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.......... asked in PetsBirds · 1 decade ago

My daughter's parakeet is very weak and hanging out on the bottom of his cage....?

He seemed fine, singing and eating last night, but this morning he's very wobbly and acting strange....does anyone know what may have caused the change, and if so...what can we do for him?


Thank you all...In normal circumstances I would have him in the vet already, but we had a snow storm last night and can't even get up the driveway (live in mountains). The temp did drop drastically overnight, but my daughter had set his cage close to a heater vent away from walls and windows.

10 Answers

  • Beth P
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    This is a sign of very bad illness in a bird when they are weak and go to bottom of cage. Usually close to death. Anything new in the birds enviorment? Teflon pans overheating? Self cleaning ovens, fumes from exhaust , candles, heaters with teflon coatings, aerasols, paints, sounds like something inhaled to me off hand. also did he eat anything different in last day? Severe temp changes can cause illness but I would not suspect to see this change so fast. I would keep warm by placing a heating pad under the outside bottom of the cage and cover cage half way. if anything different was used in home then move to another area. put food and water down low for the bird. get to avian vet asap when can. And for the person who replied that a $2.00 bird was not worth paying $75.00 dollars for at the vet you obviously do not value much and have never deeply loved a animal. It does not matter how big or small how cheap or expensive it is a life and all life has meaning and should not have a price tag put on it. And get the facts right as average price for Parakeet is not $2.00 but about $12.00 to $20.00. Anthing you love you cannot put a price tag on. Shame on you for even making a comment like that.

    Source(s): wildlife rehabber and bird owner.
  • 1 decade ago

    Ms. Bell and the others who said to go to the vet are probably right. I understand about snowstorms, however. If you have a desk lamp with a 40-60 watt incandescent (the cfl's don't generate any heat) bulb you might set that near him and let the heat and light from the bulb warm him. Cover his cage halfway and shine the light on the cover if you're worried about him getting too hot. Alternatively, you might use a heating pad or an electric blanket if you have either of those in the house. I prefer to cover the heating pad in a bath towel to diffuse the heat some. Offer him millet seeds if you have any. If he normally goes crazy for millet and doesn't this time, you'll know for sure he's really sick. I have seen just heat and light and a little tlc do amazing things for the little ones.

    I don't want to alarm you, but how is the house heated? Is it all electric or is it natural gas. If it's gas you might want to move him away from the vent--the tiniest trace of gas would harm him. (That's why they used to take canaries into coal mines--the birds would die before the concentration of gas would harm the men.)

    Best of luck to you.

    Source(s): Grew up in coal country--as long as the birds are singing, everything is fine. Look at
  • 1 decade ago

    He may have caught a cold or gotten a draft. Was there a drop in temperature that you know of? Is he next to a window? If his feet are cold, put his cage half way over a heating pad, but leave half off in case it gets too warm. Don't make it too hot for him. Hope this helps! If it doesn't, take him to the vet!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Get your parakeet to a vet ASAP. He is very ill. Birds tend to hide their illnesses until it's too late. They can go downhill fast. That's good you are keeping him warm. Just make sure he doesn't get a draft from the heater vent. Drafts can cause respiratory problems in pet birds. Parakeets are precious birds and worth taking to the vet.

    Source(s): Owned parakeets and finches for 15 years
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  • 1 decade ago

    Take him to a vet, preferably an avian vet. Birds as a survival mechanism will hide symptoms of illness as long as they can. Or your parakeet may have broken a leg to toe. Whatever the reason, get it to a vet.

  • 1 decade ago

    He's on the bottom of the cage doing what? Eating? If it's eating that's fine... But, right before mine died... It would stay on the bottom of the cage and just lay there or sit there... I'd see a vet.

    Source(s): >.< I miss my birdie
  • 1 decade ago

    TAKE HIM TO THE VET HE COULD DIE THAT IS WHAT HAPPENED TO MY BIRDIE.sorry for the caps I didn't know it was on but take him to the vet

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Do you also have a cat? If so, just open the door and he will know what to do for the bird.

    Who takes a $2.00 parakeet to a $75.00/hr vet? What are you people thinking?

    All creatures great and small eventually pass away.

    Get a grip.

  • 1 decade ago

    OKAY, your parrot is probley very sick. see if it has any cuts. you should go to you vet very quickly. it might have a broken bone.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    he's probably pining for the ffjords.

    Source(s): sorry.
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