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'What would happen if the U.S. won a war but the media didn't tell the American public?

That's the question asked by The Investor's Business Daily editorial board in the London Sunday Times. it appears that we (the USA) won a major battle over Al Queada in Iraq and our news services didn't consider it news worthy to print or tell us about it.

The real question is Why do we have to hear about this from a London paper?


London times reported this as being over in summer of 08. That explains why it wasn't reported here. it would have made the right look good and our news sources couldn't have that.

22 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    We were also barely told about the hugely successful elections at the beginning of the week. To do so would have proven that the Bush Administration was, in fact, not evil.

    The liberal media is too busy pushing their secular-progressive (read: Humanist) drivel onto an unknowing or uncaring populace to worry about little things like reporting both sides of any story.

  • 1 decade ago

    The same thing that has happened in every battle , skirmish , or war that the USA has ever been a part of, that is the press is going to print what they want to , when they want to , and where they want to regardless of truth or lies . The press goes totally with the most money that they can receive . In Viet Nam we let Jane Fonda run all over the country actually taking part in the killing of American troops when she double crossed them in a Vietnamese POW camp that she was visiting .

    She had her picture taken on a Vietnamese gun emplacement , but would the media criticize her or the SDS , no way . She was a Hollywood idol . To the Vietnam vets she was called the Hanoi whore because she made ads for them telling Americans to go home and quit killing babies and innocent civilians . The press is all about whatever sells and who they can get on their side regardless of the situation .

  • L.T.M.
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Here's an interesting comment that was posted under the article...

    i wish the US army well in their endeavours. As I do the Iraqi Army.

    I have always wanted to be proved wrong on Iraq. Maybe I finally am?

    tony, Birmingham, UK

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    the real problem is... the government has had 50 different "objectives" and "reasons why we're in Iraq"... and say every other day that we're "winning" this and that... we've "won" something about every week...

    remember what a HUGE deal was made out of "mission accomplished"...

    you say the sky is falling every day...soon, people stop listening...

    it's hard to say you've won anything... when you keep moving the meaning of what "win" is...

    the other issue is... it's hard to tell how much we are winning or have won...

    these are terrorists... they don't capture territory... they just hit and move... anything you say about them is heavily debatable as facts are hard to come by...

    those troop numbers are EXTREMELY debatable... and most of those probably weren't actually al-queda but just local insurgent groups that had similar goals...

    it's very unconventional warfare and the best you can do is "our sources say maybe"... which sounds kind of like a magic 8 ball...

    and the media doesn't like reporting just "conjecture"...

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  • 4 years ago

    properly pronounced. i'm vote casting Obama for lots of the excuses you indexed. as properly: Obama needs to repeal the militia's "do no longer ask do no longer tell" coverage and prepare human beings to settle for one yet another. McCain will shop it in place as a results of fact all his conflict mongering generals say it is working , so why no longer suppress the homosexual human beings, after all they do no longer seem to be equivalent! Obama will combat to maintain Roe V Wade and enhance coaching on prevention and different thoughts. McCain (properly particularly Palin) elect Roe V Wade reversed. There is going your rights to settle on what you do together with your physique! Obama needs our little ones to have incentive to grant returned to the community and could help them have adequate funds college. great thank you to construct accountability and make the united states of a a greater worrying place. McCain needs our little ones to pass to conflict and whilst they return "in simple terms enable them to grow to be instructors with out having to get a level and certifications" (He pronounced this in the final debate!) Obama will cut back taxes for ninety 5% of working relatives and confirm that each and one and all little ones have healthcare. Mc Cain will, properly gee i'm no longer likely optimistic what he will do. proceed to smear democrats and reason branch and hostility between the plenty. possibly yet another a hundred years in Iraq. No thank you! Obama 2008

  • 1 decade ago

    You mean the fact that the Propaganda Arm of the Democrats is already doing this? Meaning that they choose to ONLY report bad things? BTW... Thomas Jefferson said "Democracy is one step from Mob rule, where 51% take away rights from the other 49%" When will you sheep ever get it? We were not set up as a Democracy, our founding fathers set the US up as a REPUBLIC governed by LAWS, not by Majority Votes. = /


  • 1 decade ago

    I trust the media about as far as I could throw them.

    They don't want us to win this fight because their anti-American hating Communists who want to see us destroyed.

    Too bad for them their too stupid to realize that if America falls they will too because Communism isn't exactly a walk in the park once the Government completely takes over your life like in China and North Korea.

  • 1 decade ago

    This is because main media sources, like TV and newspaper, are controlled by Dems, who do not want to see the war be won. Also, they wish to construe the war as one where we're killing innocent civilians recklessly to no cause. We are winning the war like mad, and we are not killing more civilians than in any other war. Also, they are trying to make President Bush (for some reason nobody calls him "President," thanks dems) look bad.

  • 1 decade ago

    There should be no question that we have a qualified success in Iraq. The Left is upset because they were hoping our soldiers died for nothing.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Why does this matter? Iraq is over, we have moved on to more better things now. Fox news reported it because they are a supporter of Bush, and they think winning a "battle" in Iraq is somehow a big deal.

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