the UK Sinn Fein, who are in favour of Irish reunification and operate from a left-wing platform (whereas the DU's are very populist) and are as such diametrically opposed to the DUP. The Scottish National Party are nationalists in the sense that they dislike Scotland being a part of the UK or Great Britain and want their own independence. The rest of the party's policies are pretty left-of-centre The Labour Party are a former socialist party that traditionally courts the working class/blue collar vote, before they were radically reformed by Tony Blair to fall more in line with Bill Clinton's Third Way ideology. They've taken on a surprisingly authoritarian streak in recent years. They introduced a DNA register, innumerable CCTV cameras and attempted to introduce ID cards. The Conservative Party is fairly self-explanatory. Generally pro-monarchy, pro-family values and in favour of low taxation and spending and especially privatisation, particularly since the Thatcher era. They don't really attack secularism or gay rights like the US Republican Party does, even if they are still slightly more pro-religious. Another difference is that the British Conservative Party is more radical on public sector reforms and administrative overhauls than anybody would traditionally think of as a conservative (who naturally distrust change). The Liberal Democrats have a slightly more complicated history. The third most popular party in British politics (after Labour and Conservatives) was always the Liberal Party. They hadn't been in power since the 1920's, but formed an alliance in the early 1980's with the Social Democratic Party who comprised of defectors from the right of the Labour Party. They formed the SDP-Liberal Alliance and eventually rebranded themselves the Liberal Democrats. The policies are socially liberal in the tradition of William Beveridge.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    They're both the same to me. For centuries, we have had either a Democrat in the White House or a Republican, and look where this country is today. What does that tell you about both parties? Sure, Democrats may "claim" to care, but what a rich politician says to gain power is completely different from what they'll actually do. Same goes for Republicans which, on the federal level, are basically just a bunch of neocons these days.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Democrat: Hypocritical liars, claim to care about other, but everything they do is just to protect their government jobs. Those that are not in politics, have been convinced by those that are that they are victims or they are just ignorant. Never taken an economics class.

    Republicans: Care about freedom, understand basic economics, can't elect a true representative of them. Probably all real republicans are too busy working to get involved with politics.

  • 1 decade ago

    Democrat: A party that wants to be in power.

    Republicans: A party that wants to be in power.

    To hell with both of them.

    [edit] PS: I noticed, but I let it slide because correcting people's spelling and grammar would be a full time job around here.

  • 1 decade ago

    Republican: An individual that works for a living, whether he forms his own company and hires others or is an empployee of one that has a company, puts in his time, collects a pay check and tries to raise a family based on it.

    Democrat; One that want what Republicans have and not work for it. one that sits on his butt and waits for the tax collector to give him his "Fair Share".

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Democrats are destroying the middle class.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Democrats: Rich elites who claim to care, but don't.

    Republicans: Rich who do not put up the front of claiming to care.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Before you were born, Christianity was the norm and the masses were strongly righteous and moral.

    With such a clean-cut society, prostitution, gambling, drinking and drugs wasn't as profitable as the mobsters wanted it to be. So they began to form "Unions" and used the enticement of a "job" in exchange for political activism. Their biggest opponents were the Churches. Now they had a "Union Congregation" to battle the Churches and loosen the morals of the public by any means they could. They worked to ban censorship and loosen the FCC Regulations to stimulate their audiences with sexual temptations and glorified drug/alcohol use.

    Before there was television, it was the radio broadcasting that captured America. The mobsters organized musicians unions and got bands and singers work with their "Play for Pay" schemes with local D.J.'s and radio stations. The Songwriters Union wrote songs of rebellion, sexual permissiveness, obscenity and vulgarities.

    Soon AFTRA (American Federation of Television and Radio Artists and SAG (Screen Actor Guild) unions fought the Churches by making movies ridiculing religion and making sexually risque' films so they could tempt more viewers and make MONEY from legal films and illegal prostitution, drugs, and at one time alcohol and tobacco.

    Knowing that Republicans took the high moral ground, the unions became politically active as well, therefore the unions or "Democrats" fought the Republican high moral ground by using influential Actors and popular Musicians, songs, TV and Hollywood Unions (Including the NWU National Writers Unions which controlled newspapers, magazines, publishing houses, textbooks, screenplays, comedians, media of all types.

    Today the Pay for Play was recently the cause of Blagojevich (Chicago Mayor) being prosecuted by the FBI. He's one of the few that got caught. Judges, Politicans, City Councils etc. are all financed by this massive network of unions that are used to control the money being fed to the mafia. Congress feeds them through earmarks (pork barrel). Judges feed them with their decisions (Roe Vs. Wade), (Eminent Domain) and City Councils the their Gov't projects (Casinos, horse racing, Contractors, Public Works & Transportation, Public Service Announcements (our tax $ given to TV/Hollywood & Actors).

    Now, through the teachers unions they have control over our tax dollars and our children. The textbooks they read are hand picked by the Unions, many of which are pro communist atheistst that have been the cause of student protests and degeneracy of morals.

    FROM "45 Goals of Communists in America" 1963 (Library of Congress)


    5. Capture one or both of the political parties in the United States.

    17. Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for socialism and current Communist propaganda. Get control of teachers' associations. Put the party line in textbooks.

    19. Use student riots to foment public protests against programs or organizations which are under Communist attack.

    20. Infiltrate the press. Gain control of all student newspapers.

    21. Gain control of key positions in radio, TV, and motion pictures.

    24. Eliminate all laws governing obscenity by calling them "censorship" and a violation of free speech and free press.

     25. Break down cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography and obscenity in books, magazines, motion pictures, radio, and TV.

     26. Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as "normal, natural, healthy."

     27. Infiltrate the churches and replace revealed religion with "social" religion. Discredit the Bible and emphasize the need for intellectual maturity, which does not need a "religious crutch."

     28. Eliminate prayer or any phase of religious expression in the schools on the ground that it violates the principle of "separation of church and state."

    As you can see - they have accomplished their goals.

    Source(s): 40 Techniques of the Illuminati The Illuminati (New World Order) of our Government use these same techniques. The Illuminati has often been referred to as practicing "Satanists". Ken Klein "Cracking the Prophesy Code" (Revelations)-This site names the "Beast" "666" by name The Marketing of Evil by David Kupelian It's often said that marketing is warfare, and in 'The Marketing of Evil, reveals the stunning strategies and tactics of persuasion employed by those engaged in an all-out war against America's Judeo-Christian culture. The ACLU's founder was a communist bent on uprooting American democracy. The goals of the ACLU were clear from the group’s founding, as indicated by the writings of its founder, Roger Baldwin: “I am for socialism, disarmament, and ultimately for abolishing the state itself as an instrument of violence and compulsion. I seek social ownership of property, the abolition of the propertied class… Communism is the goal.” The search for Hollywood communists was not a hysterical witch-hunt. There were real communists in Hollywood (as numerous reports, such as Kenneth Lloyd Billingsley's recent book, Hollywood Party) Communism in American Unions by David J. Saposs saposs.jsp - Academic Freedom and Communist Teachers communist-teachers---br-critique-of-a-re... International Teachers Associations -A large majority of teachers' unions and associations around the world are Communists. Associations.html AFL-CIO Union reps coordinated anarchists for Republican National Convention
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