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data2link asked in Society & CultureEtiquette · 1 decade ago

Why do you answer the way you do?

I have been on here for awhile now, and I notice that many people will give an answer to the question- and a correct answer at that, then ten more people will give the exact same answer! Why not just give the correct person a thumbs up? I'm not talking about opinion questions- I'm talking about those who are asking for specific help- the "How do I do this?" questions. Is this bugging anybody else? I just gotta know I'm not alone!


I understand thta you never know how many will be answering at the same time- that happens to me alot! I'm not saying there should be a thumbs up war between answers. And like I mentioned- I'm not talking about voicing your opinion- even if its the same as someone elses. I'm talking about giveing a definate answer to a question, as was brought out by the person who spoke about the title of a song and 38 people reply- 38 people really posting the answer at the same time? 3 or 4 maybe I can see- but not more. I guess I wasn't specific enough in my question. :)

12 Answers

  • janet
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I often answer a question and think I am the first one to answer. By the time I am finished and submit the answer, there are often 5 or 6 answers already!!!

    So, that is probably why. In fact, one guy edited his answer and typed in "dang, I need to learn to type faster". He probably thought he'd be the first answer.

    In fact, it looked as though I was going to be your first answer -- let's see -------

    EDIT: Well, I am your first answer. Hopefully you'll get a few more.

  • 1 decade ago

    Ah! I know what you mean. When someone asks the question, "what's the name of this song?" and 38 people give them same answer - that's kind of annoying. The people above me had it right, a lot of those answers are probably because a whole bunch of people were answering the question at the same time. Plus, I think if someone knows the answer, even if people have already answered it 38 times, they'll answer again anyway just for the 2 points.

    What really bugs me is when people answer a question by saying "idk sorry". I know they probably just want the two points, but I wish there was button you could press (besides the 'Report' button) that gets rid of extremely unhelpful answers, such as those. Ugh.

  • 1 decade ago

    I asked a question a while back about whether people read the other answers before providing their own response. For the most part they don't. It's mostly because I think they don't want what another person said to influence their initial reaction to the situation. That's how you get more honest answers. Of course, there's nothing stopping them from altering their response if they see an answer that moves them differently. After I answer a question with my thoughts, I will go and provide TU or TD based on the content and quality of other answers.

    Hope that helps.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    No, it's not bugging me at all. Sometimes 5-10-15 people are on here answering a question at the same time. Shoot, for all I know someone else could be saying the exact same thing as me right this second. Guess I won't know till I hit "submit," huh? And even then I won't feel bad about it. I'll just keep sippin' my coffee and answer something else.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You're being unfair. I can start an answer, and be the first, but by the time I finish and press submit there are already 3 or 4 answers there. I don't get to see those answers until I press submit. If a question shows there are answers then I don't go there . You have a choice: forgive me or teach me to type fast.

  • 1 decade ago

    It depends. Sometimes, questions are answered so quickly, that it appears everyone has copied the first answer, or that people assume they are the first to answer and there is a string of answers in front of them.

    Also, thumbs up don't really provide validity to an answer in all cases. I tend to give thumbs up if an answer is good and explains itself. However, if I feel I can contribute something extra, I will answer the question again, providing the extra information in my answer.

  • Sniper
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    It is because everyone wants to win. No one wants to come in last. People try to be the first to answer a question so they end up not answering the question in the best way, but in the most COMMON way, which may or may not necessarily be correct.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Some people are slow typists. By the time that you post your answer, ten other people did so as well, and you didn't know that they were answering too, as everyone submitted their answers at almost the same time.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You're right-that is annoying, esp. for the person who gave the correct answer to begin with! I think sometimes two people are just answering at the same time and happen to have the correct answer, but a lot of the time they just want to appear correct, go through the answers, find one that sounds right, and reword it.

  • 1 decade ago

    1.well,id have to agree with the first dude who answered coz it happens to me alot.

    2.i dont usually read the answers,i just read the question n answer it right away.

    3.i dont just follow the crowds,its not me so i hate just giving thumbs up,id rather voice my own opinion even if it matches some1 else's..

    Hope im the 1st one who gave this answer ;)

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