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How can I find information on a prison inmate?

I want to know when this creep is getting out so I can be prepared to protect myself. He is in an Arizona State Prison, in Florence, I believe. How can I find out his release date?


Thanks all of you for trying to help. I already tried googling and went to about 60 different sites, including the first suggested one and none will give me any info. Many just say "Web page cannot be displayed" as though they have now taken all information for public use. I was hoping someone knew of a definite way because I have tried for months now, hours at a time with no luck.

6 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Here is the link to the Arizona Department of Corrections web page where you will find the Inmate Database.

    Plug in the first and last name and you will be on your way!

    Source(s): Arizona dept of corrections
  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Get a No Cost Background Check Scan at

    Its a sensible way to start. The site allows you to do a no cost scan simply to find out if any sort of data is in existence. A smaller analysis is done without cost. To get a detailed report its a modest payment.

    You may not realize how many good reasons there are to try and find out more about the people around you. After all, whether you're talking about new friends, employees, doctors, caretakers for elderly family members, or even significant others, you, as a citizen, have a right to know whether the people you surround yourself with are who they say they are. This goes double in any situation that involves your children, which not only includes teachers and babysitters, but also scout masters, little league coaches and others. Bottom line, if you want to find out more about someone, you should perform a background check.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    My wager, and that's in undemanding words a large gamble, is that orange sticks out like a bounce thumb if the guy escapes and is working down the line or indoors the process the woods. 2nd question, in all probability penal complicated government.

  • 1 decade ago

    type in arizona's real easy.should say something like inmate search.type in the name . let me know if ya find it.


    Source(s): iv'e done it lots of times.
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  • 1 decade ago

    The site of Department of corrections add your state and you can find out anyones E.O.S. date.(End of Sentence)

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
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